We made out like bandits this week with our “free chicken scraps.” I can hardly believe we have been picking up free grocery store cast offs for over 4 months now. Where does the time go? There was a little something for everyone this time around.
Buff the Wayward Chicken and her friends enjoyed 2 boxes of lettuce, spinach, corn, melon and grapes. We even had plenty left over to feed Girly Girl’s Chickens.
Since our freezer is almost bursting at the seems with frozen strawberries, I had The Girl dehydrate these ones. She also dehydrated the mushrooms. We will use the strawberries in homemade granola, and dehydrated mushrooms in soups this winter.
All in all it was a great week to be a cheapskate. Lots of goodies!
- 3 bags stir fry vegetables
- 5 cantaloupe halves
- 9 ears of corn
- 1 bunch of cilantro
- 1 half of a pineapple
- 6 pounds of strawberries
- 12 ounces of spinach
- 1.5 pounds of mushrooms
- 3 heads of iceberg lettuce
Not too shabby if you ask me. I’m curious to see what freebies will be available this winter. Sweet potatoes? Squash? Apples? Who knows, but I’m excited, and I’m glad I’m keeping this up. It’s fun, and every week is a surprise.
Peace Out Girl Scouts,
I’m off to go work in the yard. I’m expecting company today so I need to go tidy up.
♥ Mavis
Would you like to see what else we have brought home over the past few months?
Head on over HERE to read all the past stories and to see all the pictures.
See more “How to Dehydrate Food” recipes
If you are looking for a deal on a dehydrator, Amazon has my favorite Nesco American Harvest Food Dehydrator
on sale for $38.23 shipped if you need one.
Elizabeth says
Is this the food dehydrator that you have? Should one order extra trays or anything else right away? Do not eat meat/fish so do not need anything associated with that. Would probably make fruit leather, dehydrate fruit, veg, herbs.
Sakura says
Wow, I’m so amazed at how much free produce you glean each week. I may have to give it a try. It seems as though you have a lot of production from your garden right now, are you constantly canning, dehydrating, freezing and eating? Just asking.
Lissa says
This week was pretty quiet ’round here. Nothing but a single carrot from one store. (they had oodles of corn and I am already drowning in corn.)
Other store, about 3/4 lb of strawberries, 4 ears corn (like I said), 2 tomatoes, one head green lettuce. Thankful for a quiet week though, tuckered out!
Mavis says
I know, some weeks you want it, and some weeks you don’t LOL. 🙂 I totally understand.
Peggy says
The local super market here won’t give away food like that. They mark it now and put it back on the shelf, in a different location, but still try to sell it. Disappointing!!! But I did find a store that would double coupons. A 20 minute drive, but hopefully worth it.
Barbara says
How to store your strawberries & mushrooms once they have been dehydrated?
Mavis says
I pack them tight into mason jars
Sara says
So far I have tried two places with a NO response on the chicken scraps… So still working on it. 🙂
kristy @ gastronomical sovereignty says
holy cow mavis!! look at everything you’ve got here 🙂 you could make a killer lettuce wrap out of all that!!
thank you for taking the time to share with us at The Wednesday Fresh Foods Blog Hop – we hope to see you again this week with more incredible posts! xo, kristy