One of the benefits of being of being a housewife in high maintenance suburbia is that I have a lot of free time on my hands. Instead of hanging out at the wine bar, going to the gym or tanning three times a week, I have time to pursue hobbies. Like gardening. This past weekend I attended the Mother Earth News Fair and had the opportunity to meet the hottest horticulturist on the planet. His name is Ryan, and he works for Botanical Interests Seed Company.
If I had to guess, Ryan shops at REI, eats granola for breakfast and owns a mountain bike. PLUS he is a professional gardener {and he smells good too}. Did I mention he is cute?
I bet Ryan is a good hugger too. Not that he hugged me or anything, but he did wrap his arm around me pretty tight for the photo. Which leads me to believe either
A. Ryan has been on the road selling seed packets a little to long or
B. He in fact IS a really good hugger and loves desperate housewives like myself.
Anyway, enough about me a my dreamy new boyfriend. Today I am giving away 6 packets of Botanical Interests Seeds + a copy of the book What’s Wrong with my Vegetable Garden By David Deardorff & Kathryn Watson.
Want to win???
All you have to do is head over to the Botanical Interests website and take a look around. Then come back here and leave a comment on this post telling me what your favorite packet of seeds Botanical Interests offers is.
I don’t know about you, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE the artwork on Botanical Interests seed packets!
This giveaway ends on June 8th, 2012 at 10pm PST.
1 Comment will be randomly selected via the random generator on The winner will be notified via email and have 48 hours to respond to claim the prize.
Good Luck! I hope you win!
♥ Mavis
If you would like to learn more about What’s Wrong With My Vegetable Garden you can check it out HERE on This book has a perfect 5 star rating and is loaded with a ton of pictures!
Kristina says
Hi- I like the Sunflower Evening Sun Organic Seed!! It’s organic and it’s bright and beautiful. I had never seen a red gigantic sunflower before!! Awesome!!! Have a nice day. Thanks for the contest Mavis!:-)
Carin says
They’re all beautiful packets!
If I have to pick just one, it would be the catnip heirloom seeds. The cat on the packet looks a lot like my cat, Scarlet.
Amanda M. says
I hate to be number 1… it just seems like such an unlucky number in these little giveaways but….. Here I am #1! I live in Olympia and wanted to go to the Mother Earth Fair SO BADLY but couldn’t make it. Thanks a lot for posting all your awesome pictures and making me feel worse!
Amanda M. says
ohhhh number 2~ even better!
Amanda M. says
Oh and my favorite seed packet is the heirloom tomato collection!
Dana says
I do love the pictures on packs, but I really do love that this company does collection packs. It takes the guess work out of stuff. Especially if you are just starting out.
Jenn says
wow! I love that they have collections to choose from. I would say my favorite is : Basic Bounty Veggie Garden Seed Collection : I would love to give that away to my neighbors or family to help start they’re garden. I’ve gotten so many compliments on mine and always want to share the wealth!
carrie says
I really love the Corn Sweet Painted Hill packets. The colors remind me of fall
Kathy says
I love Botanical Interests! I spend so much time drooling over choices on their website. My local feed store sells many of them, so I’m lucky enough to get most of my seeds through them!
The seeds I’ve had the most fun with are the sprouts – I did my own alfalfa sprouts, but the Chinese radish sprouts were my favorite! They were spicy and gorgeous – red tipped, white root and a pretty little green top.
Sue V says
I would love to try the Eggplant Long Purple Heirloom seeds! What’s not to love–purple color and great for cooking. All the artwork is amazing on seed packets.
Holly Reed says
Oh I saw this book this weekend and I wanted to get it so bad! I just couldnt blow my budget for it though. My favorite packet would be the carnival carrot packet. I love rainbow vegetable of any kind. Thes packets are so pretty I think if I won them, I would have to frame them and hang them on the wall!
Eva Wendorf says
I live in the desert, so the one I would like is the Bluebells Desert Seed
(Phacelia campanularia). Most of my plants have to be watered everyday and watered well (I am not wasting water… I use the water from warming up my shower!) In an apartment, I have only my patio to grow things and the few vegetables (tomatoes & peppers) are a lot of work. Some pretty things would look nice and if they are easy to keep; BONUS!
