Confession time. I’m not perfect. Now I’ve known that for years, but sometimes this blog of mine glosses over that fact and all you see are colorful pictures of awesomeness. And I’m a little awesome too. But awesome people still make mistakes {lots of them, but who’s counting, right?}.
You see I had a site redesign many {many} months ago. During that redesign, my contact page was revamped making it easier to contact me. Or so you all thought. I guess the jokes on you, because I’m a technological idiot sometimes. All those hundreds of messages you’ve been sending me over the last many months were no longer delivered to me via email like they used to be. They were tucked safely inside a “comments” folder on the back end of the site, never to be seen by me until, well, now.
There were about 600 comments hidden in there that I never knew existed.
Double yikes.
Truth be told, it’s really a miracle I can even upload a photo, so this should come as no surprise. While Martha Stewart strives for perfection, I strive to simply brush my teeth and change out of pj’s before my kids get home from school every day. Perfection is not a language I speak. So forgive me? Pretty please? I promise, now that I know where to find them, I’ll stop ignoring your comments and reply as soon as I am able. Like I’m going to do right now for a few of those more pressing comments I found trapped in the abyss:
Hi Mavis- Love your blog, and I just wanted to mention that the number of typos, or auto-correct mistakes, seems to have increased over the last few months. So much so that I have stopped following the blog. I came back today to check it out, and the typo in the first sentence I read inspired me to contact you to let you know. I can’t imagine all the hard work that goes into your blog, and it’s a shame when simple mistakes take away from that. Thanks so much for taking the time to read my message. Cindy
Amen, Cindy. Amen. I’m not a writer. I accidentally have a blog with thousands of followers. I didn’t set out to write for people other than my very forgiving family to read {although I’m totally glad you guys show up every day!}. I’m a one man show, so sometimes it’s way more important for me to spend my time getting the content out there for you guys and way less important to spend hours editing. I know occasionally my posts can be used as an example in a high school English class on “How Not to Punctuate,” but I’m not losing sleep over it.
I get that that might be like nails on a chalkboard to all you Journalism majors, but it’s really the best I can do. Here’s hoping if you put some punctuation blinders on, you’ll still be able to get some helpful tips and useful info out of my site. I always welcome your corrections, so get out your red pens and feel free to be grammar Nazis for me. But if my shortcomings are too much for you to handle, the beauty about living in a free country is you can click on that little “x” at the top of your screen and make me go away!
ps. Cindy, the commas before and after “or auto-correct mistakes” in your email are technically unnecessary and would be removed by an editor. But luckily I’m a pretty forgiving person, so I overlooked that error and kept reading your response.
Hi Mavis, I just wondered what camera you use for your great photos. Thanks!
Good question. I use a Canon EOS Rebel T3i and I love it. I’m not the best photographer, so it’s a pretty forgiving camera. It takes some great shots, makes me look way more talented in that department than I am, and is pretty easy to use. If you’re in the market for a camera, I’d totally recommend the one I have. I bought it because the reviews were great and said it was really user friendly and it totally is.
Hello- I have really enjoyed your blog! I was wondering if there are any special tricks to asking for the scrap boxes? Magic words? back flips? No but really do you just ask the manager? Thanks for the wonderful blog candy! Jessie
Although I can do a mean back flip, I figured showing off my mad skillz down the aisles of the store would be messy and make Mr. Produce man hate me. Kinda defeats the purpose, so I reserve that talent for smaller audiences. Truth though? I just asked nicely. He voiced some concerns {in his case, taking time to set the scraps aside for me and worrying I’d never consistently show up}, so we began on a trial basis. Maybe suggest that with your produce manager and see what they say?
Mavis- I am Nick Butcher’s grandma and my husband and I are both gardeners. Thanks for your website, read it every day. I also want to thank you for being so nice to Nick at the marathon. Joy
Joy, the pleasure was all ours. We had the best time surviving the Tacoma City Marathon with Nick. Should have guessed a great young man like that came from great stock who aren’t afraid to get their hands a little dirty! Thanks for reading and tell Nick we said hi!
We were wondering if your husband works full time with you or if you have income that comes in to the household as well through him.
I’m planning on winning the lottery any day now {well as soon as I start playing!}, but until that happens, my husband will continue to work his full-time job outside our home to support our family!First off, I LOVE YOUR BLOG!! I wanted to tell you that everything I click at the top of your blog, it always takes me back to June 2, 2013. It doesn’t want to take me to your latest post.
