Now that I’m all caught up on sleep, and our bags are unpacked and all the laundry has been put away, I can finally get back to gardening again.
I started a few packets of peas in gutters a few weeks ago and put them in the greenhouse because it was too cold to plant the pea seeds outside. Yesterday I planted the rest of the peas along the edges of some wire cages I picked up last summer at a yard sale down the road from us. I’m excited.Because once the vines get going, I think it’s going to look pretty cool. Umm, and uniform which is super important if you have OCD. π
Carrots. I couldn’t wait any longer for them to grow so I dug up a few babies for a recipe I’ll be making a little later on today. Lucy the Puggle dog will help me dig up the rest of the carrots today.Β
Winter leeks! Is it weird that I don’t want to harvest them?
Garlic! Holy cannoli’s, we will have more than a years supply for garlic this year that’s for sure.
And last but not least, the front window box. The Home Depot had cyclamen in stock so I grabbed 6 plants. Now I’m on the hunt for some English daisies to fill up the rest of the window box.
How is YOUR garden growing these days? Do you still have snow? Are you going crazy yet because all you can think about is your garden?
Lucy says
I am so jealous! You leeks and garlic look amazing. It is currently -40 where I live with the windchill, I will be lucky to get stuff in the ground in June at this rate :s
Beth Patry says
I still have two feet of snow on the ground. ugh!
PattyB says
It’s going to be in the 50’s today but this is Denver. Last frost date is mid-May. =(
Erika says
We built our new square foot gardens last weekend. We have 3 4’x4′ beds (which will have 4 vertical trellises between them all), one 3’x3′ bed for the bean tower, and two 3’x6′ beds for the summer squashes. I planted lettuce, broccoli, and cauliflower seedlings, onion sets, and seeds of lettuce, spinach, sugar snap peas, carrots, and radish. I’ve started a few things inside, too, but no sprouts yet. In our part of Alabama, last frost date is March 10, so I’m ready to go!
Sophia says
Southern California has been “The Winter that Wasn’t” this year…my poor garden is so confused! The drought has made for careful watering this winter, too. I did manage to get garlic in the ground (first time planting this) and I’m looking forward to harvesting it; my carrots didn’t come up (except for 1) perhaps the seeds were old? I had some radishes and a few spinach plants in containers that did okay. I’ll be planting potatoes soon (for the hubby…he LOVES potatoes). Now…if I can just convince him we need to ditch the back lawn and put in raised garden beds!
Ellen says
The same with Tucson! The plants are confused…what did happen to Winter…?
Kristina says
Just wanted to say how jealous I am that you are already planting peas! We have a low of -13 expected for tomorrow and about 2.5 ft of snow on the ground. The piles are the end of the driveway are over my head and it seems that Spring will never come. But I suppose it still gives me time to figure out my seed order and dream of starting seeds inside (still have a few weeks to go).
Vickie says
With the high of 9 degrees today I’m completely jealous of your being out in the garden. Soon maybe it will be spring.
Dale Ann says
It’s so good to see things growing for you right now!
Yikes do we ever still have snow!!! Snowbanks everywhere half way to the roof tops and a solid 4 feet everywhere else! The whole south wall of my greenhouse has snow that’s covered all but the last 6 inches at the top…and the temps still plunge down below zero every night…-25 below last night!
Vicki says
Mavis, I wish we could garden! It’s just too cold!!! A high of 11 for Sunday in Kansas City, Mo. with snow. I am ready for spring.
Dena H says
We still have tons of snow! I don’t think we will warm up till June!!!! I live in Michigan, I am biting at the bit to get out and garden!
Spenser says
Like you, I too do not want to harvest my leeks either. They are starting to grow a bit fast now as they looked like a long period of stasis had set it for while there.
And I’m certain I will have garlic for at least a year+ took. Just got the last bits in the ground about two weeks ago!!!
Francisca says
I ordered all my seeds last night from Botanical interest. I am really excited to get them started when they get here. I am trying a lot of early varieties since our season here in Port Angeles, Wa. is so short. I am also going to use grow lights this year which I picked up at Home Depot today. So I an looking forward to get to planting.
Audrey says
How exciting! We’re in North Florida and actually did get snow recently :O How does that happen?! No one was prepared and either were our plants, however covered they were we got hit hard. We lost a lot of mature plants (a huge patch of ginger cones, a few hedges of morning lilys that were blooming so great this summer, elephant ears, hibiscus, bougainvillea etc) no crops, just our beautiful decorative guys we inherited or nursed to health from clearance racks over the year. Frustrating! Right now our arugula is out of control, kale is doing great, broccoli has a couple heads and our collards are loving life. We have a few herbs as well. Our blueberry bushes started to bloom this week as well. That’s fun! We have a ton started in our cold frame but wanted to wait until the frost to transplant. The weather is so unpredictable right now. We weren’t prepared for this weird winter! Hope to get out there and get some projects started already!
Tiffiny says
Oh man I can’t wait to get growing again haha. It was -24 here today brr so I had to settle for gardening books and planning. My daughter helped me change over the bedding in our vermicompost “the worm house” so i suppose that’s something. Got my hands dirty today at least! Looks like we’ll still be frozen for another month at least in Ontario, Canada. Love your blog Mavis π