Yesterday I headed over to Tagro to pick up some “Bio Solid Waste.”
What is Bio Solid Waste? Refined humanure. According to the official TAGRO site:
“Tagro products are made from a blend of pasteurized wastewater byproducts called biosolids and other weed-free gardening components. By the bucket or truckload, TAGRO customers say their gardens grow faster, lawns grow thicker and trees grow taller. Vegetables and flowers grown in TAGRO have earned more than 120 ribbons at the Puyallup Fair since 1992. And our biosolids program has received national awards, including the Environmental Protection Agency’s first place award for the best biosolids program in the country.”
The kind people over at the Tagro facility will let anyone pull up to their shed of poo and fill buckets, totes or even the back of a pick-up truck for FREE! {If you want the potting soil blend it will cost you $5 a cart full}. Can you believe it? Free fertilizer. Yes I said FREE! How cool is that?
I’ll tell you one thing… It sure beats refining it yourself!
Desi says
Sounds like a smelly job. Hopefully it increases your yield.
You Can Call Me Jane says
Jamey suggested we go back to using the outhouse for just this such purpose. I said no.
Mavis says
Jamey is a smart man.
Jules says
I’m curious about the health risks. I would suppose you don’t just eat as you pick your vegetables
Gwenn says
I’m wondering what you thought of this stuff? I read something about it last summer & just came across something else about it. I’m thinking I want to give it a try but was curious to see what you thought about it.
Mavis Butterfield says
Chino the Handyman’s cousin does the whole humanure thing, I’ll see if I can stop by and visit his garden. That would be a fun post.
Gwenn says
You rock! That would be awesome! I was just curious to see if it really was the miracle schmutz the tagro people claim it to be or if anyone has come down with gonorrheaherpasyphilitis (haha!) from using it.