A few weeks ago when we received more fresh bananas than we could eat from a reclaimed food box, I decided to make a few grab and go smoothie bags for the kids. In fact anytime you have extra yogurt or fruit on hand, these DIY freezer fruit and yogurt smoothie bags are great to set aside for a quick snack {or breakfast}.
DIY Freezer Fruit and Yogurt Smoothie Bags
2 cups fresh fruit {strawberries, bananas, blueberries, peaches}
1/2 cup yogurt
Because I’m a bit of a freak, I didn’t want to have to look at chunks of brown {ripe} bananas in my smoothie bags. So as I was placing the yogurt into ice cube trays, I went ahead and pureed a bunch of peeled bananas in the blender and pour them in to some additional ice cube trays. Once the yogurt and bananas were frozen, I simply popped them out of the trays, measured 2 cups of fresh fruit and a 1/2 cup of yogurt {about 4 cubes} and sealed them into quart sized freezer bags.
To make a smoothie, simply empty the contents of the smoothie bag into the blender, add 1 cup juice {or water} and hit the blend button until the concoction is nice and smooth.
Heidi says
Great idea, thanks for the Share!!!!
Sakura says
You can push all those frozen items thru a yonanas for a yummy frozen treat also.
Heather S. says
I always just freeze my bananas whole (with the peel) and it works great, but can be hard to peel. I never thought of doing it this way. What a great idea!!!
Wendy Phelps says
I’ve been chopping peeled bananas and freezing for awhile. Try frozen banana, a few drops of coconut essense and soy or milk, blitz in the processor, yummy
Judy N. says
add a handful of Baby spinach to that..I love it in mine..extra vitamins and minerals..
Susan Goins says
Love all the great tips and info. Thank you for taking your valuable time to post pictures and having such a heart to share with others. God Bless you Mavis!!!
Mavis says
Thanks Susan. 🙂 I’m having fun. 🙂
Mrs. Hillbilly says
How do u peel those bananas ? I have a bunch of black ones in my freezer right now .
Tina says
Mrs. Hillbilly, If i freeze with the peel then I just take mine out a half hour to an hour before I want to use it (or the night before I will transfer it to the fridge) and I use a knife to cut off the peel if it is resistant to my peeling it if still frozen. However, I have some peeled and frozen in chunks. The “brown-ness” of them doesn’t seem to bother me much.
June says
I let the whole frozen banana soak in a bowl of lukewarm water for 30 seconds (or longer if you like). It warms up just the outside of the banana. You can then slide the peel right off!
Lisa says
As a daily smoothie addict, I must say THIS is a brilliant idea. Frozen bananas on their own never loose that “icy” taste. I’d go one step further and blend in your soon-to-expire greens while you are at it. Thanks for the tip!
jojo says
i have been doing this for a while i started doing it so I didnt have to add ice cubes to the smoothies I made 🙂 Also at that time I was making my own baby food so it was even easier 🙂 Now no bananas go to waste like b4 I started doing it. i also add spinach to mine and some protein powder.
Elizabeth S. says
I’m a bit late to the smoothie party, but can I just use a food processor to puree the bananas? I don’t want to look at brown bananas either. Also do you just toss the strawberries (cleaned and trimmed of course) in the bag, no special prep required? I have some that on their last leg and I don’t want to throw them away. Thanks as always for your tips, tricks, and recipes. 🙂
Mavis Butterfield says
Of course! 🙂
Lisa (not the same one as earlier!) says
I did this, but my family didn’t like them. They (the smoothies) tasted different from the fresh ones. I do toss almost too ripe strawberries in the freezer to keep for smoothies.
We don’t use milk, we pour in some orange juice, or maybe even pineapple juice and some pineapple chunks. And ice if the strawberries aren’t frozen.
Charity says
Almond milk is excellent in smoothies
Suzanne says
This is such a good idea! What a great way to store the yogut and banana so it can blend easily!
Vanessa says
Thanks for sharing! How long are the packs in the freezer?