What would you do if 24 pounds of Ojai Pixie’s showed up at your door? Share or start peeling because they’re the BEST oranges on planet earth?
I think I’ve eaten 10 pounds already. I’m not sure if eating excess amounts of citrus is bad for you, but at least I know I won’t get scurvy.
Market Basket $26.92
The HH spotted the clotted cream and picked me up a bottle. I think I’ll save it for a round of scones and jam after I finish up with all the wool.
Avocado toast. I don’t know where Trader Joe’s gets their avocados, but they are simply the best. The ones they sell at the regular grocery stores just don’t ripen the same.
Note to self: Check the freezer and see what else I need at TJ’s and make a list.
Meatloaf cupcakes… Because I couldn’t find the loaf pan. 😉 Pan. We don’t need no stinkin’ pan!
Costco $44.65
Add a little bacon or rotisserie to a salad and it’s pretty much the best thing ever. Okay, so nothing beats a good pastry, but still.
A big salad will fill you up for the day and you don’t have to feel guilty about eating an enormous plate of salad.
Big salad.
Big salad.
Pickety bits.
And then there was our date day at Standard Baking Company in Portland.
See, I have this theory that if you eat enough fruits and vegetables, you can buy yourself a giant box of pastries and eat half of them before you even make it home.
My husband says the baguettes there are the best he’s ever tasted. I think their chocolate rye cookies and pear tarts are out of this world.
If I ever get this house finished I might just go and see if I can get a job in the kitchen and learn a thing or two {and hope that part of the deal is a free food item per shift}.
Goals. We all need some.
A big salad with bread and butter. Now there’s something I could eat everyday.
I’m still stuck on get er’ done mode so all my meals were quick and easy ones.
What did YOU make at YOUR place last week? Anything new? Curious minds want to know. Also, if you have a good recipe for chocolate rye cookies, I’d love to know about it.
Peace Out.
Total Spent This Past Week: $71.57
January $229.38
February $260.86
March $149.01
eliz says
Who do you recommend buying the ojai pixie’s from?
eliz says
Are these the good tangerines you are eating? https://friendsranches.com/collections/all/products/little-pixies?variant=393159630
Mavis Butterfield says
Yes!!! That is the company they were sent from and they are FANTASTIC! Food gifts rule!
eliz says
Food gifts are the best!
Did you get the large or liddle tangerines?
Mavis Butterfield says
eliz says
Thank you Mavis
Mona R McGinnis says
A new-to-me recipe – creamy harissa chicken gnocchi. A jar of harissa someone had gifted me. Gnocchi from the freezer that was made a few wks ago. Leftover chicken from the roast last wk. And a Madeira cake, which I learned has no wine in it but was often served together. Madeira cake often showed up in the last book I read – The Dictionary of Lost Words & I was able to source the recipe in a Downtown Abby cookbook. Fun in the kitchen.
Jennifer says
Dh has eaten 3 – 4 clementines or mandarins a day for almost a year and has suffered no ill effects. I was afraid it would upset his stomach at some part, but no.
Lynn says
Brilliant idea making meatloaf muffins! They’re adorable and the perfect size.
J in OH-IO says
“We don’t need no stinkin’ pan!” Love this- Ha!Ha! I also make meatloaf muffin cups and freeze for easy meal prep. Your blog is great – thank you for sharing your fun ideas and creativity!
Linda Sand says
We make meatloaf patties the size of hamburger patties. Leftovers make great sandwiches!
Sue in SoCal says
Meatloaf cupcakes sound like a genius idea to me. What’s your baking time? It’s it shorter? I substitute chili sauce instead of ketchup in my recipe. Adds a little something I think.
Peg says
My husband has a lot of health issues. For him, eating more than an occasional orange is a big no, as it can increase potassium, which is not good for him.
Jean C says
I agree that the chocolate chip rye cookies are amazing. We stayed in the hotel adjacent to that bakery and so enjoyed their offerings. I went home, got some rye flour and found a random recipe on the internet. The cookies I made were a huge hit with the volunteers I work with.
Cathy harrell says
Orange marmalade
Anne Wiebe says
I just went down a rabbit hole, looking up the difference between double cream and clotted cream. Similar but not the same. Clotted cream is a little tangier, but both are good! I even found a recipe for making clotted cream, from American cream! Gotta try that.
Tiffany F says
We love doing meatloaf cups and mac and cheese cups for soccer nights. Easy to eat on the go, and each person can eat when they’re able to with each kid playing at different times.