Three Roosters Rug by Mavis Butterfield
One of my goals this year is to hook 6 large rugs. I also want to keep track of all the rugs I hook this year {both big and small} and so I figured making myself accountable in a monthly post would help me do that.
Writing stuff down that I want to accomplish in any given year really does help me stay on track. And so while I’m sure this is totally boring for someone who doesn’t rug hook {and maybe even if you do} it helps.
I have reason to celebrate March! I just finished my large {38” x 48”} 3 roosters rug and I LOVE the way it turned out. This rug was an adaptation of an antique rug that I put my twist on.
The three roosters rug is the largest {per square inch} rug that I’ve finished to date. The colors are super old and primitive looking, just the way I like them.
Penny Runner pattern by Mavis Butterfield
I was also able to finish my penny circle table runner {45” x 9.5”}. Most of this was hooked while I was in the passenger seat of the car.
I’ve hooked this simple design again and again over the years and for some strange reason, it always seems to be the rug I take with me on/in planes, trains and automobiles because it’s so portable and I never really have to worry about where to place what color of wool strips because it’s meant to use up extra wool bits.
Chicken Stroll pattern by Crow Creek Farm
I made zero progress on the chicken stroll rug and now I’m thinking of packing it away until later in the year so I can get a start on all the patriotic rugs I want to get hooked before the fourth of July. We’ll see.
So there you have it. 2 finished rugs {1 big, one medium sized} and I’m pretty happy about that.
What have you been working on lately? What is keeping you busy while you wait for gardening season to begin? Curious minds want to know.
Have a great weekend everyone,
~ Mavis
Tracy says
Thank you for sharing pictures of your rugs! They are lovely.
Julie says
You are such a creative soul — your stuff is lovely. I have a Stained Glass crocheted afgan to finish up. It was ready to sew together but I decided to make it bigger so had more squares to make. I’ve been trying out some different things in my kitchen to shake things up a bit recently. I’m on a kick making Skyr (Icelandic yogurt) in my Instant Pot.
Rosemary says
March has been a busy month! In addition to driving 800 miles (round trip) to see my granddaughter in her school play and planting my garden, I have been crocheting for my Etsy shop (at night while watching TV). Dish towels with the crochet top, doll blankets and Swiffer covers are the main items that I am currently working on. Thankfully, they are not “big” projects, and I can get a couple done each week.
Holley says
I LOVE the penny table runner!!!! It’s just simple and beautiful!
SueD says
I have a cross stitch pattern I’m (very) slowly working on afghan fabric. It was my portable project for several years, when I was flying to and from NY quite often. I need to dig it out and work on it again, now that I no longer go there. Maybe it will become my passenger project.
Sue S. says
Currently finishing up the binding on 3 large hooked rugs, 2 hooked pillows, and 2 hooked door hangings. Also working on knitted socks. Too many projects and not enough time but I don’t garden or dye wool. I just love your designs Mavis. Thanks for sharing.
Bec in the PNW says
I’m not a hooker myself, but always enjoy seeing your creations! I have two little ones, ages 2 and nearly 4, so my crafting is usually done in fits and spurts. Lately, I’ve really enjoyed playing around with homemade air dry clay. It’s so cheap that it’s nearly free, so I don’t feel guilty if I end up tossing something out. And sometimes I do crafts with the kids like their hand prints or let them paint a Valentine’s Day heart garland that I made for our fire place. Here’s how that turned out (plus the recipe I used) in case you’d like to see:
Mavis Butterfield says
That’s very sweet!!!
Pam says
I love seeing your projects, whatever they are Mavis! It somehow grounds me to remember the little things in life. Thank you!
Kristen says
I love seeing your projects. I hope someday to learn rug hooking. Did you take a class or are you self-taught? I especially like the Penny Runner. Thank you for sharing!
Mavis Butterfield says
I taught myself how to hook.
I have never taken a class.