This week there were only 2 boxes of free produce from our local grocery store. I just about fell over when I saw all the watermelon. I mean really, we can only eat so much.
Has anyone ever tried freezing watermelon? Can it be done? If so I’m thinking a few chunks of watermelon might go nicely in a smoothie or something. I’ve dehydrated watermelon before, but I don’t think I have tried to freeze it.
We kept 5 giant tubs of melon {so far we have polished off 3 tubs} and a small bowl of strawberries for ourselves and gave the rest of the reclaimed produce to our flock of backyard chickens.
No matter how you look at it, free is free. And even though the pickings this week were slim, we are still happy to have them.
Peace Out Girl Scouts, have a great day.
Would you like to see what else we have brought home over the past year?
Head on over HERE to read all the past stories and to see all the pictures.
If you have just stumbled upon this series and are wondering how I got all this food for free, you’ll want to read this story first.
Linda says
Frozen watermelon is GREAT!
Gwenn Ferguson says
Frozen watermelon is GREAT! We usually put the pieces on wire racks over the sheet pans in the freezer because watermelon will lose some, well, water when it freezes. The flavor is much more intense (like for pineapple) and the frozen watermelon cubes are great in the summer to flavor water, punch, your favorite adult cocktail
Jamie says
I second that! I freeze wedges of watermelon on popsicle sticks in the summer for my kids. They love it! I bet you could skewer those chunks of watermelon and freeze and then have a tasty snack
Holly says
Hi Mavis! I have some suggestions with your watermelon – you can make a lot of great cocktails or mocktails (great for the kiddos) with watermelon (it blends really easily!), or you can use it to make sorbet or granita that will definitely keep in the freezer for at least a few weeks. Another option if you want to use it in smoothies is to blend it up into a puree and then freeze it in ice cube trays – I find this better than freezing it directly. You can then either use the cubes in smoothies as discussed, or you can just pop one in your mouth as a mini popsicle on a cold day. I have a household of two, so we are always finding ways to use up the remaining 75% of a watermelon that we can’t eat. Enjoy – what a gift!
Martha says
I have been checking out recipes for watermelon jam. Thats something I want to try this summer. That might be something you would use it for.
Stephanie says
I’ve had the same problem with watermelon. I found that watermelon balls (or cubes, I suppose) freeze marvelously! You can puree them still frozen later & call it a frozen drink. I usually add tequila & sugar, but it’s not required.
I’ve also made watermelon jelly, which turned out okay. It’s a little delicate tasting really. I really like to dehydrate the slices because they come out really airy – a little like cotton candy. If you sprinkle with sugar before tossing in the dehydrator, they become “candy” for the kids!
Maybe make Shrimp & Watermelon Salad? Something like:
1 pound shrimp, cooked & chopped (or just use salad-size)
1 T sweet onion, finely chopped & sauteed
3 T Mayo
2 T celery, finely chopped
1 container watermelon
You could probably sub in fish or even chicken for the shrimp. Serve it on bread or over some of the lettuce you got.
If you make stir-fry, you can slice the cubes into sticks & add them to the mix, too.
Kathryn A says
Here’s a granita recipe –
not quite hot enough, but you might want to try it anyway. It looks so good!
Tracey says
Watermelon makes healthy yummy popscicles
Linda M says
I have had success with freezing watermelon. I make a simple syrup and make sure it is covered with that in my container. I defrost it to the point of barely icy before using. It is really good mixed in a fruit cup combo…would also be good drained and in a smoothie. I have also done this with cantaloupe. I have also frozen it in lemon-lime soda when I was rushed and didn’t want to take the time to make the simple syrup and let it cool before popping the melon in the freezer.
Nina says
Freezing water melon works really well and makes good smoothies almost all on thier own!
Watermelon (or any melon) is delicious with procutio 0 YUM I even like eating watermelon with a touch of balsamic vinegar!
Kristin says
Oh, I have your answer. I was not a big watermelon person, but ever since I discovered this drink I can’t get enough of it during the summer!