Hope it’s fixable! [A] dedicated reader, Angie
First off, thanks so much for the praise! Second, I’ve looked back on the posts from June, 2nd and the only conclusion I can come to is that the universe is trying to tell you to make the Rhubarb Walnut Muffins I posted the recipe for that day. I get it. They were that good. Seriously though, try clearing your browser’s cache and it should fix the problem!
So, the question I have is… how do you define “groceries?” Are groceries just your food, or does it include toiletries, soap/shampoo/rinse/laundry soap, toilet paper, and pet food?
Technically, Webster says groceries are anything sold by a grocer, but Webster also says the word “amazeballs” doesn’t exist, so what does he know?! I just define groceries for budgeting purposes here on the site as any food item my family eats or drinks for nourishment. So milk counts but drinkable cough medicine wouldn’t. Got it?
Why are your Gnomes in [my] yard???????? A lady in a black van put them in my front yard this evening?????
What’s weird about a black van pulling up under the cover of darkness and randomly dumping gnomes in your yard? Okay, okay. It does require some explaining, but trust me when I say it was for a super good cause. The gnomes were a part of our Send in the Gnomes fundraiser where we raised over $5,000 for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. We gnomed people across the country and had a blast doing it!
How do we send pictures to you of our garden? We tried potatoes this year, and I wanted to share our experience. Thanks!
Here’s everything you ever wanted to know {and a ton of stuff you didn’t} about how to submit your photos and stories to me. My Mavis mailbox needs a whole new crop of stories and reader submissions for 2014, so send ’em on in!
Whatever happened to Andy the Plant Whisperer?
Andy was growing something he shouldn’t have in my garden so I gave him the boot. Nuf said.
So there you have it. All your burning questions answered 5+ months after you asked them. While I’m not always super duper punctual, I swear I’ll be faster about responding going forward! Unless technology changes again and then I totally can’t be held responsible!
Peace Out Girl Scouts,
Kay Roberts says
Thank you for being YOU. Read thr first comment with such joy….never ever let a diapproving person spoil your joy of life….
GigHarborJoyce says
I would ask for the Big Cookbook and the New Cookbook!! I already have a couple of the others. And I don’t care if you miss spell or have tipos,; I’m just happy you share with us. Happy holidays!
Melissa says
Your response to Cindy’s comment was AMAZEBALLS!!!!! Thank you for being you!
Jen says
I agree! That was a great response to the negativity!
Julie Morelli says
Mavis, I just had to tell you, I simply loved your response to Cindy! I too have been hit many times by the grammar nazis. Keep ding what you love, ignore and forgive the ignorence of others.
Julie Morelli says
Ha ha, doing what you love…not ding!
Mavis says
Typos are totally addicting!
Carman says
LOVE your blog and your attitude!
Angie Lawrence says
Oh Mavis! You crack me up you really do! Just to say keep on keeping on and if you ever get to the Isle of Man – give me a call!
Warm regards
Mavis says
Angie, what is the name of the town you live in on the Isle of Man?
Angie says
Not a town at all Mavis – more of a village called Cregneash and we live in one of the old Coastguard cottages (sounds great but more like a concrete bunker) up on the hill. Email me — it would be SO cool!
Teresa says
You are very gracious to even respond to someone about grammar or spelling. It is poor manners to correct people and honestly I know a lot about OCD and other rigid behaviors, but that isn’t a good reason for that behavior. All the good you do and help you provide would certainly warrant overlooking an occassional error. Now I will break the good manners rule and say seriously Cindy, you have way too much free time if you worry about that type of stuff on a BLOG!
Mavis keep doing what you do and being a real person. That is why I follow you, not for journalist editing.
Margaret says
mine too. Picky, Picky, Picky.
Patty says
Oh man, you just made my day!
Kim Everett says
I love your website and I am not a grammar Nazi!
I had wondered what happended to Andy as well….
Bev says
I don’ t care how you spell or what post or don’t post. You just keep doing… YOU ROCk♥
PattyB says
I like Spunky Mavis! =)
Susan says
I always cringe when there is a mean comment to someone working hard (every day!) to post helpful information. Those of us who have been following you for a long time get your humor and attitude and could care less about an occassional typo, etc. We ALL do it!!!
Keep up the good work – keep being yourself and if somebody has any problem with your blog, they should definitely x out! Because you don’t need that $#@& !