Devon Christensen says
It would have to be Bean Pole Kentucky Blue Seed. Nothing makes me love summer more than fresh green beans!! That is my favorite crop out of the garden!
Julie says
I would love to have this book in my library! I saw ton’s of seeds I’d like to try but the Carrot Carnival blend look like a fun food to try. Thanks!
Melinda D says
The baby vegetable seed collection looks like a lot of fun!
Tammy Ward says
I really like the Carrot Baby Little Finger heirloom seeds. I may just have to have these for our garden!
Nina says
I love the Children’s collection my son always wants to help.. Its great they have one meant for children how fun
Karina says
I LOVE the artwork! I would have to say the Beet Gourmet Blend Heirloom Seed packet. I love the variety colors and favors of beets, but have never grown them myself! Plus, they would probably work in my flowerpot garden…
LaurelB says
Love quality organic and heirloom seeds. I am always looking to add a new variety of cucumbers. I’m thinking the Straight Eight looks like a great one. Bookmarked the site! Thanks.
Brenda says
I gotta have me some of that Spinach New Zealand Heirloom Seed! I love spinach and can never have enough.
sara says
How to pick just one…. but I pick Carrot Tonda di Parigi Heirloom Seed, apparently I’m not the only one since it’s sold out!!!
HollyG says
The Beet Gourmet Blend packet is beautiful and I just love beets. Such pretty artwork.
Jamie says
I ordered green onions for the 1st time ever from them and planted this spring – already able harvest small green onions now too – love them!
Kelly Jo says
how do I pick just one? lol! I would love to get my hands on the cherry tomato yellow pear heirloom. Just found your blog last week. I LOVE it!
Misty says
I had never thought of growing catnip or know that there was heirloom varieties but that is what I would want to grow and my cat Leo agrees.
Alison says
I really love the Lavender Hidcote Dwarf Seed. Lavender smells so soothing and the packet art looks wonderful.
Brenda says
First I want to say HI! I have been devouring your website for about 2 weeks now! I love everything you do and am planning a few of your projects in my own garden. As for my favorite seed packet I would have to say it is the homemade pickles seed packet. I love how it shows the flower and vine, the cucumbers and the jar of pickles waiting to be eaten!
Kelly says
What a great give away. My favorite would have to be the carnival carrot, I think my three children would love seeing the carrot in a rainbow of colors. They are quite excited about my gardening endeavor so this would even be something they would love to see.
Megan says
So hard to pick! I think Watermelon Sugar Baby Organic Heirloom Seed.
I loved browsing their collections!
Heather V says
My favorite would have to be the Borage Organic Heirloom Seeds – They are so gorgeous, and I always get a big kick out of plants that are as versatile as this.
Kelly A says
Pumpkin Jarrahdale Heirloom Seed, I love the little scarecrow on it and I actually purchased these for our pumpkin patch this year! I love Botanical Interests Seed company. Great turnaround on orders and the seed selection is fantastic!
amy says
I wish I had read their helpful tips on starting seeds! My starts didn’t turn out so well. Eeek
And they have lots of heirloom seed! Yeah!
Amanda L says
Grandpa Ott’s Morning glories…just planted some! Can’t wait to see ’em bloom…
Kim says
I just discovered the Children’s Garden Seed Collection. I can’t wait until my son is old enough to help me in the garden!!!
Rachel B. says
My favorite is the Bean Pole Runner Scarlet Emperor Heirloom Seed – putting color in the vegetable garden AND tasty pods! Yum.
Megan Johnston says
The Bluebell desert seeds are what id be interested in for sure! Low maint. and look like they would be beautiful!
jody says
I purchased lettuce seeds from Ryan on Sunday! Mother Earth News Fair was so much fun!
karen says
my fav right now is Radish French Breakfast, since seeing it on your blog. They look so pretty, I gotta try them. Thinking they will make good pickles. do they?
