Well, it was another great week of easy meals around here.
Last week we did a mini stock up trip at Costco and bought their tabbouleh salad {found in the deli section} and our favorite, Mediterranean Crunch salad. Both were fantastic!
I LOVE the tabbouleh salad especially because it’s filling and packed full of good stuff. Chickpeas, almonds, dried cranberries, kale, cucumber, carrots, celery, cabbage, red onion and probably a few more things.
We seemed to be eating a lot of salads this year… And that’s a good thing because it means we’re getting in lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.
With the grapes we bought last week at Costco I also made Carole’s creamy grape salad. Man is that good! The HH ate 3/4ths of it within 2 days. 😉
Trader Joe’s $41.50
Last week we were near Trader Joe’s so we popped in to pick up a few things.
I misread the price on the tiny Kishu mandarins and didn’t realize they were $4.99 a bag {$4.99 PER POUND!!}. Yikes! But holy cow man, they were good. Not as good as Pixie oranges, but a close 2nd.
But $4.99 a pound? I don’t think I would do that again.
Avocado toast is always a good idea.
And so is Trader Joe’s Hatch Chili Mac and Cheese. 😉
Market Basket $23.88 {bananas not pictured}
There was also a quick trip to Market Basket to load up on rotisserie chickens and avocados. If you are in New England, try and get your hands on a bag of Wrap City tortilla chips.
They are fantastic, taste like the real deal, and are perfect for nachos.
I made a batch of curry chicken with the rotisserie chicken and froze the leftovers for another night. I made a pot of chicken soup and tossed that in the freezer as well.
There was also the Velveeta Zesty Chili Dip that I made.
And we tried the artichoke spinach quiche from Costco too. The HH rated it a 7/10 and I agreed. I don’t think I’ll be buying it again though. It was a little too bland for me. Something needs to be pretty spectacular if I’m going to go back for seconds.
Breakfasts this past week were toast, steel cut oats with all the bits and breakfast cookies.
I’ve been in the mood for muffins lately so I think this week I’ll make a batch of our favorite high protein power muffins.
I have everything but a zucchini, but I’m pretty sure I can just swap that out and add in something else {maybe a few candied orange slices?}.
Well, here’s to another great week of easy meals.
What are you planning on making this week? Have you bought any eggs lately? Are the prices going up or down? Curious minds want to know.
Total Spent This Past Week: $64.38
Total Spent in January $229.38
Total Spent in February $141.09
Sophie bw says
We found eggs -5doz for $13.99 at Costco Business in MN this week
Mavis Butterfield says
What a deal!
eliz says
We bought 5 dozen costco eggs and found them anemic with watery whites. How did you find them?
JenniferJ says
A dozen at WM northeast of Charlotte is $5.46. Five dozen, to compare to Sophie, is $27.24. To make things brutal, dh eats 6 egg whites a day. **insert sobbing emoji** However, it’s still healthier and cheaper than any meat. Oddly enough, as we get older at 56 and 64, we are eating very little meat at all. Is it just us or is this a part of aging?
Wendy P says
I am 56 and I can’t eat much meat anymore either! Hard for me to digest. Especially red meat.
Andrea says
I usually hold out for Aldi’s pastured eggs, but I was at Fiesta this week and went ahead and got 18 Eggland’s for $7. Not the best eggs or the best price, but I saved money by not driving to a different part of town 🙂
Peg Lopez says
The one thing I’m trying to remember is the cost per egg (50 cents if the price for a dozen is $6), which makes it easier to accept. That’s still very reasonable.
Mel says
We get eggs delivered each week through our CSA, and I think they are $4 a dozen. They’re local, so they’re not affected by market value the same way, but with everything being so expensive these days, I don’t know how they manage to keep prices so steady, especially with delivery included.
Beth says
I bought a dozen eggs at Trader Joe’s this weekend for $3.49- they had signs up asking people to buy just one dozen eggs which was ok for my needs.
