Whale, whale whale… Look what we have here!
This great black whale rug was a true labor of love and so much fun to hook. This rug took me about 6 weeks from start to finish and is probably my all time favorite rug that I’ve designed and hooked.
Having an indoor hobby you can work on during the winter months is key when you live in a place like Maine.
There is no way I would have had the down time during the summer months to be able to hook a rug this size in the short amount of time that I did.
Lobsters and whales… It’s hard not to incorporate them into my designs when we live so close to the sea.
I have one more large whale rug that I’m going to try to finish before it’s time to pivot to full on gardening mode around here.
After that, I’ll switch to smaller pieces to work on for the rest of the growing season.
It feels so good to have a giant rug under my belt so early in the year… Here’s hoping I can get my other one hooked quickly as well.
Do you live in a cold climate too? What keeps you busy and motivated during the winter months?
You can find the finished Great Black Whale rug, pattern and kit in my Etsy shop: MavisButterfield.
Wendy C says
I love it! I love the happy whale and the blue colors!
Mary says
Its a great piece Mavis. I’m in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan – much like Maine except Lake Superior. I keep busy quilting, basketry, rugwork, watercolor work, baking, waiting patiently (??!!!) for the weather to moderate, the lake to open and the fishing to begin. Anxious to see the tulips I planted last fall – hoping they made it thru – not the winter but the squirrels and little critters.
Enjoy your blog, your recipes and your work. Thanks for all.
Dawn says
Absolutely incredible! Well done.
Christa H. says
The rug is fabulous! What an accomplishment!
My hot flashes and I have been enjoying working outside all winter in NC. I am currently picking up loads of organic compost from the city in my truck and spreading it in my garden beds. It works really well being able to push it out with a shovel right into my wagon that dumps to save my back.
We just got back from St. Pete FL and while there I went shelling in the morning right after a storm while it was still super windy. I was the only person on the beach and was able to collect so many fabulous larger shells and sand dollars. I also found several ropes, beautiful washed up sea grasses/plants, and a little mermaid toy. Half of my suitcase was full of my treasures. I thought several times- Mavis would love to have found this- LOL! Now I need to read up on how to clean everything and make the shells look bright and pretty again without the white haze.
Lesley says
She’s perfect!
Holley says
What an accomplishment! It’s a beaut!
I keep busy with my paper crafting. Making greeting cards makes me happy! Then they go on to making other people happy!
maureen detmer says
she’s a beauty, gives me incentive….what are the dimensions?
Mavis Butterfield says
58 1/2″ x 37 1/2″
Dawn says
What a beautiful work of art!
I mostly read and cook all winter. I’ve been looking at the painting kits you’ve done and keep thinking about buying one but I know with my unmedicated ADHD I’d probably start one and never finish it.
Kathy Wolfe says
“Moby Dick”
Trace says
Wow soo awesome!
Cindy Brick says
Nice shade mixing for the whale — and the water!
I would have a hobby to pursue, if I could get rid of these appraisal reports. For some reason, I got a bunch in January and February that I do not normally have.
A baby quilt restoration has to be finished up somehow in the next few weeks, as well.
Dianne La says
Beautiful! I can’t believe it only took 6 weeks to make that large rug! Great color for the whale!
Judi Y. says
Wow! It’s beautiful!!!
Lucy from South Carolina says
Gorgeous indeed!
Kimberly Vassar says
JulieP says
That’s so lovely, it looks quite hard to do. On the subject of what we do in the winter, we come to a warmer climate. Do the tourist thing, eat out, read and just chill generally with about a dozen people we’ve met over the years who are good company and fun. We are all different so depending on what someone wants to do a different crowd rolls up. We go home thoroughly relaxed ready to tackle the garden, house and even though retired we will go back to some form of employment albeit part time. Truck driving for the DH, NHS and grandson for me 🙂
Lynda Rees Kling says
I’m riding my horse 6 days a week, all winter long…also hook and quilt.
Why not put that last rug on your wall, as you said you need things on the walls?
Sue says
Beautiful! And my goodness, you must hook at the speed of light!
Ashley Bananas says
It looks great. I love how large it is. It will be a centerpiece wherever it lands.