Nathan K. says
The “Carrot Carnival Blend Organic Seed” caught my eye. The variety in carrot colors seems very whimsical. Does anyone happen to know if the various colors hold any difference in nutritional characteristics or value?
Sarah says
How do I get a job like your new boyfriend’s as being a “professional gardener”?! Jealous!
I love ALL Botanical Interests seeds and the beautiful artwork on the packets…My top 3 (for today anyway) will be Tomato Pole – Black Krim Organic Heirloom, Tomato Pole – Green Zebra Organic, and the Cosmic Purple Carrots. I love them because they’re very pretty illustrations, the plants are pretty, and they a yummy to eat.
jessica hardin says
Brussels Sprouts Long Island Improved Heirloom Seed!! The picture is adorable and I hear home grown brussel sprouts are the best!!
Julie2 says
I think what I would love most is their Cucumber Lemon Organic Heirloom seeds. I’m sure I would eat them all fresh, but would consider canning few also for gifts.
Thanks for all you do Mavis. Have a great day.
Pattie F. says
Fun giveaway! There are so many seeds I would like to try. My first one would probably be the Mustard Red Giant Heirloom. Yummy and beautiful!
Trina says
I like the different basil options. I’m fairly new to gardening, and we can’t get fresh basil in the store where I live. I’m trying my hand at basil this year, and if I do well, I would love to try one of the other basil seeds. Like maybe the Basil Lemon Mrs. Burns Heirloom Seeds. I can almost smell them now!
Lisa says
Their seeds are amazing! I love the pumpkin french cinderella heriloom seeds! By the way, Mavis, I’ve been reading your blog for a couple of months now & you are HILARIOUS!
Zoe says
I like the drawing of the Goldenrod. But that’s not what I would plant. It’s a weed around here. I would plant some heirloom tomatoes, though.
Katie B. says
I just recently picked up a packet of the Quinoa seed at our local nursery and very excited to try it out. Love that its ornamental and a harvestable crop!
thanks for the giveaway chance
Shar says
My favorite packet of seeds from B.I. is the Moon and Stars Watermelon because both the fruit and foliage have the interesting moon and stars pattern. How cool!
Angela Spicer says
Radish French Breakfast Organic Heirloom Seed
I love radishes
Karen says
Sunflower : Not fair we had to just pick one!
Leslie says
I love all the artwork but the Radish Rat Tail Heirloom Seed packet caught my eye!
Dawna M. says
I’m always looking for something new to plant each year. The Mustard-Ruby Streaks really caught my eye. Beautiful and edible.
Beth M. says
I would chose Basic Bounty Veggie Garden Seed Collection
because I just planted my first garden and would like a variety of vegetables to plant and share with friends and family.
Amber @ Tales of Domestica says
I would love to try their heirloom pumpkins! Thanks!
Mike B says
i never had this type of bok choy before, I will order the Bok Choy Tatsoi Rosette Heirloom Seed
Saralie says
I would choose Quinoa Brightest Brilliant Rainbow Seeds since I did not realize that I could grow those in my garden…wow
Michelle says
Botanical Interests seed packets look like they could be framed as art! Hmmm…. Anyway, after attending Sunday’s session at the Mother Earth News Fair and seeing the “Planting for Year-Round Harvests on the Pacific Northwest Coast” with Linda Gilkeson, I am really exploring winter varieties and the whole idea of gardening right through the winter! So naturally I was drawn to the Kale Red Winter Organic Heirloom Seed (she says to plant in Late July-early august) and also this new stuff I learned about from her – Mache Corn Salad Organic Heirloom Seed. She says this stuff is super hardy and a perfect lettuce substitute in the winter. Maybe I’ll be brave enough to try it out this year!
Tiffany says
Okay, I was gonna say the Yellow Cone Flower packet because I’ve never seen yellow ones. But then I saw someone else’s comment about the collections, and went back to check those out. Hands down the Children’s Garden Seed Collection. I have a patch of dirt in the front of the house that I have been wondering what to do with. What an awesome idea. Love it!!
P.S. Just found you the other day. You’re awesome. Thanks!
