Yesterday afternoon Lucy the Puggle dog and I were working in the backyard when all of the sudden it dawned on me that I hadn’t heard the roosters in quite a while. So I went to investigate. Sure enough, the HH got rid of them while we were away.
Can you believe that? When I asked what he did with them he told me he gave them to the Hunter up the street, who then gave them to the couple down the road who keeps chickens. {This is true because occasionally I see a “Fresh Eggs” sign out in front of their property.}
But still, what a total meany giving away our roos like that. We didn’t even get to say goodbye. Grrrr.
What do you think? I mean really, not everyone wants to be woken up at 4am by a rooster. But still.
♥ Mavis
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Kamiko says
WUT?!? I would give anything to be able to keep chickens and roosters, but i live to close to neighbors, and gives yours away? he was member of your family, you dont give away your family! 😉
darlene says
It was nice of him to do it while you were gone! Lucky he found someone that would take them, it can be hard to get rid of roosters, especially in suburbia =)
Cindy says
That’s just not right.
HH should NOT have rehomed your roosters while you were away.
Butterflyweed says
I say good riddance! Roosters get mean and will attack anyone or anything that they feel threaten their ladies. HH saved you having to get rid of them.
Constance Wheeler says
Oh no!! I love my rooster(s). Actually there’s nothing like waking up to a rooster announcing the new day. I really didn’t know how much I missed it when I lived where I couldn’t have chickens. We lost our last old pair of chickens last year and are patiently waiting until the new chicken area is built to get new ones. In the meantime, we’re enjoying fresh eggs from the neighbor’s son who is selling eggs (among other things) for his future college plans. I do know HH was just saving you the stress of having to find them homes later down the road but, oh, I’d miss them. If you find the time, just take a lawn chair out and sit by your hens and listen to them. Very soothing.
akaGaGa says
HH just lost big points with me. When there’s a disagreement in our house, nothing is done either way until we’ve come to an agreement. What he did is demeaning and selfish.
tholl says
I think he did it to spare you the stress. He knows you cannot keep them at your house, and he knows how hard it is for you to find a new home and say goodbye to them. He was only trying to help.
Barbara says
Dang. HH could have cleaned those roosters, put them in the slow cooker, and had lots of shredded chicken for you when you got home. I’d have made dinner from them. As a retiree, if someone wakes me at 4 AM after a lifetime of having to be at work at 7 AM, I’d be likely to cook them for dinner, too.
julie says
We had 4 roosters that were supposed to be hens and we thought maybe it would be ok. Crowing wasn’t so bad but then I got a birds eye view of what they do to the girls…….. we found them a new home and voila less stress in the hen house. It was amazing how much happier the girls were. I’m sorry it was unknown to you but your girls will be much more peaceful.
Ellen in Clackamas says
I’m torn about the rooster news…nice that the HH found them a new home so you wouldn’t stress about it but kind of sneaky he did it behind your back. But…better than in the crock pot!
Regarding the garden tools you showed above. If anyone is needing a new garden wagon I highly recommend that Gorilla Garden Dump Cart. My kids got me one last year for my birthday (yes..I want practical gifts!) and I love it! I can shovel dirt or gravel into it and roll across the yard and dump it. So great!
Diane says
If my husband made a decision to get rid of an animal in my home (or any other major decision) without consulting me first, HE’D be sleeping in the chicken coop. I don’t like being treated like a child who can’t be trusted to participate in important family matters, even if they involve difficult choices. Fortunately my husband and I are full partners, and we both like it that way.
Helen in Meridian says
That is what he was doing when you couldn’t reach him. And you were worried about him…ha…he was off changing things his way.
PeggyK says
I have to admire the HH. He did what you know you could not have done. Better to get rid of the roos then get fined and have to get rid of them and the girls. And he didn’t crock pot them either. While I believe in honesty I think he knew you couldn’t get rid of them – as you said they became part of the family.
Maybe that’s why your egg supplies went down. I would love chicks but I live in suburbia and can’t – and don’t even have enough sunlight for tomatoes. You talked so much last year about heirloom tomatoes I bought some at Wegmans – what a difference!!!!! Going to have to try at least one heirloom plant.
Give the HH a break – he did what you know needed to be done!
Robin in SoCal says
My memory may be off but hasn’t he pulled stunts like this before when you’ve been off on a whirlwind vacation? I guess I’d get over it pretty fast. I’ve been married along time. There’s worse things I could come home to than missing roosters! I’ve been tempted to do major remodeling while my HH has been away on fishing trips!
Latisha says
I’d say if you didn’t notice until today, then it was probably ok for him to rehome them without asking.
Sheryl G says
I hope the neighbors are WAY down the road, or he is still going to be hearing those roosters, lol!