Sakura says
Try slicing and dehydrating it for a sweet chewy snack.
Dorie says
Can you take it to your local food bank and share the wealth?
Tina says
Watermelon sorbet?
Ayrie Joyce says
It makes a great smoothie with kiwi.
PATTI says
Lisa says
We love watermelon smoothie. Just watermelon with a little bit of sugar and water!
caryl says
We had watermelons out the wazoo last summer from our garden and after 1 too many smoothies and sorbets, decided on using it for watermelon wine … and lots of it!
Lyn gray says
Purée and add it to ur lemonade.
Sarah says
Haven’t tried this but it looks good:
Watermelon popsicles
You could sub your strawberries for the raspberries.
Julie says
Just saw this and thought of you.
Mavis says
You know I’m going to have to make that now, right.
Jennifer says
Strawberry watermelon is the yummiest smoothie! Mmm!
Mandy P says
We freeze it an then make popsicles out of it…or just cut it into little chunks and give it to the kids as a nice snack when it is hot out:)
Jubilee says
I find if you blend up the watermelon in a mixer and pour in ice cube trays and freeze, they are awesome in water to give it a little flavor or to throw in a smoothy or just eat as a snack.
Michelle Wright says
I have a yummy idea and it takes a lot of watermelon. I do this myself and it is so good. I look forward to it every year.
Make watermelon juice. Period. A bunch of watermelon and some sugar. I use my Vitamix and pulverize it and drink it up. It is excellent, doesn’t need anything else at all. No water or anything. Try it, you’ll be hooked. The only problem I ever have is not drinking too much! If you do you’ll be in the ladies room my friend!
Amanda says
Mmmm! Watermelon! Yep, you can freeze it and throw it in smoothie, eat it in frozen cubes, add it to a cold beverage like ice, juice it (just blend it up and strain it), blend it with some lemonade…
We LOVE watermelon in my family! I, too, could eat a whole one daily.
Kelly says
I’ve made all kinds of sorbet with watermelon. I think my favorite kind was watermelon strawberry mint sorbet. It was even really good with a little basil. I just added and mixed in stuff until it tasted right. :o)
It’s also good blended and mixed with lemonade or your choice of carbonation (sprite, lemon-lime, etc) and some mint.
BRB says
We had watermelon juice in Mexico, I’m not sure how much you would get from each tub though.
Jen says
See if Lucy likes it. My dog LOVES watermelon, and it’s her special treat in the summertime!
Diane A says
I would freeze the watermelon and add it too your yummy smothies…it is added vitamins into any smoothie. Or you can make it a melon smoothie but the taste can be overridden by any banana so you wont even know it is there. Much better than an ice cube!!
Donna says
Watermelon juice added to lemonade is delicious! You could probably freeze it in ice trays as already mentioned and then thaw as wanted to add to lemonade.
Lisa says
Watermelon juice is great…super easy if you have a juicer. If not then you can blend it and strain it to get the fibrous particles out. The first place I had watermelon juice was in the Dominican Republic and it was so good I have done it at home with my juicer
Wendy says
I agree watermelon juiced is delicious especially with other fruits, turn the juice in icy poles for the kids over the summer. My grandkids love frozen juice or slushies
MaMaLaLa says
Dehydrate it again. My kids love the watermelon you suggested we dehydrated. They call it taffy- took it to school for his birthday and they all raved about how healthy and delicious it was.
Jessikah says
When we have excess or some fruit/veggie needs to get eaten, we just pull out the juicer. Mix it up with other yummy fruits.
Amanda Scapini says
That´s easy.
Cube the watermelon. Freeze. Blend with milk. Done.
Pretty freaking awesome milkshake.
I´d say 3:1 is a good ratio.
Preppy Pink Crocodile says
I have frozen it but to use in a drink or to make watermelon jelly. Here’s my recipe- it’s really good and I don’t even care that much for watermelon. I like it on waffles. Plus it’s pretty in a jar.
Eva W says
Here’s a recipe for adults…
Watermelon Agave Margaritafrom Relish Burger Bistroat The Phoenician.