Karinna says
This company by far has excellent choices. At the fair they sold their seed packets for $1 buckaroo. How awesome. Since this year I’m trying beans of all sorts, I’d say the one I’m looking forward to the most is the Organic Bush Tiger’s Eye Bean. As I look on their site, it sells for $2.99. I bought it for a third of the cost. How awesome is that?!?!?! Thanks for the giveaway Mavis. Hope I win ^_^
Cheryl says
I’m not sure how anyone could pick just one favorite seed packet from this website. Everything looks fantastic. But, if I had to choose, it would be the Winter Burgess Buttercup Squash Heirloom Seed.
Lisa Hertel says
Alyssum Sweet Allure Pastel Blend Seed
Ben Andrews says
My favorite is Carrot Scarlet Nantes Organic Heirloom Seed. We have Nash’s organic farm here and the carrots are the sweetest I have ever had. Being the best, they get very expensive at the end of the season and I hope to grow our own supply. Gonna have to give these a try.
Lynda says
EZ PZ! The Bee Happy Collection! I love making the bees happy!
Angela Kruger says
I also really love the Corn Sweet Painted Hill packets. Oh really i love them all and have started a seed album like yours!!!!
Lori says
LOVE the baby vegetable collection, and the packaging is beautiful! (I seem to be able to get my little one to eat ‘miniature’ versions a bit easier than normal size veggies). Did anyone notice the 40% off sale on some selected seeds! SWEET!
Lisa says
I have a bunny, tortoise & guinea pig that all like to eat lettuce and yes, I do buy them lettuce from the grocery store. I really want to grow my own for them and so would love to try the Lettuce Leaf Salad Bowl Blend. How about a lil salad for the critters? By the way, love your site, especially your spunky personality!
Andrea D says
I ordered seeds from them for the first time this year & am so excited about how well they are doing. Super excited about the Bean Bush Trio- hoping the ‘magic’ purple beans (that turn green when cooked) will entice my littles to love beans
Brooke Acosta says
I love the kale seeds. We eat kale at least twice a week. I got the most delicious raw kale salad recipe from and we are totally addicted!
Bethany says
My favorite would have to be the Ocimum basilicum minimum or the Basil Greek Yevani Organic Seed. I haven’t actually ever planted this variety of Basil but it sounds very sophisticated!!!
By the way- I love your blog. I found it a couple weeks ago…and I read the entire thing…Kind of weird- But I loved it all!!!
beckybeq says
“Red Warty Thing Pumpkin” caught my eye immediately on the front page. I so want to grow that just for the cool name.
Neighbor “What *is* that?”
Me “Ok just a Red Warty Thing – cool, eh?”
Grace says
I’d like to try Tomato Pole Cherokee Purple Organic Heirloom Seed –seems like they’d add great color to meals!
Amanda B. says
I love the Globemallow Scarlet Seed packets. So pretty!
Heidi says
Since I’ve always loved growing pumpkins I went directly to their pumpkin selection. There was only one variety that I haven’t grown in the past. So that’s my seed pick~ Pumpkin Red Warty Thing Seed~Cucurbita maxima
I will definitely order seeds from them in the future. Thanks for sharing.
Heather says
I am loving this one with the butterfly! I already planted some dill in my garden for some pickle making this fall, or else I might have had to buy the Dill Bouquet Organic Heirloom seed packet. It’d be so cute in a little frame.
sena c says
The artichoke green and purple heirloom seeds. I don’t think I would have the skills to grow artichokes from seed….but wouldn’t it be nice? I am going to also cheat and give you two favorites since one of my veggie retailers told me that the french pumpkin tasted better than sugar babies for pumpkin pie…..
Wendy Lato says
Quinoa looked so beautiful and practical, I bought some seeds!
Thanks for the introduction to their website.
Dawn McCloskey says
Okay so now that my mouth is watering from all the yummy pics of produce… To pick just one. I would have to say I would love to try the eggplant but the most useful to me would probably be the Lettuce Mesclun Asian Salad Greens Seeds. We eat a ton of salad here. Thanks once again Mavis… You are my fave blog by far!
