Blueberry Lime Jam Recipe
As you know, one of my big goals for this year is to fill my canning cupboard with all manner of delicious homemade foodstuffs in jars.
Actually last night I was able to add 8 more jars to my collection. This time around it was blueberry lime jam. Yee-Haw! This winter is going to be a tasty one, that’s for sure.
It’s not quite blueberry season yet here in Maine, but since I’m in the process of cleaning out our freezers to make way for this seasons produce from our garden and local farm stands, and since I am still without an oven because of our current kitchen renovation {translation: no blueberry pie for me!} I thought cooking up a batch of homemade blueberry jam would be the PERFECT way to make use of last summer’s berries.
This jam is fantastic! And the addition of lime really kicks it up a notch. This blueberry lime jam is great on buttered toast {we had some this morning} and stirring a spoonful into a bowl of oatmeal will be a nice treat during the winter months.
Jam! You can never have enough. 🙂
Blueberry Lime Jam Recipe
5 cups blueberries
2 boxes pectin {1.75 ounce each}
5 cups sugar
⅓ cup lime juice
1 tablespoon lime zest
Fill a hot water canner about 2/3 rds full with water and bring it to a boil.
Combine the blueberries and pectin in a large saucepan. Stir to blend in pectin.
Bring the mixture to a boil over medium-high heat. Stir in sugar. Continue stirring until the sugar dissolves. Stir in lime zest and juice. Bring the mixture to a boil that cannot be stirred down.
Boil for 1 minute, making sure to stir the jam mixture consistently to prevent it sticking to the saucepan.
Remove from heat and skim off any foam.
Test to see if it has “set” by spooning a bit onto a cold plate. If it has formed a bit of a skin and started to give a bit like goopy Jell-O, you’re good to go, if not, cook for a bit longer.
When the jam is ready, ladle immediately into prepared jars, filling to within 1/4 inch of tops. Remove any air bubbles.
Canning the Blueberry Lime Jam
Wipe the jar rims and threads clean if needed. If using traditional canning jars, cover with 2-piece lids. Screw bands on.
If using Weck jars, carefully place the Weck rubber gasket on the lid of the jars. Place the lid on the jar and secure the lid with 2 evenly spaced Weck clamps.
Place jars on an elevated rack in a hot water bath canner. Lower rack into canner. {Water must cover jars by 2 inches. Add boiling water, if necessary.}
Cover; bring water to a boil. Process 10 min. Remove jars and place upright on a towel to cool completely. Cool jars for 12-24 hours.
After the jars have cooled, check the seals by pressing the middle of the lids with your finger. If lids spring back, lids are not sealed and refrigeration is necessary. {Traditional canning jars}.
For Weck jars, check to make sure your seal is pointing downwards.
Remove rings or clamps and store jars in a cool dark place.
Yields about {6} 1/2 pints or {8} #902 Weck jars
This recipe was canned at sea level. If you need to make altitude adjustments for home canning you can find directions here:
How to Use a Hot Water Bath Canner –
How to Use Weck Jars –
More Canning Recipes – 80+ Canning Recipes
Jamie B. says
I can’t wait to try this !
Bonnie says
That sounds like it would be an interesting, but delicious combination of flavors! I guess it’s like putting blueberries with lemon flavored muffins. Gives it some zing.
Bonnie says
I am excited that I will get to make some blackberry jelly! There is a bunch of them growing wild on the back of my property. I have picked probably a gallon in the last 2 days. Yes haw!! As you say. Lol.
Patti says
This is my favorite jam! I need to go pick some blueberries this weekend but it is SO hot right now (100 degrees F). I guess I could freeze them and make the jam later!
Andrea says
Makin’ jam on the back deck for the win!
Kimberly Vassar says
This sounds wonderful