Have you ever tried making your own Almond Milk before? When I was in Atlanta a few weeks ago, Headline News make-up artist Dentria gave me her Almond milk recipe. She said she’s been making it for years now and always has a pitcher of it on her refrigerator.
So the other day when I scored a bunch of free almonds from my neighbor Mrs. Hillbilly, I decided to give Denitra’s Almond Milk recipe a try. And much to my surprise, I liked it, and so did the Handsome Husband. So if you are a fan of Almond Milk, give this recipe a try, it’s awesome.
Recipe – How to Make Almond Milk
1 cup almonds
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 dates
pinch of salt
- Soak almonds overnight in 3 cups of water.
- Drain water, and place almonds in a heavy duty blender with 4 cups of water, vanilla and dates.
- Blend for about a minute and a half.
- Pour Almond mixture through cheesecloth or a nut bag to strain.
- Try and squeeze all of the moisture out of the cheesecloth, and reserve pulp in a small bowl.
- Pour almond milk into a pitcher and store in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.
Denitra suggests using extra pulp in cookies and quick bread mixes for added protein.
Yield 1 Quart Almond Milk.
You can find cheesecloth on Amazon.com or at your local kitchen store.
julie (kiddealschicago.com) says
We started making homemade almond milk last spring and my kids really loved it. We would use it every morning to make berry smoothies. My only problem was trying to figure out what to do with all of that leftover almond meal! I sometimes used it in baked goods but I found I couldn’t use it all and I hated throwing it out.
Any recipes and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Sara says
Julie, get chickens??? They love the leftover almond meal.
Julie (kiddealschicago.com) says
Great idea but I seriously think my husband would kill me. We live in Chicago with a backyard so small you could cut it with a scissors, but don’t think it hasn’t crossed my mind.
LaToya says
I have wanted to try almond milk. Not enough to make it myself though. Think I’ll make a trip to Natural Grocer’s today and get a small one to try. Or I think I heard about a Silk coupon that makes it free at the Walmart. Either way. I’m trying some soon. And then if I like it….