“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” ~ Oprah Winfrey
My goals for 2018
Goal #1 – Write Like No One is Reading.
“Close the door. Write with no one looking over your shoulder. Don’t try to figure out what other people want to hear from you; figure out what you have to say. It’s the one and only thing you have to offer.” ~ Barbara Kingsolver
Goal #2 – Slow Down
Have I told you how much I LOVE New England? I totally want to live here. Oh wait, I do. Every day, it’s like opening a gift. I don’t want to ever leave.
Goal #3 – Shop Small
This past week we visited a small country store in Vermont and a cheese shop. And you can bet your last dollar I’ll be serving a large platter of pickety bits full of cheese this week.
Goal # 4 – Have a Designated Meal Prep Day
Goal #5 – Install a Vegetable Garden Done!
Garden chores are cool and all…. But so is looking out your window and not having to go outside and pull weeds. 🙂 Because really, what would be the point? The ground will be frozen in a few weeks anyway. {Weeeeeeee!}
Goal #6 – Clear Land for a Chicken Coop and Future Raised Garden Bed Area
Splash, our Blue/Black/Splash Ameraucana chicken has turned into quite the curious little bird. Is she laying eggs yet? NO, NO SHE IS NOT…. but Splash and her coop mates are so much fun to have around, we don’t mind. 🙂 Note to self: Fill chicken coop with leaves. The girls are bored.
Goal #7 – Grow 500 Pounds of Vegetables Done!
Although our garden is done producing for the year {except for the Swiss chard, but I’m done counting that!} I’m still not feeling the itch to start planning next years vegetable garden yet. I’m thinking January might be a good time to plot everything out. What do you think? Rest. Rest is good.
Goal #8 – Hook 100 Rugs
Sweet digetty! Last week I was able to get 2 rugs hooked {a small whale and a chicken pillow} and I have been busy hooking away on my 100th rug for the year and should have it finished tonight. I honestly thought I’d have this goal checked off my list months ago but hey, better late than never, right?
Goal #9 – Make a Set of Dolls
I started to cut out a set of dolls last week and well, things got in the way and the poor half cut dollies are still sitting on my dining room table. Am I the only one with a kitchen table that seems to be the best catch all spot in the house? 😉 Why does every half finished project or things that need to be put away always seem to gravitate to that space?
Goal #10 –
Make a Sampler, Frame it and Hang it on the Wall Done!
I want to make a second one though!
Goal #11 – Visit 22 Bakeries
I am so excited for my 30 days of Food storage food to be over with so I can get back to my normal routine of visiting new pastry shops and stuffing my face with desserts!!!
Goal #12 – Start a Collection
I didn’t go with the HH to the recycling center this week {I was too busy hooking} but he did pop his head in and said he didn’t see anything I’d like. Which, I found amusing for some reason. He never stops in to look around, but the one time I don’t go…. he does. Husbands are funny that way.
Goal #13 – Read {or listen to} 26 Books
This past week I’ve been listing to Leonard: My Fifty-Year Friendship with a Remarkable Man by William Shatner. Which, is really an odd choice considering the fact that I am neither a Star Trek, a William Shatner or Leonard Nemoy fan. But I do love a good biography/autobiography and this book did not disappoint.
Goal #14 – Try 12 New Canning Recipes
Yesterday I canned a new jam recipe and it ranks in at the #2 spot right behind my all time favorite carrot cake jam. 🙂 🙂 🙂 You are going to LOVE it, and I’ll be sharing the recipe on Tuesday so SAVE THE DATE…. It’s so good, you don’t won’t want to miss out.
So far this year I’ve canned:
- Apple Cider Butter
- Tomato Sauce
- Carrot Cake Jam
- Cucumber Relish
- Spiced Peach {Crazy good!!!}
- Blueberry Jam {without the mint}
- Pickled Beets {without the funky spices}
- Cherry Almond Jam {freakin’ AWESOME}
- Susan’s Lilac Blossom Jelly
Goal #15 – Secret Holiday Project Done!
On Friday I was able to restock my Etsy Shop with a few more ornaments. Mrs. HB wanted me to make her a barred rock chicken ornament so I made her one plus a few extras. Someone requested a fox, but it didn’t turn out well and I’m about ready to give up on those… I’ve also been working on the most adorable lamb ornament but it won’t be ready for a few more days.
Round two of the personalized dog bone ornaments are going in the kiln today for a glaze firing and so I hope to have all those orders in the mail tomorrow. It’s been so much fun to see what everyone has named their pooches and so far there has been only 1 repeat name. How crazy is that?
Making ornaments has been quite the learning experience this fall and it’s almost time to start working on a set of dishes {well, plates really} for our Christmas dinner. Now, if I can just decide to make them all match… or to make each plate totally different. We’ll see.
