It’s that time again. You ask, and I pretend to know things and answer your burning questions. It really is so much fun to open my inbox and see the wide variety of questions you guys have. Reminds me that my readers are so diverse and pretty dang awesome. So keep those questions coming and I’ll keep racking my brain for answers. As always, please pipe up if you have any input or are knowledgeable when it comes to any of the following questions:
I haven’t seen anything posted about your zero waste project. Are you still doing it? If so, how’s it going Or was it too hard so you stopped it?
~Mandy from Oregon
I’m still actively working towards that Almost Zero Waste goal. It was a struggle at first because it’s basically a shift in lifestyle and how you shop and dispose of things. I’ve reduced it to about 1 small plastic grocery bag a week. I am able to toss the bag down my parents garbage chute every time I visit, so the no trash pickup thing is still working out great. I have increased the amount we recycle by a TON. Overall, it’s been a great experiment that I plan to continue.

I know you’ve been asked this a million times. I’m writing from Canada. How does one figure out the “principle” on a mortgage, and how does one go about making a payment just toward the principle? Is it something I have to do at my banking institution? It sounds great, because once the principle decreases, so does the interest.
In the dark in the Great White North, Cari
A principal only payment can be for any amount you choose. You can normally make additional principal payments at anytime, but you might want to verify with your bank that there are no penalties for doing so. The principal payment is basically just the part of the payment each month that does not include taxes, interest or escrow.
I know the estimated principal I pay each month, so I can calculate how many extra principal payments I make, but you can normally put any additional amount you want and earmark it towards principal. Each bank works the payments a little differently, so check with your mortgage company.
Why aren’t you posting as much on your garden site Dig for Your Dinner?
Honestly, I was mentally/physically drained after everything that happened with my brother earlier this fall that I decided to take Dig for Your Dinner off my plate the remainder of the year. I have plans to start up again in January though, so stay tuned…
Have you had experience with the Salmon and Shrimp from Zaycon? The seafood options are new to me. Love to hear some feedback.
We have tried the Zaycon Salmon and it’s delicious {I’ve never tried the shrimp}. As far as Zaycon is concerned, I’ve never had a bad experience. We have loved everything we’ve ordered, which is why I continue to promote them and use all their products! Baked Salmon w/ Lemon and Dill and Our Favorite Barbecued Salmon Recipe are two of my favorite ways to prepare it!
I’ve been reading your blog for about 3 years now and how do you deal with criticism?
Well that’s a tricky question. After doing this for so long {8 years!}, I’ve pretty much been criticized for everything under the sun. I blog too much, I blog too little. I’m too crazy or too judgmental or make too many grammatical errors or I’m too religious or not religious enough, too granola or too uppity.
We eat too many Doritos, I’m killing my kids with artificial junkity junk, I make recipes that are too complicated, I make recipes that are too simple. I should shut up, I should speak up. Seriously, I’ve heard it all. And I can deal with it now after growing a thick skin by just shrugging it off, not taking myself too seriously and realizing that I will NEVER EVER please everyone.
This blog, it started out as something fun to do in my spare time, and I want to keep it that way. We may not be neighbors, but over the years I’ve grown to know so many of you from your comments and it’s been such a blast. So as long as you keep showing up… I’ll be here, quirky observations/opinions and all. 🙂
Have a question for me? Submit them HERE and I’ll try to answer them.
Natalie Levy says
Keep up the great work Mavis! That should cancel 10 of the bad things said!
Ellen in Clackamas says
I’m with Natalie Mavis!!! Love reading your blog everyday and have learned so much from you. I don’t understand why folks feel the need to criticise your blog. If a comment or section is not for them–move on! No one is forcing them to read it or agree with it. Do look forward to hearing from the regulars. So nice to get an update from Lisa recently. Her garden is looking wonderful
Karin says
I don’t understand why people feel entitled to make negative comments online. I bet most of these people wouldn’t share the same criticism in person. To all the negative commenters: If you don’t like an article, scroll on by… and if you aren’t enjoying the blog then don’t read it! Easy peasy!
Carole says
Mavis so many of us look forward to your blog every day. I know at about 3:30 or so in the afternoon Mavis will be there. I can’t wait for it. I do miss the garden bit but hey its winter. My garden looks so forlorn now that everything is gone. But spring is just around the corner and I just got my FIRST seed catalog for 2017!! Keep it going, I love your blog its always so positive.
Arbie says
I love reading your blog… you are a household name in my family!
Be true to yourself.
I have learned so much on how to save even more money reading your blog… keep up the great work!!
Merry Christmas to you and your family from one of your fans!
Carol from Lake Tapps says
Dear Mavis,
First off, thank you for your daily blogs. I’ve been following you for about 2 years and you are a part of my daily life. I have coffee and read your blog every morning. I ADORE your quirky sense of humor and often find myself laughing out loud to no one. My family also knows you by name and if i’m describing you or your blog to someone new, I always describe you has a ‘cool young hipster Martha Stewart with a great sense of humor’. Keep up the great work and I’m glad you don’t let the Negative Nellie’s bother you. There’s plenty of us out here in InternetLand who love you!