Jamie says
I love seeds! I think the tomato cherry rainbow blend looks delicious. I love heirloom tomatoes as these are and would love to try some new seeds.
Sarah C says
Shoot, I don’t even have to go to the website. They know me by name, I’m sure. I love the Early Wonder Beet illustration (that’s the one my brain went to first), but all the sunflower packets, the rainbow chard, and the kentucky wonder pole bean packets are favorites too.
I’m such a geek.
Heather D says
Wow…you are right about the artwork! Gorgeous! I browsed a bit, then went to the Sunflower section because I want to grow sunflowers for seed for my (future) chicken flock. Looks like it might be a bit too late to plant the seeds this year, but I loved the heirloom Sunflower Mammoth Grey Stripe.
ann says
I’m so new at any type of gardening that I think I would need to start with a container garden, and I’d love to try and grow some vegetables (as opposed to flowers) – so which packet(s) of seeds would be my choice? The Container Vegetable Seed Collection Item #4526 – because it would take the guesswork and decisions out of my hands and let me try a bunch of different stuff and see what works! =)
vickie says
I always like to try new green beans so the Bean Pole Kentucky Blue Seed sounds like a interesting variety to try.
It only takes 60 days I think I could plant a couple of rows!
Maggie says
Love your blog!! Pepper Sweet Yolo Wonder Heirloom Seed – YOLO!!
Laura says
I love the warty thing pumpkin pack. I just love the pictures on their packets.
Aubre says
We are putting in our raised planting beds this month, so I’ve spent the past week mapping out a rough plan for the garden (what to plant where and when). I’ve had the Botanical Interests website open on my web browser for several days in a row, and I have a growing list of seeds I’ll be ordering for our late summer/fall garden (we live in South Louisiana, so our growing season is crazy long). I am most excited about the bush beans … I’ve picked out Royal Burgundy, Pencil Pod Yellow, and Tavera.
sy says
I want the chives chinese garlic heirloom seeds, I love chive dumplings.
Monique S says
This is such a tough one!!! I’d have to go with the Corn Sweet Peaches & Cream (bicolor) SeedItem #7306….simply because I really want to have the room to grow this, and dont. Most likely the seedless english cucumbers are the way I usually go, simply because I have to container plant, due to the fact that I live in a high maintence suburbia apartment
Yay for giveaways!!
Lindsey Gain says
This is such a fun giveaway! I’m going to have to go with Cucumber Marketmore Organic Seed, as there is nothing better to me than a fresh from the garden cuke. Yum.
Michelle says
The collections are awesome, but I think the Beet Gourmet Blend Organic Heirloom seeds have to be a favorite. I think I might have to buy these…
myna lee johnstone says
marvellous! amazing selection so hard to choose a fave but I know i will want:
Bean Bush French Filet Seed
Phaseolus vulgaris
pick early on;y 58 days
Carol says
I’m really interested in the Bee Happy Seed Collection. My husband and I started beekeeping this spring, and we know we want to plant perennials that support bees.
CJ says
Sunflower Evening Sun Organic Seed – to help feed the birds!
Brenna says
I love the Quinoa Brightest Brilliant Rainbow Organic Seed. I had no idea quinoa was so beautiful!!!
Wendy says
I love reading your blog! Such fun ideas and inspiration for the garden! Hard to choose but I would pick Save the Bees seeds.
Paula says
The echinachea purple coneflower….just beautiful! Of course they all are appealing.
Sarah Smith says
I love all of their artwork. I don’t think I have ever visited their website (before today!) Love that they have the collections, they would make a fantastic gift. The Bee Happy See Collection and the Beneficial Insect Welcome Collection are a great idea!
Satina says
I have to say the Basil Purple Petra Organic Seed. I love the color and would like to try it. It was fun seeing all of the different types of seeds.
Andrea says
What a fun site to read! I couldn’t decided on just one – I think I “need” to order the Children’s garden seed collection, I think my kids would have a lot of fun with it and it reminded me that I want to plant sunflowers still!
Lyn says
Sprouts mung bean
Hailey says
Definitely like to try the Borage….looks beautiful! Thanks!
