Market Basket $87.90
Last week the HH and I went grocery shopping at Market Basket together {he usually does the shopping alone these days, a total reversal from the past 25 years, when I was the only one who bought groceries, but I like it}.
It seems like hot dogs, Cape Cod chips and boxes of cereal are always high on his priority list, while I’m always on the lookout for butter and the boxes of Good and Plenty. We’ve been here almost a year now, and I am still learning where everything is in the store.
The HH though, he could probably be a stock boy there, he knows where EVERYTHING is. It’s hilarious.
Hey all you chicken mama’s out there… Peeps has a Chick’N Coop cookie building kit this year. Mrs. HB, have you seen this? I bet Little HB boy would love one. Amazon has them online, but they’re less expensive in the stores {$9.99 I think}.
ALDI $10.94
Those darn pita chip crackers! Tortillas were $0.99. Every time I see a package of tor-till-ahs in the store I think of that scene in Napoleon Dynamite where his mom is telling him to make a darn quesadilla. How you can walk thorough life pronouncing tortillas or quesadilla properly after watching that scene, I don’t know. The movie is 15 years old, and The Girl and I still say tor-till-ahs.
I ate the leftover potatoes cold for breakfast the next morning and then made tor-till- ahs filled with leftover pot roast, guacamole, sour cream, salsa, tomatoes, and cheese for dinner. I tucked the extra meat and juices into the freezer for a soup sometime in the near future.
Pickety bits. The brie cheese was a new addition.
Big salad.
Creamy spiced red beans and lentils…. or as I like to call them, beans and rice, rice and beans.
Market Basket $2.99 {Doesn’t that seem cheap for 32 ounces of ricotta cheese?} I needed it for the Italian Ricotta Pie I made and so I had the HH pop by the store and pick it up. When I asked him how much it was I was surprised. I thought it would have been around $5 or so.
The increased amount of Italian and Irish products in the stores {at least in comparison to the PNW} is pretty noticeable. I mean, Bewley’s coffee and tea products? The last time I had a cup of Bewley’s tea was when I was in Dublin like 10 years ago. So to see their products on the store shelves here is pretty awesome {the Irish breakfast tea was always my favorite}. I guess the Irish and Italian population is big around here, and it shows on the grocery store shelves.
Breakfast date with the HH at the 1690 House. Those people, they sure know how to make a good breakfast sandwich.
As I was biting into my ham and brie croissant, I thought about my friend JJ and her quest for the perfect puff pastry and how I’d like to go down and sit in her kitchen for a few hours to sip tea and talk about random things. But I couldn’t very well visit JJ without stopping by to visit her mom and well since Zoë’s house is on the way, I’d have to stop there too and well then I couldn’t very well go to Zoë’s house and not stop at her parent’s place and before you know it I’d be gone for 5 days.
Good food, it reminds you of things. 🙂
How about YOU? Did you buy anything exciting at the grocery store this week? Did you make anything crazy good? I bet you had corned beef for dinner last night, didn’t you?
Have a great Monday everyone and
Total Spent on Groceries This Week $101.83
- Total Spent on Groceries in March $204.14
- Total Spent on Groceries in February $220.92
- Total Spent in January on Groceries $41.19
- Total Spent So Far on Groceries in 2019 $466.25 {Goal is to average $150 – $175 a month for the year}
You can go HERE to read more Shopping Trip Stories.
Jennifer Jo says
You should totally come! I will STUFF you with puff!!!
P.S. Yes, it’s “tor-TILL-ahs” in this house, too. Also, EAT YOUR FOOD, TINA.
Mary Elizabeth Tait says
We went grocery shopping after church and had planned to grab corned beef…the cupboards were bare….so, on the spot, I decided on Irish Beef Stew…..can I pivot or what!…..it was very delicious and my dear husband didn’t seem disappointed at all about the corned beef. We also bought a four pound slab of salmon…..those clever store people displayed it in a cold case by the front door….perhaps to make nice after not ordering enough corned beef.
Cheryl says
At least your husband bought potatoes and frozen veggies too. Mine would have bought more hot dogs.
Mama Jo says
I didn’t say tortilla correct either until we moved to south Tx in the 80’s…the girls at work laughed at me…Now I can’t eat one without heating it in the iron skillet & getting it a little brown on both sides… if you don’t do that it taste raw. Try it ..you will like them a lot better.
Katie W says
I’m in central Texas we heat our tortillas in the skillet too 🙂 We like to buy the ones fresh made in store! Though I do say tor-till-uh and case-uh-dill-uh half the time because of that darn movie lol
Lori says
Texas girl here too. We heat ours up directly on the gas range. No pan required!
Denise says
I made “Sausage Coddle” for St. Patrick’s Day. Last year I made a Shepherd’s Pie with Lamb. Just like to use what I have on hand if possible.
Linda says
Yes we did have corned beef and cabbage last night. I only make corned beef so i can have Reuben sandwiches the next day. Nothing exciting but stocking up on fish products since they are on sale during Lent.
Candy C. says
Hi Mavis..maybe put up your veggies this year instead of selling them. Then you would only need to purchase the beef for your Mississippi pot roast. I pressured canned all the potatoes I grew last year and we are still enjoying them. Perfect for pot roasts, beef stew, potatoes for breakfast and even mashed. Did the same with the carrots. Half of them canned with a bit of onion soup mix and the rest plain. Half our green beans I canned and the other half froze. So easy to throw together meals in a jiffy and I know they were never sprayed with chemicals and taste as fresh the day they were picked. Went right from garden to jars. Tomatoes canned in chunks or made into sauces, like chili sauce, salsa, pizza sauce, pasta sauce and some froze in ziplocs to add to soups. Eat fresh in the summer from your garden and from what you put up in the winter. Frees up time for me to sew, knit, read and quilt. And the money saved is amazing. Just before the holidays or the day after our store sells huge boxes of apples of mixed varieties..each marked with name..many organic for 6.00. I just wheel the entire cart holding the boxes to the checkout and into the parking lot and have a grocery guy load them into my trunk. Once home, they are sorted and brought into the house bag by bag since I cannot lift the boxes. This past year there were 4 bad ones I tossed into the compost pile. The rest were processed into applesauce, apple pie filling and fresh eating apples that were organic into the refrigerator bins. Yes, it is work..but there is an end and the payoff is great. So, consider stocking your pantry before you sell to others. It is well worth it.You will always have the makings for veggie soup if you get snowed in or the store doesn’t receive delivery because of a storm or disaster.
Janet in Woodway says
Candy C, Great comment!! Thanks!!
Mary says
Triollo’s Bakery in Bedford, NH. Crime puffs (and so much other good stuff) to die for! Don’t say I didn’t warn ya!
Margie says
Just wanted to say thank you for sharing the Lentils and Red Bean recipe. I had never had lentils before and decided to make it and it was so good! I now must find other ways to use make “beans and rice”.
Gina Seaton says
” Make yourself a dang Kase a dilla” LOL! My fave movie of all time! And your snack trays are THE best!
Brenda says
Well you must know that lots of the Italians married the Irish in the North…claimed they disliked each other but BAM..lots of Italian/Irish Americans.