I could eat this everyday. That’s what my husband said last week while we were munching on a salad during linner.
Linner {instead of lunch AND dinner} is what we eat these days. Maybe it’s because we’re getting older, maybe it’s because we’re not as active in the winter or maybe we’re just in tune with how much our bodies really need.
Who knows… But it just seems to work, and this year especially, big salads have become a major part of what we eat every week, and I think it’s a good thing.
For my birthday linner though, the HH went all out and made beef bourguignon and it was pretty much the BEST home cooked meal I’ve had in forever. 😉
Just look at how BEAUTIFUL the dish was. B E A U T I F U L. Well done HH, well done!
That man could have a cooking show I tell you… He’s such a wonderful cook! And when he cooks there are usually leftovers too so it’s like an extra bonus.
I on the other hand only seem to be able to focus on steel cut oats and salads this year.
Costco $47.44
I keep telling myself that once I’m done with my massive wool project, I’ll be able to focus on cooking more.
But I don’t know, I’m really liking this salad stage we’re in. Maybe I could just throw the salads together and once a week he could make the fancy dish? Maybe that’s the direction we should go in?
Here’s a look at last weeks salads:
There was also a quick meal I threw together from the freezer section {thank you Trader Joe’s!!}.
Last week was another win in my book. 1 splurge {the beef bourguignon} 1 fast {the Trader Joe’s meal} and lot’s of healthy, tasty salads the rest of the time.
How about YOU? Do you have a meal that leaves you saying I could eat this everyday? What is it? I’d love to know.
Here’s to a happy and productive Monday!
Total Spent This Past Week: $47.44 + 30 {for birthday linner ingredients}
January $229.38
February $260.86
March $77.44
Lana says
Happy Birthday! Wow that looks delicious! We eat a lot of big salads but as for a meal for every day, no, I don’t even like leftovers much less the same thing every day.