How To Make An Edible Arrangement — {Edible arrangements are really easy to make and are so much nicer than flowers}.
First, find a suitable container.
Stuff green floral foam into the container and secure it in place (I used rocks)
Prepare your fruit
(Be sure your melons are ripe with these tips)
To make melon spears simply slice the melon in half, then into 8 – 10 sections. Cut off the rind and trim the guts.
Do the same with the honey melon.
Spear your fruit with bamboo skewers.
Wash the strawberries and lay them on a towel to dry.
Skew the grapes.
Originally I had The Handsome Husband trim the sides of the pineapple but then we figured out it was completely unnecessary. Instead we used a flower cookie cutter (borrowed from my neighbor Girly Girl).
Use a melon ball cutter thing to cut half circles out of the extra cantaloupe.
Place some floral foam in an extra container and secure it in place. You’ll need this for the fruit you intend to dip in chocolate…

Dip the fruit in chocolate.
I used dipping chocolate that I found at the grocery store in the produce section. I practiced on the ‘not-so-perfect’ fruit first. Dipping bananas proved difficult. I think they were too moist.
We also dipped the apple slices in white chocolate.
And a few marshmallows. The Girl Who Thinks She’s Bird added a few sprinkles for a festive look.
You don’t want to lay your chocolate-dipped creations on a flat surface because you’ll have flat spots… This is why you need a second container.
After I had assembled all the fruit on skewers, I stuffed the bottom with kale.
I also realized that I needed to raise the center of the bouquet. So I built up the center with extra floral foam.
When I ran out of skewers I started to fill the top of the container with kale leaves… and also added a few leaves here and there in the center to hide any exposed skewers.
And that was it!
A helpful serving tip: Place a tall glass next to the fruit bouquet for the fruitless skewers.
Here’s what I bought
2 Pineapples $1.98
2 Cantaloupes $4.40
1 Honey Dew Melon $3.47
4 Apples FREE
4 Bananas .68 cents
4lbs. Grapes $6.99
2lbs. Strawberries $7.98 (Major Rip-Off!)
Bamboo Skewers $1.49
Green Floral Foam $1.50
$28.49 (quite a deal compared to the EA’s you have to order!)
I made a few mistakes, like I only needed 1 pineapple, and 1 cantaloupe {not 2 each}. I also only needed 1lb of the strawberries, 1/2 of the grapes, and the bananas were a no-go.
Also, I forgot I needed kale. So the poor Handsome Husband had to run to the store for me rather early on Christmas Eve. Oops!
So there you have it — How to make an edible arrangement. 🙂
Mike says
I like it! What could be better than a nutritious delicious and edible decoration. Merry Christmas Mavis.
Mavis says
Merry Christmas Mike {Mr H.} and Mrs. H.
Barb C says
I love it. I have made them. They turned out beautiful. I got some good info from the post. Thanks! I like more stacked strawberries, stacked. I love the marshmallow idea.
Brittanie says
Oh my goodness, I so want to try this and bring it to my job…they’d love it! Ecspecially with me being as creative as I am, I am so sure mine will look amazing (not that yours doesn’t) 🙂
Mavis says
You can do it. It was SUPER easy! 🙂
Christopher Stoll says
For Bananas, peel them, then freeze them, you can dip them in chocolate and it hardens right away.
Jess Mercado says
The bananas can’t be to ripe, they have to be a tiny bit hard. Also, right before you dip them, you have to Pat them in a paper towel. Another thing is that if you are planning to dip fruit, you always have to have more chocolate in the container and it can’t be shallow, and the dipping has to be done in an angle. Trust me, I used to do that for a living. Doing arrangements is an art.
Kim-in-the-Cove says
I just stumbled across this today and I love it! Your comments about the container were cracking me up! I tried to make my own arrangement last week and it went OK but it didn’t look professional like yours. Thanks for the tips!
shirley says
I had a large problem thru out with the pinepples slices sliding down the skewers . Ive read everything on making these arrangements yet nothing tells me how to prevent this from happening?
Alisha says
Gumdrops can be used to keep the fruit from sliding down the skewers.
Jess Mercado says
You stick the skewers in the heart of the pineapple flowers.
Deb says
Instead of floral foam – use a head of iceberg lettuce. It can be cut to fit square or rectangular containers if need be, and it’s usually still edible at the end of the event.
Laura says
I cringed a little at the food container coming out of the loo! but this was fantastic and im inspired to try it! thank you so much for the instructions
Debbie says
I thought the same. Yuck!
Sandra says
Great instructions. Thank you. Love the gumdrop tip too, provided in the comment section, my pineapples and honeydew kept sliding down the skewers yesterday on the Easter table!
Norma says
You have to freeze banana before you dip them in chocolate thank for the great idea for Edible Arrangements I loved it
Ann says
Not ONE picture opened up for me.
Although…I WAS able to read all of the nice comments.