I’ve decided that having a puppy, is very much like having a toddler. Not only do they get into everything, need constant supervision, and beg for your attention, but they will chew on anything as well.
But, if you can wear them out, they will sleep through the night. Which makes those difficult toddler years totally worth it.
Which is what Lucy has been doing for the past week or so.
I smartened up and decided to put her mad digging skills to good use.
After I harvest a head of cabbage, I have Lucy turn the soil over for me and then I plant a seed potato in it’s place. Who needs to break their back digging up dirt when you have a dog who will do it for you?
Why didn’t I think of this sooner?
Lisa says
Glad to hear that you’ve put that dog to work! Now if you could just get her to pull weeds! 🙂
Sue Burgess says
That’s a whole lot of FUNNY! What a great idea.
Crystal says
I rent my house and my landlord will only let me have a tiny little garden. It’s only big enough for 3 tomato plants and about 12 hot pepper plants, which is really pushing it for the tiny area. But my little dog Leia really loves digging it up for me every spring before I put in my plants! It’s the cutest thing. She’s so proud of herself when she’s done!
Lisap says
I have 2 pibull pups if you need to plant a tree. That hole will be done in no time at all. 🙂
Cee says
If she is chewing on things you don’t want her two, tell her no and then give her something she is allowed to chew on (not a food treat because you don’t want to reward chewing as a behavior, but a replacement – like a kong toy-without any filling) . I have a 74lb Aussie Shepherd and it worked great for him as a puppy – now he knows that if he wants to chew on something to go to his basket and get a chew toy. It’s important to be consistent both inside and outside.
Sakura says
I have a 20 lb shiba that loves to dig, but only when the beds are bare. When they have plants in them she likes to lay between the plants on the soft dirt, strange dog.
Dawn says
Hey Mavis! I chuckled through that whole video. She’s really embracing her inner beagle. I wonder what she thinks is down there??? Some kind of yummy treat or critter that keeps pushing those veggies up through the soil, no doubt. Keep up the good work, Lucy!!!
Kathy in Chicago says
My dogs are not that smart & will not dig a hole where I want them to…. they prefer to dig up the lawn…. I personally think it’s because they want me to trip while bringing in food from the grill & have the yum-yums fall on the ground…. you are SOOOO lucky she digs right where you want her to! 🙂
kcb says
She’s a doll. Watch her around the fence. We had a digger & she figured out how to dig a hole at the base of the fence & get out of the yard.
Cindi Myers says
Oh, she’s having such a good time!
You’re right that puppies and toddlers have a lot in common. But give her another year or two and she’ll have settled down. It will be worth the wait.
debbie says
Love it!!!!
Madam Chow says
What a cutie! Are there chocolate truffles in that hole? LOL!
Mavis Butterfield says
I know that’s what I was thinking! 🙂
Andrea says
If you are considering something large, like a pool or something, I can bring you my St. Bernard……..she EXCELLS at the digging function!
Mavis Butterfield says
Ha Ha HA!
Laura says
She is so cute in the video! But, boy, are you going to be sorry! She looked at you like she knew she wasn’t allowed in the raised bed, then you let her dig! Now she thinks it’s OK and you have trouble on your hands!
lana says
Hahaha! I am getting a pooch crush on Lucy! Love the video:)
Tara says