After making a batch of pumpkin puree the other day, I cleaned the pulp off the pumpkin seeds and made a batch of roasted pumpkin seeds. Usually I just add a bit of salt and pepper to the seeds, but this year I decided to add something new to my recipe, Worcestershire sauce. And oh boy did it turn out good. The Handsome Husband came home from work and without a word grabbed the dish of pumpkin seeds and walked off with them.
I guess they were a hit, because he ate them all. Ha!
Fall Recipes – Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
1 cup fresh pumpkin seeds, washed and pulp removed
1 tablespoon butter, melted
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground garlic salt
1/4 teaspoon fresh ground pepper
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
- Preheat oven to 250 degrees
- Stir the ingredients together in a small bowl and than lay flat in a single layer on a lined baking sheet {I use silpats} and bake for 45 minutes to 1 hour or until nice and crispy.
- Stir every 20 minutes or so for even coloring.
Have YOU ever roasted pumpkin seeds before?
Do you have a favorite recipe? How do you prepare them?
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Elizabeth says
Yes we roast them all the time. I have used Old Bay seasoning on them (my son brought me a can of it back from when he lived in Maryland/worked in DC.) I have also used Emeril seasoning.
Herdog says
Oh how I love homemade/homegrown roasted pumpkins seed, May I make a suggestion on your next batch? Leave the goop on the seeds. You know the slimy bits and strings, Thats where lots o’ flavor comes from and roasted crispy, you can’t go wrong. Just don’t show the kids…they freak. Toss all in ziploc bag and pour in your favorite teriyaki sauce. Let set overnight (don’t know if they really need to set but make me feel better) then put everything on your cookie sheet. Takes a little (ok, maybe a lot) longer to roast as you need a cooler oven (300) so they don’t burn. I toss every 15 mins or so.
Did you know there are hulls-less seed pumpkins? Lady Godiva’s one. They’re the bomb.
Think I’ll go crack open one of my pumpkins. Thanks for the post.
Lisa says
I’ve roasted them before and they tasted almost like popcorn. Are you supposed to eat the entire seed or crack it open and eat the part inside? I’ve eaten them both ways.
Donna Jantzer says
I have always wondered that! If you take off the outside, you lose a lot of flavor. But when you see them in store-bought cereals and things it is always the insides. I guess you do what you like, since eating the outside is fine, seemingly.
Henrietta says
Thanks for sharing this, I have a bunch of seeds in my fridge right now that I need to roast! I also picked up some sugar pumpkins from Trader Joes and wanted to ask what your favorite pumpkin pie recipe is??
Mavis Butterfield says
Hi Henrietta! My friend JJ makes a delicious one –>