How about YOU? Did you set any goals for 2018? How are they coming along?
Read About My 2018 Goals HERE.
Karin C says
Good morning Mavis, when I was a teenager and we built our home on the farm we had pottery dinnerware and my dad had a bathroom sink made as well, it was gorgeous and everyone came to see our sink . Cold rainy snowy day here .
Cecile says
Hey Mavis, I haven’t commented yet on your new project so I thought I would today! I grew up doing ceramics as a child, my mom was an instructor so when she went to work, so did we! I think that is where my creative bug took hold. That being said, have you tried using cookie cutters to cut your shapes out? You could do multiple cut outs, a heart out of the middle of a whale etc. I love the garden stakes, what about doing the actual vegetable cut out-great for wee ones helping their parents in the garden…so many ideas so little time! lol I can’t wait to see the photos of your HH and his first snow plow down the lane!
Mel says
I’m mostly done gardening as well, but I have some fall veggies still going since we’re in Maryland and it hasn’t really frosted yet. I have new greenhouses that fit over my raised beds to try and extend the season, but I’m not sure when to put them on. Does anyone know whether it’s better to pop the greenhouses on sooner or wait for just before a freeze? They have vents and doors I can unzip if it gets hot again, so maybe I’ll just go for it.
I’m doing a mini meal prep session today to make and freeze some bread and ravioli. I’ve been meaning to learn how to make ravioli for a few years, so I’m hoping it works.
Deborah says
I vote for all different plates. I’m weird that way. LOL As for dog names, we had a Tippie Sue, gone to doggie heaven now. We have a Sandy Paws, my deceased MILs dog, and a Lily Belle. Tippie was the only one that was bought. The others are rescues.
I love your new project. They look awesome, and loads of fun. I do have a question though, do you use cookie cutters or something like that to make your designs? They are so awesome.
Nancy D says
The Barred Rock is adorable!
Sue says
I love the ornaments and that they were delivered so fast. You have very good taste in packaging, thanks for the tea samples. Love the candy canes, but my favorite is the large chicken which is a gift.
Will order again soon. You have to be very organized and motivated to do all you get done, my goodness and read too.
Alice says
I have a small hook (topped with a heart) like the ones you have your peppers hanging from. We bought ours from the blacksmith at the Puyallup fair. Did yours come from the same place?
Pj says
Dog names are like people names, the universe tells you what it has to be.
Mavis Butterfield says
I agree!
Beth says
I am still hoping to find out what Kiln you ended up buying and a little about your process. Hopefully, you will share that information soon. Love the ornaments!
Mavis Butterfield says
Hi Beth, I bought a Skutt Kiln I’m not sure of the model number though but I like it.
Beth says
Thanks Mavis! I’ve been looking into Skutt Kilns. I’m looking at one that can fire the low fire clays. Is that the sort of clay you are working with?
Mable says
You pull weeds this late in the season, until it snows, because now is the time they push to produce weed seeds that will overwinter and spring to life to plague you next spring. And the ones that reproduce via underground runners will still be making more of those if you don’t pull them up.
Libby says
i wanted follow up on my CT bakery advice I gave. I was at Bakery NV in Waterford, CT this past week and was disappointed with the very small selection of baked goods. Not sure why they changed things up. So if you decide to go to Waterford, go to CAFE NV, which is their original location. It is a restaurant though with the best salads in that county! The dessert case is immediately in front of you when you walk in the door and are incredible. Not sure this still counts as a bakery though.
Barbara N Ganttb says
If you are going to grow garlic, now is the time to plant it.
Christa H. says
I wanted the fox ornament for my fox Christmas tree- well darn! Thanks for trying though!
Mavis Butterfield says
Sorry it didn’t turn out Christa.
Torry says
I have been sewing again this week and have almost all of the cloth ornaments for this year sewn and some are stuffed. (Socks, about 100)
Next week I start the mug rugs that will be my gift of the year for friends and family.
Nicky says
Mavis! Make sure you research your glazes well if you are making plates. My mum is a potter and as a young, inexperienced potter she made my grandmother a nice blue bowl. The food reacted with something in the glaze and and poisoned her. Luckily she was fine. Hopefully modern glazes are safer, but make sure anything you use is food safe!
Linda says
In January I start getting seed catalogs. That always gets me in the mood to plan – just seeing all the vegetables my own will never look like has a way of inspiring me, and hope springs eternal.
I have a suggestion which I hope you’ll take in the spirit offered : I’d put a hat on that snowman – then the hole for the string wouldn’t look like a third eye.
Our dog’s name is Yancy. It was a name chosen by the pound, where he had been for a month. We figured he had enough trauma in his life (he’d been abused) that we didn’t need to change his name again. It’s all good. Once he got over shaking and cowering he has turned out to be a wonderful little dog. How can people be so cruel?