Pattern by Woolen Memories
Here’s a quick little show and tell of all the rugs I hooked in January. Or rather all the rugs I finished in January. 😉
I’m sure most of you will find this totally boring, but I wanted to keep a visual record of all the rugs and pillows I made this year. I figured this would be the best way to do it.
While it’s easy to keep a tally of the number of rugs I’ve hooked during a year, it’s much harder to remember exactly what designs I’ve hooked. Blah blah blah… I’m hoping this will help me. 🙂
“Garden Stalker” pattern by Woolen Memories
“Little Chicken” pattern by Star Rug Company
“Bee Skep” pattern by Mavis Butterfield
“Blue Bird with Heart” a Hickety Pickety pattern adapted by Mavis Butterfield
“Hidden in the Garden” pattern by Crow Hill Primitives
One of the goals I want to complete this year is to hook 6 large rugs. Even though they take much longer to hook, I LOVE hooking the larger ones.
While the bigger rugs are much more labor intensive and time consuming, it’s also extremely satisfying to stand back and look at one upon completion and say… Hey I did that!
Where the smaller ones leave you with a sense of instant gratification when they’re done. Plus you can pretty much bring them along and work on them anywhere {the car, a waiting room, an airplane etc.}.
Currently, I am working on an adaptation of an antique rug. My goal is to have all the roosters hooked by this weekend {they are really big!} and have the rest of the rug hooked by the end of next weekend.
After that, I’ll hook Maria’s Valentine’s challenge rug {and hopefully get it finished and submitted in time}.
I’m also working on a penny rug inspired table runner. But I only work on that while I’m being driven around town by my chauffeur. 🙂
It’s no big secret that I love rug hooking! But there are all the rugs I hooked in January. How about YOU? Do you have a craft or hobby that you spend a lot of time on? I’m always looking for new things to try.
Melissa says
Thanks for sharing! They’re fun to see. How many hours would you say you hook a week?
Mavis Butterfield says
That’s a hard one. Some weeks more than others. Usually I hook a lot during the winter months but I’m so focused on dyeing wool/making kits right now that I feel like I am slacking off a little in the hooking department. I should keep track once things get back to normal.
Tracy says
Wow, that is a lot of work! Those are really beautiful. I like to crochet doilies. I haven’t done any lately and I really need to pick out a pattern and get busy.
Joely says
You are very talented. They are beautiful.
laura says
my sewing room needs a “little” straightening up since Christmas but the first quilt pattern of the year has been picked out and the materials are gathered!!
Sheila Kennedy says
Your rugs are beautiful ! Wish I could get more productive at hooking. I love to dye wool as well.
Rosemary says
I spend a lot of time crocheting. Once in awhile I will knit, but crochet is my favorite. I am trying to keep my Etsy shop stocked with the favorites but also adding something different every now and then.
Nancy says
They are all beautiful!! Love seeing what you have made!
Dot says
Thanks to whom ever got me back on track to getting the e-letter again.
Pat says
I love your hooked rugs – particularly the ones with chickens and other birds. I enjoy quilting and sewing doll clothes for my great-nieces. But whenever I’m on your site, I start to think that I’d enjoy hooking rugs – maybe I’ll make trying it a goal for this year.
Tonya says
They are all gorgeous!! My favorite is the blue bird w heart . I enjoy drawing and painting cards and mailing them to friends. Joy and creativity for me and joy for my friend in the mail.
Melissa says
I loved seeing them. Would really love a short video of the rug hooking.
Tiffany F says
They are beautiful. I love seeing them. Every time you share them, I think that that’s a craft I’d love to learn when my kids are all done with school (we homeschool). My youngest is in 7th grade. Until then I will live vicariously through you.
Linda says
Sewing and needlepoint are my favorite things to do. I do crochet, but now I only crochet squares until they are large enough for a doll blanket of a baby blanket.
Practical Parsimony
Sue S. says
I’m a hooker too but not nearly as prolific as you are Mavis. What’s your secret? Do you have a preferred cut? Amazing work. They are all just beautiful, especially those you design yourself!
Mavis Butterfield says
I cut my strips by hand but I aim for the #8 cut but usually end up between 7.5 and 9. I like that they are not all perfect.
Sue S. says
I thought they were wide cut! That’s the cut I like too. Thanks Mavis
Judy says
You are so talented, what a gift you have. I really like the chicken ones. I have tried to order one of yours, but they say that it cannot be shipped to Canada. I haven’t tried for a while, perhaps it’s changed? I love to knit, my favourite is socks using four needles. Right now I am using and liking alpaca wool. I want to look into rug hooking. My left hand is partially paralyzed due to a car accident. But if I can still knit, slowly, I’m hoping I can hook too.Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures.
Mavis Butterfield says
I ship to Canada. 🙂
Jessica Wilber says
Oh my gosh, your rugs are fabulous!! Rug hooking is not easy and takes a lot of time. They are beautiful. I knit incessently.
Jules says
That’s a lot of hooking for one month!
I’ve just finished a quilt, and I decided to sew a dress. I haven’t sewn clothes so this will be a little challenge. I also want to learn to paint this year. We’ll see… the weather has been sunny this week and I have been outside more than inside. If that continues, I won’t be sewing or painting again until November!
Janie says
Beautiful rugs and I’m sure lots of work. I would love to learn rug hooking. Any beginner books that you might suggest?
Thanks, Janie
Mavis Butterfield says
There are tons of videos on youtube.
Janie says
Thank you. I will look into u tube.
Pearl Gies says
Is the double rabbit and floral pattern available for sale?
Mavis Butterfield says
That pattern is by Woolen Memories. You can find her on Etsy and Facebook. 🙂