Hello Monday!
I checked in with Mrs. HB last night and she said she has about 8 inches of snow on the ground in Gig Harbor, WA and that they are expecting more today. We currently have ZERO snow on the ground but according to the HH we might get around 8 inches of snow tomorrow evening. {I have no idea where he gets his weather info}.
So, at least Mrs. HB and I will be together again {if only in snowfall}. 😉
Last week started off with leftovers. On Monday we had the Brunswick Stew I had made a few days earlier and the next day we found ourselves standing around the kitchen counter snacking on the extra salami, cheese and salmon spread from the Super Bowl feast we made {with Miss Lucy on high beggar alert for any extras, especially the CHEESE}.
Big salad, big salad, big salad. 😉 If you grew up watching Seinfeld, you probably call them Big Salads too. Don’t know what I’m talking about? Watch THIS.
Fish and Brussels sprouts. Totally lacking in the flair department, but it was still good.
And then there was the giant egg casserole the HH made. The taste was FANTASTIC, and we still have leftovers in the fridge. Anyone else out there eat their eggs with ketchup? Of my goodness, I just can’t eat scrambled eggs without it.
Cheesy cauliflower soup.
And then there was our epic date day mini road trip adventure. It lasted 10 hours!!!! We started out bright and early with a trip to a new {to us} donut shop in southern Maine. {Which was excellent by the way, and I’ll tell you all about it in an upcoming post}.
After we filled up on donuts, we then made our way to Belfast, Maine then on to Camden {their public library is so cozy!}, then to Waldoboro for the highlight…. a Ruben sandwich at Morse’s Sauerkraut. I wanted to split a sandwich but the HH said he wanted his own and so I ended up going home with the other half and eating it cold the next morning for breakfast.
Copious amounts pastrami and cabbage… so early in the morning…. not a good idea. FYI.
Morse’s Sauerkraut $27.03
And then of course because you can’t leave Morse’s without buying some of their delicious meat and a few items from the refrigerated case, we picked up a jar of sauerkraut and pickled beets and a pound of pastrami {at $15.99 a pound but SO WORTH IT!}.
Pro tip: Save your sauerkraut jars because if you bring the container back {or one of yours for them to fill} they’ll knock $2 off the price.
Just look at it, isn’t the most beautiful and thinly sliced and stacked pastrami you’ve ever laid eyes on? You can’t get this stuff in a regular grocery store.
Morse’s pastrami, with a thick layer of horseradish mustard and a couple of heaping forkfuls of their sauerkraut, oh man, it’s good to the last bite. Pair it with a bowl of homemade split pea soup…. and you’ll be set.
It was a good food week. Half healthy stuff, half…. not so much. 😉 Everything in moderation though, right?
Have a great Monday everyone, and be sure to tun in tomorrow for a super cool giveaway!!
Total Spent This Week $27.03
- Total Spent on Groceries in February $189.63
- Total Spent in January on Groceries $41.19
- Total Spent So Far on Groceries in 2019 $230.82 {Goal is to average $150 – $175 a month for the year}
You can go HERE to read more Shopping Trip Stories.
Marybeth says
I can only eat scrambled eggs with ketchup. My kids add ketchup and hot sauce.
Mavis Butterfield says
And fried potatoes. Those have to have ketchup as well.
Kristin says
I LOVE reading about your grocery shopping! Super nerdy I know. What I love about it is how you prioritize what you love and have no guilt or shame spending $27 on pastrami, kraut and pickled beets and are totally fine skimping elsewhere to make it possible. Thank you for inspiring me to do what I love and spend money where it really counts.
Mavis Butterfield says
It’s the little things isn’t it? 🙂
Laura T. says
Your post is making me hungry! Those salads look yummy! I do use ketchup on my scrambled eggs! When I was a kid, I liked hot dogs in my scrambled eggs & ketchup. I would sometimes put ketchup in homemade chicken soup too. I need to go back & watch some Seinfeld. I watched it in the past but need to refresh my memory because I find that a lot of people like to reference it & I don’t remember a lot. One of my favorites was when they kept getting separated in a parking garage.