Cheralee says
I am really surprised at the tone in these responses. If a reader reaches out to you to let you know how she feels about your work, why wouldn’t you appreciate the fresh point of view? Also, why even respond to something like that in a post? A private response could have been just as effective. There was nothing insulting said. In fact, Cindy didn’t even indicate that she thought Mavis was responsible for the actual errors, only that they were published. Maybe she thought someone else in charge of editing. I guess I have to hit the X, too. There are too many other blogs out there. :/
BarbaraP says
I too was surprised at the tone of the responses–well, the tone of the response to Cindy. I’m ashamed to admit I would have been far less gracious than Mavis was, and I deeply respect her for the way she handled Cindy. No one HAS to read this blog–it’s a free choice. And Mavis is under no obligations to meet our expectations of her! I applaud her for being true to herself in spite of rude criticism. You are free to go elsewhere if this bothers you, Cheralee, you do not have to read this blog! Go, or stay, in good health, and have a Merry Christmas!
Shereen says
I agree with you, Cheralee. I am a blogger who takes the time to reread things I’ve read. I still make a few typos, but if it got to the point where someone was pointing out the large number of them, I might look into trying to fix the problem, because for every person who actually voices their concern, there are many more out there that don’t and just leave. The response seems quite harsh to me and makes me feel like Mavis does not value her readers as much as she should. I overlook the typos, because I like this blog, but the response to this question (which would have been better unaddressed or privately answered) has turned me off now as well.
Beth says
As usual I love to read what you have to say- with or without the grammatical errors…. I read you blog every day and I appreciate your humor and great ideas. Please keep being the quirky imperfect person that you are- many of us out here in the land of the internet rely on your ideas to bring us joy, feed our families, and make our gardens at least a little better! Happy Holidays to you and yours!!!
Alison says
You are A. ROCK.STAR. Period! You inspire me/us out here everyday to try something new/different…all the while making us laugh out loud at the adventures. You have brought joy, laughter, envy (at the size of your garden!) and FAB recipies. Please don’t change a single teeney, tiny thing (even typos/grammar). It’s why we LOVE to come see you everyday!
PS. Thanks for answering the above questions. Like those that sent them to you initially… I had them too- HA!
Deanna A says
I am so glad I found your site! I hope when we get moved back to the states I can find a obliging grocer or 2 as I have friends that have chickens ( I see a barter coming about). Don’t stress over the journalistic stuff !! If I didn’t read some thing because of spelling error I wouldn’t have much to read, as I am a person who can pick up a publication and find a typo or grammar error >.< not the end of the world for sure. Let it be known that you are an inspiration for me to do more! Keep keepin' on
Amy says
Hello! I live in iowa and accidentally stumbled upon your blog about a year ago. I’ve been reading it ever since. Part of what inspires me about your blog is the overall encouraging, “you can do this” kind of tone that you convey. I read your blog and I feel like I don’t have to be perfect to try out new things. I can be free to try new things and even fail! I always appreciate your upbeat tone, comical pictures, and great ideas! Who cares about any typos! I think your blog is fabulous and I will continue to be an avid reader! Thanks for all the hours you put in planning, typing, and sharing!
Stacey says
I am a teacher’s aide and correct junior high schoolwork for several hours each day, four days a week. I mark every single spelling and punctuation error on all assignments for every subject. They are there to learn. On my personal time, I sometimes miss the mark with grammar and punctuation, too. In your blog, I find any errors or typos to mean that you are simply sharing with us in the context of your regular day. Thank you for taking the time to do this!
kate says
just read this yesterday — I’m a blogger with terrible grammar. I just have an editor following closely behind me. If I was a one-woman show than I would be in the same position.
Mavis Butterfield says
“Whenever you correct someone’s grammar just remember that nobody likes you.” – Jim Gaffigan
Ha Ha Ha! Mr. Hot Pockets is hilarious.
Thanks Kate.
Nichole says
That CIndy lady is truly a female dog with puppies! Who care if there’s a typo or a mis-spelling on your PERSONAL web-site that you allow us to be inspired by FOR FREE! My lord, get a life lady! And start being greatful and stop being such a crtical nit-pick.
Cecily says
That is extremely rude and uncalled for. Calling someone such a derogatory name because they voiced their opinion is just plain mean. I organize things by color and size (I’ve rearranged more than one store display and friends book case). I suppose I must be a b**** too. Even Mavis gets irritated by uneven rows of veggies. I think don’t think Cindy was being rude. She merely voiced a concern and Mavis responded graciously and appropriately. You, however, should be ashamed of yourself.
