Have I ever told you about how the Handsome Husband likes to spam my inbox with recipes? The man himself does not cook (well, maybe 3 times a year) but he sure does know a good recipe (or picture of the finished product) when he sees one. A few weeks ago he sent me a recipe for bacon bites. It took me a while to get around to making them… But boy am I sure glad I did.
These little appetizers are the best thing ever! Seriously, the next time you have some extra bacon lying around… you should make them.
Okay, I know what you’re thinking… Mavis, why are you using the medical scissors from the first aid kit? Well I’ll tell you. Because somehow all 3 pairs of my pink scissors have gone missing. All I’m going to say is this… They better find their way back to me before the next batch of coupons arrive or there will be trouble!
Alright… so here we go. Get some bacon. Cut the strips into thirds and then lay them (3 slices at a time) over a mini muffin pan. I laid the bacon over every other muffin cup because I was worried they would stick together.
Then place a second mini muffin pan over the first one. Place the pans on a rimmed cookie sheet so the inside of your oven is not covered with bacon drippings. Bake at 375 degrees for about 20-25 minutes or until crisp.
While your bacon is baking… grill a few weenies on the grill. Let cool and slice. Add the bbq’d weenies into a pan of warm baked beans and set aside.
When the bacon has finished cooking, let the little bacon cups cool for a few minutes before placing them on a plate lined with paper towels.
Then proceed to stuff your bacon cups with beans and weenies. Serve with cornbread.
Bacon… it’s what’s for dinner! 🙂
*P.S. Just to clarify, the HH says these should be served as an appetizer and not dinner. I however… don’t care. I think bacon, beans and cornbread makes for a lovely dinner.
Jules says
Yes, that would be a perfect dinner!
Mavis says
Thank you Jules, I too think they are perfect for dinner.
Qathy says
Genius! I’ve got house guests right now. I’ll be daring and try these. I think I’ll stuff them with scrambled eggs and cheese and serve for breakfast, what do you think? Also–how did you make that nifty cornbread-baking cup?!
Mavis says
I found them on Amazon. 🙂 I put a link at top right of the screen for you. 🙂
Also, I think they would be PERFECT for breakfast. 🙂
Robin says
Are you kidding? Bacon is my middle name. Thanks for sharing
Mavis says
Mine too.
Douglas says
I have an alternate suggestion for the cups. Make the cups and put a poached quail egg in each one and some Hollendaise sauce. Serve with a toasted English muffin on the side and favorite breakfast beverage.
Judy says
Great idea – bacon cups… add diced potatoes,cheese & chive…. inside out potato skins….