I must admit I never knew what to do with Quinoa until now. About a year and a half ago I bought bag at Costco for around $10. Tried it once plain, zipped the bag shut, and stuffed it in the back of the pantry. I didn’t get it. I didn’t understand why my neighbors were suddenly buying it and going on and on about it. It didn’t taste like anything.
But now I get it.
You have to add other ingredients to it and then poof, magic happens.
Let me just say this, the next time you have to go to a pot luck, bring this. The next time you want your husband to buy you a pair of Ugg boots because you accidentally tore a hole in yours with a shovel {we won’t even go into the part about you shouldn’t be wearing Uggs in the garden anyway}, make this.
The next time you want to eat, make this.
Because Quinoa Salad will make you {and everyone else around you} happy.
Trust me.
How to Make Quinoa Salad
- Yield: 4 1x
- Category: Salad
- Cuisine: Mediterranean
- 2 cups Quinoa
- 4 cups Chicken stock
- 4 oz Feta cheese crumbles
- 15 oz Can S & W Jalapeno Black Beans (, rinsed and drained)
- 15 oz Canned Sweet Corn (, rinsed and drained)
- 1 cup Spinach (, chopped)
- 1/2 Red onion (, diced)
- 1/2 cup Lime juice {2 Limes}
- 3 tablespoons Red wine vinegar
- 1/4 cup Olive Oil
- 1 tablespoon Cumin
- Salt and Pepper to taste
- Place the quinoa and chicken stock in a rice cooker, turn it on and cook.
- While the rice is cooking mix the dressing ingredients together and set aside.
- In a large bowl combined the black beans, corn, spinach and red onion.
- When the quinoa is finished cooking and has cooled down, combine it with the black bean mixture, add dressing and toss.
- Serve in a nice big fat bowl and dig in!
This has been adapted from Heather’s yummy recipe over at Queen Bee Coupons.
Looking for more recipes featuring Quinoa? Amazon currently has Quinoa 365: The Everyday Superfood By Patricia Green on sale right now for $15.42.
Gwen says
Love, Love, Love Quinoa! I usually just boil it with black pepper and a bouillon cube and call it good. This recipe is much better :). I too bought my Quinoa from Costco at 1st but found that buying it in bulk at Freddy’s or Winco is much cheaper. Thanks once again for a great recipe.
You Can Call Me Jane says
I think I have almost all these ingredients. I might be trying this this weekend-thanks!
Mavis says
Oh you better. It is lock your self in the closet and eat the whole bowl good!
Robin in SoCal says
I will try this recipe soon. I use quinoa to make stir fried “rice” it is delish.
Mavis says
Gee thanks Robin, now I’m going to have to make it. 😉 We love fried rice around here.
sena c says
I combine cilantro, tomatoes, spinich and green onion with quinoa, and then add some lemon juice. It is my lunch at least 3 times a week, and I don’t get sick of it. It is packed with protein so I don’t want to snack after lunch. It is my new crack 🙂
Mavis says
Quinoa Crack! Sweet. 😉
Angela says
I have some quinoa lurking in my pantry, but I never know what to do with it. This looks super yummy!! Definitely giving it a try!
On another note, I subscribe to your daily email updates but haven’t been getting them for the past few days…I know I’m signed up because I thought I would re-enter my email addy and it said I was signed up already. Any ideas?
Mavis says
Thanks Angela, I’ll take a look and get back to you. 🙂
Jennifer Jo says
That’s a gorgeous photo of the limes. It could be framed and put on the wall in a retro kitchen.
Mavis says
Thank you JJ
Heather says
I agree. I LOVE.
Kathy says
Recently discovered quinoa myself! If you like cilantro, add it to the mix…yum! What I like about quinoa, besides the fact that it is a whole protein all by itself and is fun to say, is that you can eat it cold or hot. It’s good either way.
Mavis says
It is fun to say! Although I must admit I was pronouncing it wrong and was corrected yesterday. LOL…
Kathy says
“keen-whah”…I was corrected by a friend too!
jody says
how many does this recipe feed?
Mavis says
Main Dish 8, Side side 12 🙂
But, in my house, this stuff is gone within 48 hours.
Lexi Granberg says
What do you do if you don’t have a rice cooker?
Mavis says
1 cup quinoa, 2 cups chicken broth or water. Bring it to a boil in a sauce pan and reduce heat to simmer. Cook 15 minutes. Remove from heat and fluff. 🙂
Linda says
I am new to your blog and I just wanted to share that this recipe is amazing!! I’m completely obsessed. Thank you a million times! Can’t wait to explore your blog some more! 🙂
Mavis says
Thanks Linda! 🙂 It’s one of my favorites too. 🙂
Kirby says
I use quinoa to replace ground meat in a lot of recipes! I make quinoa cabbage rolls, quinoa chili, quinoa tacos, the list goes on!
Jolene Oligney says
Is this suppose to be eaten hot or cold?
Mavis Butterfield says
However you like it. I like mine cold though.
Mavis Tayler says
From one Mavis to another,this look wonderful. I need to buy some quinoa.
Jen says
Am I the only one who has had problems with quinoa in the rice cooker??? I made some wild rice & quinoa mix (from Costco!) in the rice maker one time, & that was a “bleep!” to clean up!!! Is there a trick to it??
I just made Alison Sweeney’s recipe from “SELF” magazine & absolutely LOVED it! I just added zucchini for a little bit of crunch. 🙂 But now seeing cilantro suggestions, I think i will be throwing that in there too. But this one looks incredibly yummy too!!! Next on my list!!!
debbie says
I did this except didn’t use corn and used olive oil and red wine vinegar, added some cilantro, black beans and garbanzo beans and the rest same as yours, it is amazing 🙂
Jared Roper says
Pretty good but kind of sour for my taste. I added some of the quinoa mixture to chopped romaine and a dash of Olive Garden dressing and that was AWESOME!
Talula says
This recipe looks delicious. I love quinoa and recipes so delicious that the kids won’t notice the veggies and pick them out. 🙂
Anyway, I’ve never cooked quinoa in a rice cooker (i always use a pot on the stove). Can I cook the quinoa w/o the rice cooker? If not, how llong does it take quinoa to cook in a rice cooker? Is it the same amount of time as rice? Thanks!
Mavis Butterfield says
If you do not have a rice cooker, simply add the grains and broth in a saucepan, bring it to a boil and then reduce the heat to a simmer. Cook covered until the liquid has been absorbed and grains are tender {about 20 minutes}.
Yes, it takes the same about of time in a rice cooker as does regular rice. 🙂
Tiffany says
LOVE this recipe! It even tastes great the next day which is awesome since this yields a lot. I make it least once a week. Thanks for sharing!!
Mavis says
So glad you like it. We eat the heck out of it here, too!
Bea says
Mavis, I found your receipt a few weeks ago, yesterday a found the actual product “Quinoa”, can’t wait to cook it, try it, and enjoy it, I’m trying to have my immediate family switch from pasta to this (they are not big rice eaters either). Hopefully I can try a simple side dish to a main dish in the future. Thank you in advance.
Karen smith says
Can’t wait to try this recipe. I have never seen those black beans. Only just plain black beans. Any ideas. I use quinoa in baking a lot.
Mavis Butterfield says
I think they may be referred to as turtle beans in the bulk foods section.