Angie says
Yes I agree with you Cecily it was a little rude to call someone a name like that – even if only hinted at – but I guess we all respond and try to be supportive in our different ways. Sometimes we don’t realise how people will take things we say, especially when written down. I’ll bet that Cindy is feeling pretty bad by now and maybe a little puzzled?
Hey ho! It’s a grate blogg end I rely reels luv it! (See what I did there?).
Aisha Rodriguez says
Love you Mavis! Stay you!
Christine says
I’m a complete Grammar Nazi, with my kids, and mostly because I love correcting and being corrected by them, but I’ve been following you since spring and haven’t noticed (or remember anyway) an unrealistic amount of errors. Thanks for what you do. My chickens are completely jealous of your birds, and I, well, I covet your boots!
May says
I am too! A Grammar Nazi I mean. As a homeschooling mom, grammar is my “big deal” and pet peeve. My kids know that a misplaced, or unused, apostrophe is the worst in my book! I point out errors around town. I even email businesses (national chains who should know better) when their store signs are incorrect! Like Arby’s had a big sign reading that their “Classic’s are Back!” They didn’t respond.
I don’t go overboard though, we have never had to diagram a sentence, and I don’t even know what some parts of speech are! We speak correctly and write correctly, although passive and active voice can be confusing.
PEggy says
Mavs = so glad you mentioned Andy the Plant Whisperer. Wondered what happened to him. Funny! Have to admit thought that I thought you were a tad bit nuts having strangers live in your basement!
Love love love your blog. You have better success with your crock pot than I do – even though I did buy the cook book you recommended. Maybe it’s because I leave at 6:30 in the am and don’t get home until 6 at night – and some of the recipes are for less time. But love your ideas.
Chill people – it’s a blog! not life or death. Remember the season: Peace and Love to all. Everyone have a wonderful Holiday and a great great new year!
Tori says
Yes, we love you, typos and all! I have recommended your blog more than any other I follow. It is like getting practical advice from your best friend or next door neighbor. Some bloggers are so polished that I can’t relate to their seemingly perfectness, but you are down to earth, and I appreciate it. You have thousands of followers for a reason…so if it ain’t broke don’t fix it! I hope you have a merry Christmas and take a few days off and take care of yourself! :). Sending love from Michigan!
Amy says
Love your answer to Cindy!
I too wondered what had happened to Andy…what a shame.
Mari says
Mavis…. You are a ‘Goddess in Gumboots’…. Love you and who cares about typo’s… we all do it.
Dena H says
Hi Mavis,
Thanks for not be perfect.
Julie says
I love your site, humor, personality, pictures, and information.
Keep up the good work!
Karen says
Hi Mavis. I just want to take a minute to thank you for your wonderful blog. I been following you for about a year now and look forward to your daily posts of gardening successes and mistakes, recipes and bargains, not to mention all your little inserts of humor. Typos?, What typos? Really, you are a joy. Please don’t change a thing.
Kris says
Eye luv tipos! I love your blog Mavis and it truly brings joy to my day!
Tracy L. says
I found you after you left another blog, and I’m SO glad I found you. You are such an inspiration! From gardens to recipes to the adventures of Lucy, I love it all! You inspire us to try new things, to think about things we might not, and be better moms, wives, friends, people! Thank you for being real and sharing your journey.
Jessica says
You are HIlARIOUS, love the last explanation, Bahahahaha!
Anita says
For the person who has some trouble with the crockpot (leaving early in the morning and coming home late at night) – we put the crockpot on a timer, to turn it off before we get home. Maybe that would work for you.
Tiffany says
This is my favorite all time post of yours! Love your response to Cindy. I’ve never noticed a misspelling before. Keep it up! don’t let your mistakes keep you down, looks like you haven’t ! I used grammar, misspellings. Capitalization
and punctuation mistakes in this because I want to and can
Christie says
This is a blog, not a novel! It’s real and one of the most active blogs I visit. I appreciate all the time and effort you put in to this. You’ve really inspired me to increase my gardening skills! Thanks, Mavis!
shilpa says
Photography serves as a tool for documenting history, culture, and life itself. It has played a crucial role in preserving important events and moments in time, from wars and revolutions to everyday life.