5 Days Of Recipes For Christmas Morning: Crepes
6 Eggs
1 heaping cup of all-purpose flour
1 1/2 cups milk {I use 2%}
Pinch of salt
In an overpriced blender, mix eggs first, then add flour, salt and milk. Blend well.
Plug the crepe maker in to let it heat up, spread a thin layer of batter across the top by dipping the surface of the crepe maker into a shallow pie dish of batter. Watch for indicator light to go off.
Stuff crepes with whip cream and fresh fruit.
Top with syrup, powered sugar and a little more whip cream. Yummalish!
I discovered this amazingly simple crepe recipe from my blogging friend MamaJJ about 2 years ago. These crepes are light, airy and when filled with fruit and whip cream, very filling.
Every time we eat JJ’s crepes the HH says “You should make these with spinach and cheese.” Every.Single.Time. And Every.Single. Time. I give an approving nod… and say “Maybe next time.”
Are you kidding me? I don’t want spinach and cheese… I want sugar and fruit thank you very much. If I want savory crepes I’ll go to a Sunday brunch at a restaurant. I think crepes should be sweet. Not savory. What do you think?
Jennifer Jo says
Ooo, they look lovely! Whipped cream makes (almost) everything taste better!
(But your husband is right: you really should try the spinach and cheese version.)
You Can Call Me Jane says
Maybe you need two courses. Savory and then the sweet because you’re HH has a point- Sauteed spinach and onions chopped small with a little feta, parm and mozzarella in each….oh, my. They are so yummy! I even eat them cold:-).
LG says
Yes, you have two courses. Main entree is the savory crepe, followed by sweet crepe for dessert. That is how the French do it, after all.
Qathy says
Ooo-la-la. Tres bien!
Jules says
spinach and cheese? no way. crepes should always have fruit and whipped cream and sugar,
or maybe bacon.
Mavis says
Thank you! I totally agree!