Merry Christmas!
Claudia says
You can go online and look up amortization schedules. Plug in your mortgage balance and interest then the number of months/ years you want to pay off in. It will tell you how much you need to lay each month until payoff.
Cheryl says
To the person interested in making extra principal payments, I recommend checking your amortization table to check for the exact payment number you are currently paying. From this point you can make extra payments for the exact amount of principal for so that you always know where you currently stand on the payoff. Example: you are currently making payment 112, the principal for payment 113 is $579.31 and for 114 is $586.75. If you total the two extra payments and send that to your mortgage company, your next regular payment would be number 115.
Principal amounts change by a few dollars each month and simply sending extra money becomes harder to track.
Beryl R says
Mavis I LOVE your blog, and started buying from Zaycon because of your raving! I have bought many of the items all delicious. Recently bought some shrimp. It is the most delicious shrimp I’ve ever eaten. They are huge and barbecue easily or any way you want to cook. I’ve ordered many of your good deals, thanks for all you give us!
Sue in Alabama says
Merry Christmas! I love your blog also, you are the first I read around 4 in the afternoon. You have taught me so much, about Zaycon, Amazon Prime, your books about gardening. How to save and be thrifty. Love the recipes!!!! Please don’t change!
Carolina says
When I was laid off from my job about 7 years ago, I went online, looking for ways to save money. With unemployment, I was making only 55% of my previous salary. I found 2 blogs that helped me so much, yours, and “Surviving and Thriving” by Donna Freedman. I am still reading both of you all the time. and I have learned so much. I quote you all of the time, and have even passed some of your daily quotes to Donna. She lives in Alaska, but you both have that same positive mindset, love of good homemade food, and frugality. I was thrilled when I read that you had gotten a house “back east.” When you come back next summer(?), check out Monhegan Island, Maine. I think you will love it. Ignore the naysayers, as you have been doing. You keep us inspired!!! This is my first ever post to you which is why it is so long.
Amy says
Hi Mavis, it’s been a year since I began reading your blog again (I had started back when you were extreme couponing but then took a break) and I look forward to your emails in my inbox every day. Sunday’s blog of where you are on your goals has been my favourite post and I’m getting my list of goals ready for 2017. Keep up the awesomeness and thank you for inspiring so many of us to make little changes for the better 🙂 Also, thank you for introducing us to Lisa in Tasmania’s blog, she’s another highlight of my morning routine. Merry Christmas!
Sally says
Hi Mavis,
I’ve been reading your blog for a few years but I’ve never commented. I really enjoy reading about your adventures. Keep up the good work and ignore the negative Nellie’s. You are helping a lot of people save money and enjoy life.
paula says
You are awesome! Thank you!!
deb k says
Hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas. I know it has been a hard year for you but remember lots of people have you in our thoughts and are wishing you well…………………..
deb k
Lissa says
I too look forward to reading your blog every day. I’m eager to hear what that job was! Will you get another dog? Will Lucy like it? What’s up with the Girl Who Thinks She’s A Bird and why is she home?(I know it’s really none of my business and don’t want to freak her out). What’s up with the house on the east coast? My point is that we, your readers, CARE. We care because you so generously share with us. We obviously love it or we wouldn’t keep coming back day after day, year after year. I’ve said it many times: Yours is the only blog that I read every day. You seem like such a truly good person. Not perfect but we love that about you too!
I hope you have a Merry Christmas and that your New Year is truly happy. I’m sending the same wishes to your parents and your brother’s family. I’m so sorry for your loss.
Brianna says
I love your blog because it is very human to me. It isn’t forcing sponsors and deals down our throats, it doesn’t have people hiding behind computers stirring up drama, it is just real and not staged. It is reliable and I can look on the days or times I want for the posts I enjoy (your Sunday goal reflection is my favorite). You don’t get nasty towards readers or make remarks that insult, it is a safe place to ask the most basic gardening question and not get a backlash of bad replies because I’m not a master gardener. Thanks and keep up the great work!
Also, I cannot wait to see the freebie stash your mother gives you for Christmas and the basket you gave them! I wish you and your family all the best, stay strong and keep posting!
RebekahU says
Mavis everyone that’s already commented STOLE my comments!!!!! (The nerve!). We love you! You are a household name in our family, people think you and I are besties, and my teenage girls read you now too. You are fabulous and off the chart awesome. You’ve had a hard year. Good for you for cutting yourself some slack. We love you! Merry Christmas !!
Kristina says
Enjoy a restful holiday, All of us out here in the ether are looking forward to hearing what you’ve got up your sleeve for 2017. Merry Christmas, and may the new year be filled with fresh discoveries of joy.