I first came across this recipe a few years ago in The Perfect Scoop By David Lebovitz. Basically, it is a recipe for waffle cones/cups. My family loves the sweet crispy waffle cones so much, I decided to turn them into Christmas cookies this winter instead.
12 Days Of Christmas Cookies: Pizzelle Cookies Dipped in Chocolate & Peppermints
6 egg white
21 tablespoons of sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
3/4 teaspoon salt
2 cups flour
6 tablespoons melted butter
To get started, plug-in your Pizzelle Baker and lightly spray the irons with a quick shot of cooking spray (I use Pam).
While the Pizzelle Baker is heating up, smash two candy canes in a ziplock baggie then transfer the bits of peppermint candy to a small custard dish.
When the iron is hot, use a 1 tablespoon cookie scoop to scoop batter on to the hot pizzelle iron and clamp shut.
Remove wafers from iron and carefully roll them as tight as you can.
After you have baked all your wafers, melt 6 oz of chocolate chips in a double broiler (I used Hershey’s milk chocolate chips).
Dip one end of the wafer into warm chocolate sauce and sprinkle with peppermint bits.
Let cool. Eat!
Blend ingredients one at a time and cook on a pizzelle maker.
Makes about 24 cookies (recipe credit)
Peggy says
Sounds delicious! Have you been able to justify the cost of the pizzelle maker with the amount you use it? I am thinking of asking for one for Christmas but am undecided. I love pizelles and my family loves waffle cones so it would seem like a match made in heaven but one never knows. Do you have the CucinaPro? What other accessories do you have?
Mavis says
Hi Peggy, I have owned my pizzelle maker for about 10 years. We use it all the time to make homemade mini waffle cones as well as the cookies. I actually own a Villaware pizzelle maker and was not able to find the exact same one so I went ahead and linked to one with good reviews in case anyone wanted one. 🙂
I think it is a great little gadget. 🙂
You Can Call Me Jane says
They’re beautiful!
Huey says
Those look so good.
mary says
thanks for making me NEED another gizmo! that looks so cool. I might have to ask Santa for one. RIght after the dehydrator, that fancy blender you have, and a larger kitchen!
JANE W says
I have had my pizzelle maker for close to 40 yrs!!! It’s a Rival brand and has reversible plates that are nonstick…makes it nice to have a regular waffle iron and a pizzelle maker all in one…and it’s been used plenty!!! I also have a Belgian waffler, which sits in the cupboard while this one gets lots of use…talk about unjustified purchases!!! 🙂