Stephanie says
I would like the Borage Heirloom Seed, I have been looking for borage locally and no one has it.
stephanie says
I love the Hummingbird Haven Seed packet since (i) the flowers beautiful and (ii) who doesn’t love Hummingbirds!
Demarie says
I would love to try the Lettuce Butterhead Marvel of Four Seasons Organic Heirloom Seed. Gorgeous purple and is buttery? Sold.
Kate Gwinn says
Oh, man. I’m definitely going to order some of the Lettuce Mesclun Gourmet Baby Greens Organic Heirloom Seed. Want to know why? Turns out, the usual lettuce-eating pests can’t climb up my galvanized raised beds so I have picture perfect lettuce for the first time in my entire life!!!!!! Yahoo!
On the other hand, my Walla Walla onions are looking a wee bit shrimpy so I kinda need that book.
Awesome giveaway!
Randi says
I am a fledgling gardener and a super wannabe botanical artist. That is what I love about this company-beautiful botanical drawings AND great seeds. They are the only ones I use. My backyard slug army really likes their seedlings too!
Thanks Mavis! I’d buy seeds from that guy too!
Tracie says
It is really hard to pick just one… my daughter and I love the artwork on the Bee Balm Lambada Seed package. It reminds me of summer vacations spent at my grandparent’s farm. I am very interested in trying the Borage Heirloom. I would love to experiment decorating with it’s sparkling blue edible flowers.
P.S. My husband loves your website (I do too)… he never liked gardening before, but know he can’t stop! Thank you! I tease him by calling you his new girlfriend
Jenny heline says
I have never seen these seeds! They sound great.
Michelle says
I can’t choose just one!! that’s like telling me to pick a favorite child!!! LOL If I did have to choose ( and don’t tell the other fruits, veggies, herbs and flowers) it would have to be the Fairy Meadow seeds. I am growing some right now and I love them!!!
Heather says
Awesome website. I loved the radish rat tail heirloom seed. Need to buy those regardless of your contest. Trying to stock up on heirloom seeds so I can learn to keep my own seeds.
Jenny heline says
Oh, and I love the tomato cherry sweeties!
Martha says
Ruby red swiss chard for me!
Kim Morrisey says
Wow. I’m impressed by the selection. How can I just name one? Since I just harvested a large bowl of spinach, I’m thinking it would be nice to plant more varieties nest year so I choose Spinach Bordeaux Seed, Thank you for hosting this giveaway.
Nancy W says
How to pick just one! I guess I would pick the Balloon Flower Pastel Blend Seed package. I love flowers and I don’t have enough as I’m usually concentrating on my vegetable garden!
celina boulanger says
Cabbage Red Acre Heirloom Seed
because I havent found red cabbage seeds yet..and it’s a very pretty packet
Patti says
Recently started vegetable gardening. The heirloom tomatoes look to die for!
Teal says
Love this site! Especially the children’s collection!
alyce d. says
It’s got to be borage. My sweet great aunt, gardener extraordinaire had sweet peas and borage. They seem so old fashioned and charming!
lnl says
I’m interested in the Purple beauty sweet pepper seeds….I think they may have made it onto the summer 2013 garden list….
Talaena says
Beautiful artwork indeed!!
My favorite has to be the Bok Choy White Stem Heirloom Seed, and not just because it’s fun to say Bok Choy. Also because it is so hard to find good quality boc choy seeds around here it’s fantastic that Botanical Interests offers some!
Nina says
I love the French Breakfast Radishes. We planted them for the first time this year and the radishes are so beautiful . . . and tasty.
Kari A. says
My family loves fresh watermelon so I would love the watermelon crimson sweet organic heirloom seed. I can almost taste it now! YUM
Beth says
Shiso Perilla- gonna have to get some of that!
Thanks Mavis-
Perry O says
In today’s day and age I would have to go with the “Fast Food Seed Collection”, although it didn’t seem to contain french fries or cheese burger seeds.
Shawna Bowen says
WOW, look at all the choices!!! Gotta go with the Heirloom Tomatos.
