Albertsons $13.16
Lately we’ve been eating a lot of chicken and beef tacos with homemade tortillas and refried beans for after school snacks and quick dinners. With everyone going in different directions these days, homemade tacos are super cheap and easy to assemble because of the minimal ingredients {beans, rice, meat and lettuce}. And they are pretty filling as well.
Luckily we still have a bunch of meat from Zaycon in the freezer and so making a big batch of taco meat in the crock pot is a huge time saver for busy weeknights.
Sweet potatoes, onions butternut squash and beans, all staples in our house. I got a craving for some beef enchiladas so I grabbed a can of sauce. If I get my act together I’ll whip up a batch later this week. Oh, and the Haagen daz was for the HH.
QFC had a Buy 5 save $5 sale this week so I picked up some pasta sauce, sliced cheese and a pint of my favorite Chunky Monkey. The tater tots were for Monkey Boy {of course} and the bananas were for some homemade breakfast smoothies.
We didn’t need to have milk delivered this past week because of the 4 gallons we purchased last week and we still have plenty of bread in the freezer from stocking up a few weeks ago at the bakery outlet.
I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait until those *free* summer vegetables start to roll in.
So how did you do this week?
Total Spent This Week $33.81
Total Spent This Year $474.05
Total Spent This Year on Garden Seeds/Supplies $11.50
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Beth says
Mavis, you never cease to amaze me! I spent lots more money than you did this week- I spent $377.34 at Winco, Albertsons, Trader Joes, and Fred Meyer – other than milk and fresh produce, I don’t need anything else for the next 2 weeks but still- you are amazing!