Kimberly says
I love your split pea soup recipe. I make it all the time!
Mavis Butterfield says
Thanks Kimberly, we love it too.
LaToya says
My pupper is a fiend for cheese too. Every morning when I am packing my lunch, she hears the crinkle of the cheese package and just magically appears.
We have a new company here who makes charcuterie boxes for $55. They are lovely. Though I can’t see paying that. But I wouldn’t mind if my fam gifted one to me. Anyway, they have some pretty pictures here: https://www.savorynsweets.com/event-menus/ – if you need any more ideas for your wowie zowie platters. I didn’t see Good N Plenty on any of them though 😉
Mavis Butterfield says
OH MY WORD…. Those look delicious.
Jane Hebert says
Everything looks so yummY!!!
Enjoy, Janie
Diane says
Yes to catsup on scrambled eggs! I grew up in Florida and the only person I ever knew (besides my family) who put catsup on scrambled eggs was from Pennsylvania, and my parents were from the Ohio/Pennsylvania area. Is it a regional thing? Kind of like whether you say “pop“ or “soda”?
Mavis Butterfield says
Laura T. says
Soda here too. Most of my friends in Indiana say pop. They also call paper bags ‘sacks’. There were several differences.
Mavis Butterfield says
Paper bags all the way. 😉
Judybee says
What happened to the flamingoes’ scarves???
Mavis Butterfield says
Mrs. HB has them all for her crew of Pinky’s.
Terri M Lindeke says
We get our sliced off the whole pastrami from the QFC Deli… Boar’s Head… oh so yummy. And they have kosher sauerkraut….. and Jewish Rye bread…. We will go through spurts of having them every day for as long as the fixings hold out.
We live in Burien WA and since we are higher it is still snowing like crazy while places down in the valley are getting rain. It is forecast to snow till the end of the week. Moved my computer to the dining room so I can watch my backyard disappear and watch the birds who are having a hey day eating the plates of seed I have out under our covered patio. They get a break from flying in this crazy stuff and can eat to their hearts content. The hummingbirds have the front yard and 2 feeders, and there are a couple more plates of seeds that the bigger birds are accessing like the crows.. hey crows gotta eat too!
Enjoying this 100 year snow record breaker.
Helen in Meridian says
DH likes me to put Thai chili sauce in his scrambled eggs. Did the “girls” move with you along with their scarves?
Marcia says
I love me a big salad.
I think I have those same bowls/ plates (that your salad is on)? Mine are bowls. We got them as a wedding gift in 1996. Called “pasta bowls” but they are perfect for big salads.
Mavis Butterfield says
Yes! They were from Williams- Sonoma.
Mel says
I’ve never done ketchup on eggs, but I love to do chives when I remember to cut them.
I was also craving salad, but our grocery store has terrible produce even in season. The cabbage and carrots were okay, and I found local kale, so I made a slaw-like salad with a ginger peanut dressing and almonds and shrimp.
Kim says
Big Salad is a commonly used term in our house. It’s like a little salad, but bigger and with lots of stuff on it!
Mavis Butterfield says
Funny Funny!
Donna says
I’m not a big condiment person, but I’m wondering if I’m the only person on the planet who puts mustard on their scrambled eggs. Love it!
amy says
mustard on scrambled eggs is amazing…especially sandwich style
Denise says
I’m horribly salivating over that mouth watering Reuben sandwich! I love, love, love sauerkraut!
Marg Tuinstra says
Thought I would give you a snow report from not so sunny Sequim, WA. We currently have had a total of 26″ of the white stuff on the ground. My Husky dog, Niko, is the only one enjoying leaping thru ‘ the white stuff’. No gardening going on yet.
LoLo says
: ) The Big Salad – we refer to it all the time in our house! Yours look de-lish!!!
Jennifer Meyer says
We like to put cheese, sour cream, and taco sauce or salsa on ours. Mmm mmm!