Courtney says
Hmmm….I have to say that the Pumpkin Red Warty Thing seeds look super fun. I know my niece would love those!
Helen in Meridian says
I would choose Beet gourmet heiloom mix to try. I hear roasting beets is a great way to eat them.
Did you see that the little old lady next door on Desperate Housewives died this past week from lung cancer. I really liked her and loved her story line on West Wing too. I have some baking and serving pieces like Bree, and my favorite doll in the whole world, Terri Lee, was tortured by the step daughter of the blonde when she pulled her head off and stuffed it full of mashed potatoes. Sis and I spotted this and called eachother all horrified.
Stacey B says
Is it cheating if I love the Children’s Garden Seed Mix since it comes with multiple pretty packets! What beautiful artwork.
Ashley says
Oh I could just spend all day over there! I’d have to say my favorite is…. the Cucumber Lemon Organic Heirloom seed, because they’re so pretty and yummy!
Tracy says
Cucumber Spacemaster…it’s exactly what my small garden needs!!
Brittany says
I love all of the vegetable seeds! How could I choose just one?!
April says
It’s hard to pick a favorite – I love all seeds and all things gardening!
Megan says
I love the bee Balm Lambada Seed packet illustration! So beautiful!
PS I have been following your blog for about a month now and I think you are wonderful! If I was a writer, I would probably do something similar=). Happy Gardening!
PPS I am going to send you a picture of my gardens/chickens in WV soon!
hunnybunny says
I am going to be on this website all night now! I love, love, love their children’s collection of seeds. Red popping corn? SO cool! Granted my girls love gardening whatever we grow they would love that set or better still that would be an awesome gift!
Irina says
It is hard to pick only one… My son’s choice is the Tomato Grape Jelly Bean Red & Yellow seed. I will go with his choice.
Marla Cosner says
Oooh, I like the MicroGreens Mild Mix seed. How cool to have a salad at your fingertips! And sandwhich fixins!
Nancy from Mass says
I like the Cooks Inspiration Seed Collection!
Lucky L. says
Our community garden group is doing a “One Vegetable, One Community” program (like the shared book reading program). They have activities planned throughout the year, shared recipes for beet use and also distributed small packets of seeds for everyone to try growing beets this year. Last year it was Kale. Kids now love Kale chips.
I like the Beet Gourmet Blend Heirloom Seeds. I’d still have time to grow them this year.
Jennifer says
I’m lovin’ the “Artichoke Green & Purple Heirloom Seed” packet. I’ve been wanting to try my hand at artichokes for some time but I always worry about my climate.
Joy says
Poppy California Mission Bells Seed
My grandma had these planted along the sides of her house. By far my favorite.
Jennifer says
Ice box watermelon, cause nothing sounds so good on a hot day! Love their collections as well.
Kim Everett says
I love the carnival blend arrt packet. I love your site and loved checking out botanical interest.
Kat says
I love the look of the Melon Charentais HEIRLOOM Seeds – I’ve eaten one before, but never thought about growing them myself!
Kellie says
Sprouts Mung Bean Organic Seeds- These look very interesting! I know you only said a comment but I love there web site!
Christina Briggs says
I definitely love the heirloom Di Cirro Broccoli! I will need more broccoli seeds for my fall rows! Also would love to try the bloody bull beets!!
Ginelle says
the childrens garden collection looks fun
Sarah b says
I like the children’s garden seed packet collection.
Veronica N. says
I really thought the Burgundy Bean Plants looked neat as I didn’t even realize they had purple beans that turn green when you cook them. I also think the artwork on the packets is amazing. Perhaps you could make a framed collage or something with them for the kitchen.
Lynn says
I love Botanical Interests seeds…I just opened a packet of the cilantro. All the packages are beautiful…they would look good framed!
Shandi Naugle says
My favorite packet of seeds they sell are the Bluebells Desert Seeds.
Ann says
Hard to pick just one, but I think the Dill Bouquet Organic Heirloom is extra pretty with the butterfly on it. Plus Dill is great to grow along with all of your other goodies in the garden,
Jen says
I’d love to try the Italian organic heirloom Roma tomato seeds!