Now that fall is here and we are seeing deals on apples left and right, this is the PERFECT time to buy a case {or two} of your favorite apples and make several batches of apple chips for your pantry.
If you asked my kids, they’d tell you apple chips are 100 times better than potato chips {dare I even say Doritos?} And you know what? Apple chips are a whole lot healthier as well.
If you have never made apple chips before, they are super easy to make, so don’t be afraid to try.

How To Make Dehydrated Apples / Apple Chips
6–8 large apples {I like to use Fuji or Braeburn}
2 tablespoons lemon juice {I got mine FREE from Vitacost}
6 cups water
cinnamon and sugar {optional}
- Peel, core and slice apples about 1/4 inch thick.
- Soak in a solution of lemon juice and water to help prevent browning.
- Remove apples from liquid and place on trays.
- Dehydrate according to the manufactures directions on your food dehydrator {it takes about 6 hours at 135 degrees in my food dehydrator}.
- When apples are finished dehydrating, let them set out for about 30 minutes before bagging them up.
Here are a few links if you are interested in dehydrating:
Mary Bell’s Complete Dehydrator Cookbook {}
Apple And Potato Peeler, Corer, and Slicer {}
Nesco American Harvest 400 Watt Food Dehydrator {}
Alicia says
I love dehydrating stuff. Monday it was apples. Tuesday was zucchini and sweet potato chips. Wednesday was beef jerky. Thursday was bananas. Today is more zucchini and sweet potatoes because the other batch is gone!
Mavis says
Holy cow Alicia!
Carol says
Just did some peppers, the last of the garden. Did 8 trays of apples last week – I love Fuji too but I had Golden Delicious on hand, and they turned out pretty good. I heart my dehydrator!
Kara says
I make old fashioned apple stack cakes for the holidays. Just like Grandma used to make…
misty says
How long does dehydrated food last? Assuming it isn’t eaten with away.
Deb says
If it is packaged properly it can last up to 30 years.
Jules says
We started dehydrating this fall also. The apple chips get put in a special container in the freezer. I plan to take them out once the fresh apple season is over. We also dried a bunch of roma tomatoes … not sure what I will use them in yet
Mavis says
Jules I would crumble up the tomatoes and use them in crock pot soups. π
Zoe says
I dried tomatoes one year (skins, seeds, included) and then whirled them in the blender to get a powder. I used this in place of tomato paste in tomato-y dishes that needed thickened.
Mavis says
You know why? Because you are one smart lady! π
Meryl says
Wow- love all of these ideas! I was planning to invest in one for my little doggy because I got tired of paying so much for chicken jerky treats which he LOVES! Now I am going to do veggies and more!
I might try the dried romas in omelettes? LOVE your blog, Mavis- thanks to you and Amber which is how I found you! <3 <3
Deb says
I would take the dried tomatoes and add them to any soup/stew recipe you have or add the to spaghetti sauce, chile etc.
I canned over 60 pints of tomatoes and I took the skins and dehydrated them and ground them up for powder. I also took the left over skins and seeds from making tomato juice, soup and sauce and dried them as well (these had peppers, celery and other veggies) I ground those up and put those in a separate jar as veggie powder. Great added flavor to soups and stews.
Melinda Zinda says
Mavis-Maybe you could do a blog entry on how to store dehydrated foods? I think there might be several of us who could benefit from your knowledge on this subject. Thanks for all you posts, I really enjoy them!
Kathy says
I was wondering if I could leave the skin on the apple slices when making apple chips.
Thank you π
Mavis says
Yes you can. π
Maelynn says
My kids prefer the skin left on. We dry Granny Smiths with a little cinnamon and sugar. Great sweet and sour!
Savannah says
How do you package them to store for a long time? What are some different ways to package and store them?
Jessica says
Wow, thanks so much for this post! I’m really loving your blog. I found you through Pinterest a week-2 weeks ago and have been a loyal follower/reader ever since.
Seeing this post made me finally break down and get a food dehydrator. I see so much fruit and vegetables at the store that are dirt cheap and often don’t get it because I know I won’t be able to eat all of it in time. We had a huge apple harvest after moving into our new house and we had so many that I didn’t get on top of making them all into apple sauce in time before they spoiled, so a food dehydrator would be a life saver for that too. And hopefully if the weather ever stops being so unspring-like here we’ll finally have our own fruit and veg to dehydrate this year.
Melinda’s suggestion is great on a guide on how to store them. I definitely second her on that!
Teresa says
Do you sprinkle the cinnamon & sugar before dehydrating or after? Doing apples today, Red Delicious & Gala.
