This past week we harvested a 15 ounces of homegrown vegetables from our square foot garden. This brings our total up to 3 pounds 6 ounces of goodness. Not to shabby considering none of the heavy stuff like tomatoes, potatoes or squash have been harvested.
Last week we harvested a head of broccoli. A little later today I’ll harvest the little broccoli side shoots.
The kale, yep, it’s still there. I used madam Chow’s recipe for sauteed kale last week and I’ll try and get it posted as soon as I can. It was delicious!
I planted 3 squares with green beans. I had to replant one of them this morning due to the evil slugs slithering about. I have a feeling a bottle of Sluggo is in my future.
Note to self: The red oak leaf lettuce needs to be picked.
Take a look at the zinnias! This is my first year growing them and I love going out to the garden each morning to see them.
This week will be our last week of sugar snap peas until fall. We still have a few more to pick and then I’ll be pulling up the vines and giving them to the chickens to munch on.
And last but not least, check out this picture of my first kohlrabi of the season. I don’t know what the heck I’m going to do with it, but I think it’s pretty cool looking. π
Peace Out Girl Scouts, I’m off to play in the dirt.
2013 Square Foot Garden Harvest: 3 pounds 6 ounces
- Broccoli 11 ounces
- Kale 13 ounces
- Kolhrabi 9 ounces
- Lettuce 2 ounces
- Peas 9 ounces
- Radishes 10 ounces
- Strawberries 2 ounces
Read more about my adventures in Square Foot Gardening.
Are you thinking about putting together a Square foot garden? See the how I built a square foot garden grid HERE.
For more information, check out All New Square Foot Gardening. It is an amazon bestseller and the author, Mel Bartholomew is basically the king of square foot gardening.
Margaret Thele says
The zinnias may be great but I think what you posted is a calendula or pot marigold…
elizabeth says
Looks like calendula to me also. I grow calendula, great plant, the edible petals are pretty to use in salads, etc.
Tinkabell says
The flower looks somewhat like calendula but I think they have more layers of petals? I would guess coreopsis maybe. I love them all as they are such happy flowers. Just wish I had more sun in my yard rather than in the pasture where the goat is…makes a deer look like a picky eater!
Mandy P says
Kohlrabi – peel it and eat it! I tastes like a radish and a turnip had a baby. You can also cut it up into slices and put it into stir fry. I haven’t cooked it because my kids eat it as soon as its been peeled!
Gwenn says
I had no idea you could even cook Kohlrabi….we’ve only ever eaten it with a little salt, like a radish. My grandpa loved it, he would just pick one out of the garden, use his “pocket knife” to trim it then eat it like an apple. The sharper the taste of it the better he liked it π
Donna Jantzer says
I love them raw!! Just peel, wedge and eat. I think it tastes like a turnip, which I also love to eat raw. Come to think of it, I prefer most cruciferous veggies raw. Not broccoli, though.
Uhmuna says
Is it too late to plant the sugar snap pea in washington?
Mavis says
You’ll want to wait and plant them on August 1st. π
Karissa says
I grew some kohlrabi last year, and I sliced it thin and roasted it with some olive oil, salt, and pepper and added some Parmesan cheese. It was yummy!
Madam Chow says
Kohlrabi – eat raw, with salt; roast with root vegetables, shred and use in a slaw.
Dawn says
Hi Mavis:
Julienne it and add it to slaw! It’s so yummy and the texture is just right with cabbage, carrots and radishes. Yum!
Lola Rose says
Janet says
Peel it and eat it raw. Very, very good! Its kind of “spicy” tasting but oh so refreshing. My grandpa always grew them for us. He would leave the root end on (the stalk) and peel the top. Then it was kind of like a kohlrabi-cicle! Brings back great memories.
dropofrain says
yes, that is a picture of calendula. My grandmother and I always had calendulas in our flower beds because back in Ukraine it is a very popular medicinal herb. It has anti-inflammatory and weak antimicrobial activity so it is used topically for skin infections and minor cuts, chapped lips and diaper rush. You can also use calendula teas as a mouthwash for gum infections, a gargle for sore throats, and a sitz bath for genital inflammation. Or drink the tea to help treat bladder infections or stomach ulcers. Keep growing calendula in your garden!!
Erin M says
Hi Mavis
You posted a picture of a very curly kale. It is in a winter mix I bought. It is my favourite by far, in the mix. I cannot locate it and don’t know what it is called. Can you tell me what it is??
Trish says
Mavis, have you tried pouring beer into a jar lid and leaving it out for the slugs? I have been told that they will climb in, become lushes and drink themselves to death.
Preppy Pink Crocodile says
I keep forgetting to ask you if you’ve tried using used coffee grounds as a slug deterrent? I’ve read that you can make a wall around your plants and they won’t cross it. I add grounds to my soil and of all the things I’ve suffered from in the garden, slugs thankfully has not been one. I have no idea if the grounds help but wanted to offer up the tip.
Sherry in Sumner says
Mavis, kohlrabi is good just raw with a dip too.
You mentioned having peas in the fall. When will you plant them?
Amanda Britain says
Hi, I live a short distance from you and was wondering if you had any problems with cabbage worm on your broccoli? Supposedly they are the cute little white butterflies babies. I harvested a couple heads of broccoli and they were hiding up in the floret. Do you have any suggestions for dealing with these guys? Thanks! π