Instead of making a ham with all the fixings for our Christmas dinner this year, we decided to go with a big platter of pickety bits instead. Christmas was just the two of us this year and so we were like hey, why not? Because seriously, when is cheese and crackers ever a bad idea?
So with cheese on my mind, on Christmas Eve I watched as my husband cut the slate tile for our entryway, all the sudden an image of one of those overpriced slate cheese boards popped into my head and I was like you know… if you have an extra piece of slate when you’re done you could make me a cheese board for our Christmas feast.
And so on Christmas Eve, not only did I get the tile in my entryway laid, I was begrudgingly given a new cheeseboard as well. 🙂
But this blog post isn’t about how I like to torture my husband with arts and crafts ideas, it’s supposed to be a recipe for baked brie, so here you go. In case you’ve never made this before, here’s how to make a delicious baked brie in puff pastry with preserves.
Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone,

Baked Brie in Puff Pastry with Preserves
In case you’ve never made this before, here’s how to make a delicious baked brie in puff pastry with preserves.
1 sheet frozen puff pastry, thawed
1 {8 ounce} wheel brie cheese
1/4 cup preserves {I used this cherry compote}
Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
Cut a piece of parchment paper to fit the size of your baking sheet. Roll out puff pastry onto parchment paper slightly. Center the wheel of brie on top of the puff pastry and place the preserves on top of the cheese.
Carefully bring the puff pastry up and around the cheese and pinch the top together and bake the brie for 20-25 minutes.
Remove from oven and let cool 5 minutes before serving. Easy peasy!
Robin in WI says
Sounds delish, and I like your new blog layout. 🙂
Jennifer says
I don’t mind the new layout, but it took almost three minutes for everything to load because of all the ads. I know you can’t control the ads, but waiting for each one to load, then each picture to load is a pain. I love your site and won’t quit coming, but the new ads make it less enjoyable than it was. I understand progress so I hope I’m the only one that has the issue with the ads.
Leanna says
You are not the only one.
Margaret Hudgins says
I use AD BLOCKER. I don’t get ads on any site I go to. Try it, I think you’ll enjoy not seeing ANY ads no matter what site you are on.
Robin in WI says
I don’t see any ads either. I use the Duck Duck Go privacy browser which blocks ads, trackers, etc.
Mavis Butterfield says
Hi Jennifer,
We are still working on the layout but the new design should be ready by New Year’s Day. We are working on kinks as they pop up. 🙂
Jennifer says
Not a problem – I just wanted to let you know.
Alice Damsteegt says
So would ANY kind of tile (used for flooring) work as a serving tray? What a grand idea!
KC says
Some are not food-safe (toxins, lead content, etc.), so there’s that, although from what I understand the risk is pretty minimal with all-dry food. (but: oozy cheese: that’s going to pick stuff up from whatever it’s on) It’s unfortunate.
Tracey says
Top and side margins of the page are cut off on my iPad mini platform.
Mavis Butterfield says
Thanks for letting me know Tracey. We’ll work on it.
Lana says
I only half of your name at the top. The top half is cut off.
I would so like to see this comment field made so that I can see what I type. It is tiny and very light gray which means I post typos a lot.
Jamie N. says
Reading the comments, it sounds like you are wanting input. I too had a hard time with this post because of the ads every other picture or paragraph, loading and covering the post.
One thing I would love, love, love to see is an easier way to find recipes. Often when I search for a recipe, it brings up old posts of “these are today’s deals, etc.” and you have to scroll through many of these posts to find the mention of what you cooked, then click on it to find the recipe. Some of your recipes are not in your recipe link either and I can have a hard time finding them that way too.
I’ve only had one of your recipes bomb for me, so I’m pretty trusting of trying new ones out!
Best wishes for the New Year! I’ve been reading your blog since it was less than a year old. I actually was able to go back and read from the beginning it was so new.
Jenny says
I have tried lots of her recipes and love them. Try her Creamy Chicken Noodle soup for crockpot and Shepard’s Pie (I double that recipe). Both are amazing and kid approved! The Shepard’s Pie is one I get requests for from all my husband’s hunting buddies when they go on trips and from my kiddos!
Mavis Butterfield says
New recipe layout is in the works! 🙂 In the mean time, it might be easier to search for a recipe here:
Laura L. says
Can you tell me how to go back and read old posts from One Hundred Dollars a Month blog? I’ve tried but cannot figure out how to do it and I’d really appreciate any direction you could give me.
Jamie N. says
When I went back to the beginning, I just went backwards page by page. It took awhile, but the blog was pretty new, so it wasn’t too long or hard to do. Sorry!
Laura L. says
Thank you so much for answering my question, Jamie. I’ve asked it before to Mavis and never got a reply so I truly appreciate you taking the time to answer. Most every blog I’ve read always has a sidebar where one can read older posts but not this one.
Kimberly B Weatherington says
Do you think pepper jelly would work?
Terena says
Yes. I’ve done this with lots of toppings. Even using up small amounts of stuff like sweet chilli sauce, fig jam, walnuts/brown sugar/whiskey. (Separately;)).
Its a very forgiving appetizer to make, and the toppings are all about what YOU like. Hope this helps.
Pj Truman says
The new layout worked fine for me on a standard iPad. Ads loaded quickly too. Only improvement is not to use grey type in comments field. It’s difficult to read what I type.
Mavis Butterfield says
I’ll see if we can fix that. Thanks PJ.
Wynne says
I love that you claimed entryway tile for your feast display! Ha.
Your new site displays fine for me (old Macbook/Firefox) and is less ad-y than others I struggle with. I miss your colorful masthead, but clean and straightforward is very appropriate!
Sandra Hendry says
I had no problem reading recipe and enjoyed the tutorial pictures sans ads. Thank you for sharing your adventires with all of us.
Teri says
I didn’t have any problems with the new layout. The puff pastry brie looks good but will the leftovers be good? Cold? Or how do you heat it up?
A.Green says
I had no problems reading this post. Thank you for all your wonderful recipes and brilliant ideas. Those few ads are a small price to pay for your original content.
Carol Henderson Dear Butts says
I don’t think there will be any leftovers!!
Heidi P says
Hello from the west coast:)
I didn’t even realize until others commented that I wasn’t seeing your entire post. It did take a long bit to load. Usually my Mac desktop is super fast. Also, Only the bottom half of your heading shows up. I didn’t really look because I know who’s page it is. I did notice how clean and nice it looks. Is there something under the Mavis Butterfield in a grey color? I only see small tid bits of grey.
Lastly, when I am typing a post and hit my “tab” button and sometimes my “delete” button my post vanishes and I end up at the top of your site. It’s as if I’m hitting the “home” tab.
Hope you’re feeling well and taking good care of yourself.
Mavis Butterfield says
Hi Heidi,
I deleted my browser history {cache} and now I can see the full heading too.
Jim says
Made this the day after Christmas with apricot jelly, had some crackers and apple slices and it turned out beautiful and delicious, it is so easy to make to so guys if you want to score some easy points with a fancy sophisticated snack this is it.
Melissa says
Love your blog. Been a reader for years. You’re doing a great job, as always.