Sometimes I forget I have a blog. Don’t you hate blogs that don’t update on a regular basis? It’s so annoying.
Here’s my excuse for this week:
I was in a car accident. But not just ANY car accident. Because really, if there is one thing I’ve learned over the years, it’s that if you are going to do something… do it well.
I had to call the Handsome Husband at work.
Mavis: I have to tell you something and I don’t want you to freak out. I know you’re going to freak out anyway… But don’t freak out. Okay?
Handsome Husband: Okaaaaaaay. Is this good or bad.
Mavis: Bad.
Handsome Husband: ……………………
Mavis: I kinda smashed up the back of the car.
Handsome Husband: (enter bad words here)
Mavis: I’m fine… IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!
Handsome Husband: What happened?
Mavis: I was backing up that is a major red flag (I have a HUGE problem with backing up but that’s a post for another day) and I hit a pole.
Handsome Husband: (Enter more bad words here) What kind of a pole?
Mavis: Well, if you were going to a ranch, you know how they have the poles on the side of the entrance?
Handsome Husband: Okaaaay, I guess?
Mavis: Well I hit that. And then the top pole came flying off and crashed onto/into (it’s all the same at this point right?) the roof. And then my back windshield busted into a million pieces. BUT I’M O.K.
Handsome Husband: (enter more bad words) How did you do that? And why are you at a ranch at 7:30 in the morning? Where are you? I just saw you? How could you be at a ranch?
Yada, Yada, Yada…
Basically it’s going to take 15 FREAKIN DAYS to fix my car. But I AM OK!
15 Days!
So now I’m stuck driving around a rental car and the Handsome Husband is calling me every 20 minutes reminding me NOT TO HIT ANYTHING with the rental car…
The End.
Peggy says
Wow! I am so sorry to hear this! And here I thought my husband was the only one who backed into things…. on our own property! To this day we have a dent in the back of our Honda Pilot where he backed into the electric/light pole in Alaska. Thankfully you are fine!!!
(at first I could NOT figure out what was in the bag… duh glass!)
Take care now
Mavis says
I should of kept the glass. I bet I could of made a cool mosaic with it.
Mike says
Ooops! In all my years of driving the only accidents I have ever had were while backing up. – Mrs H
Mavis says
Awesome! I’m glad I’m not alone.
Michelle says
The important thing is….YOU ARE OK!!! So glad for that….and I’m sure your husband is, too.
You can call me Jane says
So glad you’re okay. When I was living at home, I drove my parent’s big dodge ram van. I was first in line at a stop light. A big truck wanted to turn into the road I was on and there wasn’t room, so I looked into the rear view mirror, saw nothing and started to back up to make room for the truck. Bang! I backed into a tiny, shiny sports car. Thankfully, it was driven by a young man about my age. He was with a friend. They were really sweet and since there was no damage that they could see all was well. I think it may have helped that I was cute back then.
Moral of the story: Sports cars and poles should not sidle up so close behind us. They may have it coming.
Mavis says
I agree.
Jules says
I, too, am a back-up disaster driver. Sometimes i hit things even when they are in front of me. Driving a truck, I can’t always see where the front, or back, are and sometimes those poles and arbors and concrete pillars move. Glad you are ok! 7:30 is pretty early to be hit with something.
Desi says
So glad you are ok! I’ve backed into a parked truck before. To my credit it was parked illegally. I can’t believe that pole would come out of nowhere to hit you. It must have liked your car.
Mavis says
Why is it about the parked/stationary objects? It’s almost as if they are begging for us to back into them.
mamasminutia says
Not ONCE did the Handsome Husband ask you if you were okay? Are you SERIOUS?!
I, for one (Handsome Husband, are you LISTENING???), am SO GLAD you are not hurt.
And that’s a really funny accident, my dear. Slapstick funny. Way to go!
Mavis says
Not. Once.
Lori says
So sorry to hear the bad news…but at least it was a minor one! And you’re OK!!!
Shirley says
More stories! Please?
Shirley says
(the marital dialogue)
mavis says
I think you should write a book about the Handsome Husband and his quirks. It would be a best seller for sure.
Shirley says
Honey, that’s YOUR job.
Qathy says
My car is full of bumps and dents. (Backing up a year or so ago, I hit the railing beside the steps of our house; the railing leads up to the front door. The whole door frame was pushed about an inch out of whack. Isn’t it cool when one can mess up the car AND the house in just one shift to “reverse”?!!)