Step 1. Have a mother who sees a party hat in a “little shop” while visiting Florida who then decides to buy said hat for her daughter, not because her daughter will necessarily wear the hat with the tacky margarita print and red feathers, but because her daughter will take apart the $40 hat, then lie to her mother about taking apart the hat (how else am I suppose to figure it out?) and then proceed to make party hats for every stinkin family member, friend, and/or anyone requiring a hat who is having a birthday/baby/hernia operation in the year 2009.
Step 2. Trace out party hat shape (1/4 of a circle) onto white poster board.
Step 3. Trace out a second party hat shape on poster board…only slightly larger (maybe 1″) for the fabric….write “fabric template” on this one….
Step 4. Place “fabric template” piece on suitable cotton fabric and cut out the fabric.
Step 6. Tape party hat end together with giant tape.

Go outside and say hello to the chickens. Wonder if they are getting too plump and think to yourself, hmm, maybe I should make some chicken pot pies instead of having to go outside and collect eggs all winter long. Get distracted for 6 hours then come back inside and continue working on party hat.
Step 8. Staple (2) 18″ ribbons one at each end of the party hat.
Step 9. Hot glue some sort of ribbon to the inside of the party hat to cover up ugly staples and to prevent staples from cutting future party hat wearer. Because nobody wants to have blood dripping down their face while they are blowing out their candles or have to go to the ER mid party for a tetanus shot. Unless of course you are giving this hat to a hernia patient who is already in the ER and they look like they might enjoy a tetanus shot, then by all means don’t cover the staples.
Step 10. Hot glue a feather boa around the base of the party hat.
Step 11. Then add a little bit of feather boa at the top. You might also want to add some “flair” to the top as well.
Step 12. Ask yourself do I want to make this person a matching party horn to go with this hat? If you do, why then add a little more feather boa to said party horn.
Now how easy was that?
mamasminutia says
It IS easy—I can attest to this. ESPECIALLY when all the necessary supplies show up at your door, along with the hat-making instructor.
Robin from the Roost says
Very cool!!! Thanks for the directions.
Robin from the Roost