When life hands you more free vegetables than you can eat, make vegetable stock I say. Or at least that’s what I said yesterday when four boxes of produce were staring me in the face and I had no idea what to do with them.
I’ve made chicken broth before but never vegetable broth. And let me tell you Bob, it’s not rocket science. You can do it too!
Recipe: How to Make Vegetable Stock
- 14 quarts Water
- 1 bunch Green onions
- 1 Onion, quartered
- 3 Carrots, large, broken in half
- 5 Celery stocks
- 10 Mushrooms, halved
- 1 tablespoon Mc Cormick Italian Seasoning
Place everything in a large stock pot, cover pot and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 1 hour.
Once the vegetable stock has cooled, use a funnel and place the stock in mason jars until ready to use. The vegetable stock should keep for 5 days in the refrigerator or up to one year in the freezer.
Megan says
But then what did you do with the veggies after you made the stock? are they just goners? I’ve never made veggie stock so I don’t really know the protocol.
Mavis says
I feed it to the chickens. But you could certainly chop up the carrots and onion and put it back in the pot. 🙂
Kari says
I make vegetable stock at thanksgiving for my stuffing. I use onions, celery, mushrooms, and carrots. My kids munch on the leftover veggies, while I’m cooking.
Sarah C says
The color on your broth is divine!! I use my crockpot for all my stock. And then can it so it is shelf-stable (and I don’t have to thaw it in a hurry).
I’ve heard of people roasting the veggies first, but seems like that would make them really sweet, and I’m not sure I’d like sweet broth.
Ginelle says
I made veggie stock for the first time a couple weeks ago in my crockpot from veggie scraps left over after cooking. You just throw your scraps in a gallon baggie in the freezer. When the baggie is full, put everything in the crockpot with some Italian seasoning, cover with water and cook on low all day. It worked wonderfully. I froze some in ice cube trays to use instead of oil in cooking.
Helen in Meridian says
When I read your blog this morning and saw your veggie stock, I thought I wonder if Mavis would show me how to make stock. Thank you.
Lissa says
I made veggie stock for the first time a couple months ago with fresh veggies like yours, and again last week with veggie scraps like Ginelle. I keep a gallon ziplock in the freezer and throw carrot peels/ends, onion skins/ends, celery tops, sweet potato peels, etc. in there. When it was full, dump frozen into a stock pot with water, add seasoning and a bay leaf, simmer all day and wahlah! I don’t have chickens so the veggie remains went into the compost bin but better to get some great stock from them first! I doubt I will ever buy broth at the store again.
jolene says
Sometimes I when have spinach, kale, or Swiss Chard I steam it and use the liquid to start a veggie broth. I remove the spinach for whatever I’m making that night and throw in the carrots, onion, celery mushroom ect. It makes a green broth but we really like the flavor.