View from the garden gate 1/3/2012
When I was coming up with my goals for 2012 I decided this was the year to Go BIG or Go HOME. In 2009 I tried to grow a ton {2,000 lbs} of fruits and vegetables in our backyard. I came up short. After the last vegetable was weighed I had grown only 1,032 lbs of garden goodness. Just over half of my original goal.
But the times are a changing. Over the last few years I have noticed the quality of produce in the grocery stores has declined. It doesn’t taste right. Besides the high prices {and lack of coupons} the vegetables don’t taste nearly as good as they used to. If we all know home-grown is best, then why aren’t we all trying to take advantage of the unclaimed soil in our very own backyards? What is stopping people from planting a few carrots, tomatoes or their own pumpkin patch for their kids to enjoy?
I seriously think reaching my goal of growing 2,000 lbs of fruits and vegetables in our backyard is near impossible, especially if we have a typical Seattle summer with temperatures floating between 65 to 75 degrees.
However, I also thought feeding my family for one hundred dollars a month was a wee bit on the impossible side as well. Setting impossible goals {and being a total crazy pants} is what motivates me.
I think I can do it. If you have a garden, I want to encourage you to keep track of your poundage this year as well. Whether you grow 25 lbs or 2,000 lbs we will all come out as winners.
Go Fight Win!
MaryBeth says
So what did you decide on for your grocery budget?
Mavis says
I am working on my post. I don’t want to let the cat out of the bag yet.
Desi says
Have you read that book?
Mavis says
Lol… Yes. I have about 100 garden books. I have the older version though. I like the cover on the new one… it looks a wee bit more modern.
Desi says
100 Holy Cow!
and I thought I liked to garden. SB may be buying me a new book soon.
Mavis says
I forgot to tell you, congrats on your new Kitchen Aid mixer.
I read your comment but forgot to leave you a note. How do you like it? Can you tell a big difference?
Desi says
Thanks, and I am loving it. I actually forget I have it sometimes and use my old hand mixer out of habit. I think for some things like pizza dough it is just easier to mix it by hand. The flour just didn’t seem to mix in very quickly.
Desi says
Do you have any other books on gardening you would recommend. I’ve had a garden every year for 9 years but I know there’s ways to get more out of what I do. I’m thinking of planting some edibles in my flower bed this year as fillers and I’ll have more room in my garden and to use for other plants. I want to grow a bunch of peas for freezing this year. I love home frozen peas! Plus this year will be a salsa making year ( we make enough for two years at a time), way better than store bought in my opinion.
Lori says
Just reserved my copy from the library!!
Mavis says
Yay! I hope you like it!
Kari says
My family is living in a condo for the next year, so no big garden for me. No way can I do 2000 pounds, but I’m going to see how many veggies I can grow on my deck and one small flower garden.
Challice says
That’s the spirit! There will always be exceptions but that doesnt mean we cant work with the limit we have.
WE’re in the middle of the mojave desert without a greenhouse… and cant afford a green house. IE you plant from FEB-May and then SEPT-beginning of NOV. During the hotest months (where temps are between 105F-120F) you dont do much gardening.
But! I wanna take advantage of the months we do have. Yehaw garden here I come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mavis says
Holy Cow, I think I would melt if Seattle was that hot. Yikes!
Darcy@Somewhatmuddledmusings says
After our drought and heat wave this past summer, we didn’t even have a garden – couldn’t have afforded the water bill! LOL
This year is different – we’ll start earlier, do more shade gardening, container gardening, and work at creating our gardens, again.
Jennifer Jo says
Go go go!
Mavis says
You and Jane should join me in trying to grow a ton.
You Can Call Me Jane says
Great plan. You’ll do it, too:-).
Mike says
Well Mrs. H and I are sure rooting for you and have no doubt that you can reach that 2,000 lb goal…even if I have to sneak a couple giant pumpkins into your garden .:)
Mavis says
Robin says
Love the idea of keeping track of the pounds grown this year. I had to learn to can and dehydrate this last year as the freezers weren’t big enough to hold the veggies coming out of my backyard. But I don’t have the challenges with weather you do, good luck! I’ll be checking out the book you recommended. Robin in SoCal
Emily says
Fabulous and inspiring goal! W have too much shade to attempt 2000 pounds, but you’re motivating me to get creative — perhaps peas along the fence with our neighbor’s yard…