This weekend my husband and I were watching Ina Garden’s Be My Guest (old episodes on Sling) and she made banana crunch muffins for a visiting guest. The crunch was a dehydrated banana chip in the top of the muffin and we thought that was genius though we might try apple chips in apple muffins also…Trader Joes is a good place to find dried fruits of all kinds as I’m sure you know.
I’ve been cooking lots of Rancho Gordo beans and we’ve been eating lots of soup. I did pick up a couple of flatbread crusts and Italian sausage and bell peppers so that will make it on our menu this week. I also bought ready made guacamole, salsa, and bean dip at Albertsons yesterday (for Super Bowl..so boring) so I think quesadillas will also be on the menu. It’s just the 2 of us so if we eat like teenage boys sometimes..oh well..
Jennifer G says
2 dozen cage free eggs at Sam’s for $7 so got 4 dozen. Not best quality eggs but much cheaper than Aldi or regular Walmart.
Diana says
More of my Chickens are laying now that the days are a little longer so I have been giving away eggs, can’t believe how excited my friends are! Big smiles and lots of hugs!
Brianna says
My Costco’s were both sold out of eggs! I went to Food Lion and the eggs were picked over and many open cartons with broken eggs remained scattered in the shelves. I carefully pieced myself together 18 eggs, store brand, large grade. I had two ladies, not minding their own business, accuse me of putting cage free eggs and high end eggs in with the cheap eggs. I told them eggs are eggs and they are all from the same brand and size and asked them if they knew the difference. They quickly left and were eyeing me the whole time throughout the store. When I went to checkout, they got in line behind me and told the clerk I was stealing expensive eggs and putting them in the cheaper carton. The clerk opened my carton, took a peak, smiled, and scanned them. $8.99/18 large white eggs. I am still baffled how someone can be so terrible over eggs and they didn’t even have any eggs in their cart.
Carla says
Thankfully I get my eggs from my cousin who has chickens. I was buying 5-6 dozen from her every other week for $3/doz even when Aldi eggs were only $.99/doz. So now it’s the other way around and I’m getting the deal.
Her eggs just taste so much better than the store bought ones and since we go through so many of them, it’s worth it to get the good ones.
Heather in Nevada says
How much was your rotisserie chicken? I just bought one at Costco for $4.99, but a lady said that a small chain grocery store at Lake Tahoe wants $17.99! I had her repeat the price- wow. Costco actually had eggs so I got the two dozen container for $7.89
Mavis Butterfield says
Rotisserie chickens were $4.69 each and they taste better too.
Gigi says
I just made avocado toast with tomatos too. I added a balsamic vinegar drizzle and a fried egg. My husband stole half my food it. Lol
Mavis Butterfield says
I love a nice fried egg!!
sandy says
Aldi in CA had avocados for .49 each. I bought about 40! Some for my son and in the frig the rest go. We eat several a day.
Eggs at Costco-Trader Joes was even out ( they said come by 9 am or they are all gone)
I have stocked up on food, I am just uneasy these days…
cheers to all.
Expecting a big storm here in CA-Stay warm and safe all.
Mavis Butterfield says
$0.49 is a steal!!! I would have stocked up too!
Pamela Sheppard says
Where I live in a mid-atlantic state the most basic eggs at my favorite regional store are $6.99 per dozen. A name brand better quality eggs are $8.99 per dozen. I had to take someone to Walmart today and their basic eggs were $5.49. The shelves were almost empty. There were a few packs and a few 18 and 36 count packs. I had a flashback to lockdown grocery shopping.
Annette says
Are the TJ apricots sulphured?
Tracey says
best. salads. ever.
JulieP says
I just bought a dozen eggs in Spain free range mixed sizes M/L and they were €2.75 they yolks are glorious. Cage eggs are €1.90 for large eggs. All the prices for about three different types of eggs were very reasonable. At home £2.79 for a dozen free range from Lidl.