Mavis Butterfield says
Before. π
Lori says
Can anyone tell me if they have ever used partially ripened apples for dehydrating? I’m asking this, because the wildlifeon our property are raiding our trees each day and by the time the apples are completely ripened, I’m afraid that they will be all gone. The worst part is that the chipmunks taste test each one, before going onto the next one. I don’t mind sharing, but I would like to salvage some of these soon. Thanks ladies for any help you can provide!
BTW this is a great blog!
Rosaleen says
For a twist on dried apples (bananas, etc.) try dipping pieces in pineapple juice reserved from canned pineapple. Use some of the pineapple in your menu of the day, dry the rest for another time. Dehydrated tomato, seedless cucumber, and zucchini slices are good eaten as chips and make a good addition to a grab-and-go lunch. I may try dipping the zucchini into pineapple one of these days.
One way to store dehydrated items is to vacuum seal them in jars. Pour out what is needed and re-vacuum the rest. If you can find one of those hand pump gadgets, it will work on a jar lid. Pierce the approximate center of the lid, place a piece of rubber electrical tape over the hole, lift a corner of the tape, and vacuum out the air. This is a good substitute for a more expensive vacuum device before deciding to invest in an electric one, or to take traveling.
Sarah B says
Are they crunchy? I think I tend to over dehydrate things. I’d love a post on how to know when an item is dehydrated. I mean grapes aren’t crisp when they’re done, but I’d like crunch dried apples, not the chewy ones. Please Please help me in the dehydrator business, I bought one, but it sits on the counter next to my unused bread machine…
Jan says
Sarah, I just got a great book from Amazon about dehydrating…The Ultimate Dehydrator Cookbook…
You can’t over-dry most things they say…one hint to check if it’s dry enough is to put it out on a rack for about 30 min…if you can feel any sponginess or moisture, it isn’t done…just put back in the dehydrator & dry some more…
Paula says
My (big) dogs are crazy about these so, sadly, they don’t last very long.
Kathy says
I an borrowing an American Harvest Snackmaster Pro and no book with it. Need help to know what setting I need for dehydrating apples!! Thanks!!
Mavis Butterfield says
135 degrees. π Hope that helps.
Lori says
I’m reposting this in hopes that someone may still be able to answer my question.
Can anyone tell me if they have ever used partially ripened apples for dehydrating?
Iβm asking this, because the wildlife on our property are raiding our trees each day and by the time the apples are completely ripened, Iβm afraid that they will be all gone. The worst part is that the chipmunks taste test each one, before going onto the next one. I donβt mind sharing, but I would like to salvage some of these soon.
Emma says
I’m not sure about dried apple but I used under ripe apples that had been pecked once then dropped (cockatoos down here) to make wonderful apple jelly. I actually made most into the most amazing rosemary jelly and mint jelly. I have also seen suggestions for canning these as natural pectin then when you have berries or whatever you make it into jam. The pectin recipe was from milkwood the rosemary jelly from river cottage. Hopefully someone else knows about the chips
Hailey says
I im so excited to try these i cut mine up and i only had lime juice so i used that i think these ar going to turn out good im still waiting another 2 or 3 hours left cant wait
Ruth Ward says
I dehydrated Roma tomatoes and then powdered them in my bullet blender. I also dehydrated onions and sweet peppers, powdered them and mixed them with the Powdered Roma tomatoes. The other day, I was making some Sloppy Joes from scratch and it was a tad watery, so I put in two tablespoons of my Powdered Roma Tomatoes, Onion and Pepper mix and it thickened right up. My husband said that it tasted great. I was attempting to make myself some instant tomato soup, which didn’t turn out as I hoped, but that failure is quite the boom as a seasoning additive.
Ruth Ward says
Another easy thing to dehydrate is watermelon. Once dried it is like candy. A super easy fruit leather, slice the watermelon meat into 1/4 inch slices, place on the tray, and dehydrate. No sugar, no precooking, just slice, dry, and enjoy. Everyone swears that sugar had to be added. NO! No sugar or any other kind of sweetener was added. Just the red meat of the melon.
sam says
How long would you suggest soaking the apples in the lemon water for?
Mavis Butterfield says
5 minutes.
mrsdmk says
Has anyone here dehydrated anything using a NuWave (or similar kind,mine isn’t a nuwave either I just can’t remember what brand it is! ) of oven? I am interested in doing apples(for your yummy crockpot cider! ), cranberries,pineapples,pears etc. Any tips or recipes are appreciated!