“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” ~ Oprah Winfrey
My goals for 2018
Goal #1 – Write Like No One is Reading.
“Close the door. Write with no one looking over your shoulder. Don’t try to figure out what other people want to hear from you; figure out what you have to say. It’s the one and only thing you have to offer.” ~ Barbara Kingsolver
Goal #2 – Slow Down
Miss Lucy has been staying warm by the fire and snacking on chewy sticks and peanut butter biscuits this past week. Oh what I wouldn’t give to know what that dog is thinking.
Goal #3 – Shop Small
I ordered a few more baskets from my favorite basket maker on Etsy; BouquetofBaskets and they arrived yesterday. Jeanne does such a wonderful job and I can’t wait to put these to good use in an upcoming project. And for those of you who asked, the table runner in the background was made by JeanElizabethStudio on Etsy. She has a few handwoven scarves up for sale right now and they are beautiful.
Goal # 4 – Have a Designated Meal Prep Day
So this goal has been much been a bust this year but hey, if you are looking for a last minute yummy food gift to send someone, Amazon has some sweet deals going on today HERE. That’s kind of like meal prep, right? 😉
Goal #5 – Done!
It looks so much prettier when it’s covered in snow. 🙁
Goal #6 – Clear Land for a Chicken Coop and Future Raised Garden Bed Area Done
All is well in the chicken world, well, at least at our place. The chickens don’t seem to mind the cooler temps and love their daily visits from their buddy Lucy. Even if we don’t let her inside to play with them.
Goal #7 – Grow 500 Pounds of Vegetables Done!
Gardening season has come to a close for the year but you read about my latest gardening adventures HERE.
Goal #8 – Hook 100 Rugs Done!
I am currently working on rug #110 for the year and I plan on including it in my Etsy shop update on January 4th.
Goal #9 – Make a Set of Dolls
Are these little ladies homely or what!? Now I just need to find them some hair and stitch up some clothes to cover their funky little bodies. When I make dolls, I never really know what they’re going to look like until I’m finished, and I think that’s part of the fun of making them.
Goal #10 – Make a Sampler, Frame it and Hang it on the Wall Done!
Goal #11 – Visit 22 Bakeries
Ding Ding Ding! We found a winner! I’ll tell you all about it next week.
Goal #12 – Start a Collection
There were lot’s of goodies to be had at the recycling center this week including a beautiful solid wood two sided child’s art easel, a rocking chair and all sorts of knick kacks {that I totally didn’t need}. I ended up going home with a vase for the vegetable stand {I think white peonies will look good in it} an angel food pan and a little beanie baby for Lucy to flop around.
Goal #13 –
Read {or listen to} 26 Books Done!
This week I’ve been listening to 22 Britannia Road and so far I am just past the half way mark. Whiskey in a Teacup just came available to me {I want to say I was like 60th in line when I reserved the audiobook} so I’ll listen to that next.
Goal #14 – Try 12 New Canning Recipes Done!
Last week I tried a new recipe with pears in it {I’ll post it sometime in January} which brought my canning total to 13 different recipes for this year. Giddy up! After mailing off seven boxes filled with homemade jams to friends and relatives for Christmas, my canning cupboard is looking a little bare. 😉
12 of the 12 recipes I canned this year:
- Red Onion Marmalade
- Cranberry Apple Jam with a Hint of Orange {A must for leftover turkey sandwiches}
- Spiced Christmas Jam
- Apple Cider Butter
- Tomato Sauce
- Carrot Cake Jam
- Cucumber Relish
- Spiced Peach {Crazy good!!!}
- Blueberry Jam {without the mint}
- Pickled Beets {without the funky spices}
- Cherry Almond Jam {freakin’ AWESOME}
- Susan’s Lilac Blossom Jelly
Goal #15 –
Secret {for now} Holiday Project Done!
Every time I open the kiln it’s like unwrapping a little box. I pulled these beauties out of the kiln this morning. I’m so glad I decided to try my hand at pottery this year and it’s been crazy fun offering the ornaments in my Etsy shop. Wrapping up the tiny treasures and sending them on their way has been a blast. I hope everyone who ordered an ornament from me this year liked them as much as I enjoyed making them.
Making things with your hands…. it’s pretty darn cool.
How about YOU? Did you set any goals for 2018? How are they coming along?
Read About My 2018 Goals HERE.
Mel says
I completed my goal of sewing reusable wrapping paper last night, and I am so very glad I did. I had debated skipping it this year because we decided to just spend Christmas together, and I started a medication that makes it hard for me to do things, but sewing is one of the things I can still sort of do, so I went for it.
So, we now have about three dozen reusable fabric Christmas bags in all sizes and reusable wooden gift tags that slide on the twill ribbons I sewed into the bags. This system will save so much time and waste on years we do bigger Christmases, but even now it’s so nice to be able to wrap a gift in 3 seconds with no waste or mess (or measuring, or cutting, or tape!), and they look so cute. I’ll probably continue to make more over the years just to offset any we’ll give away, but this turned out better than I ever could have hoped.
Mavis Butterfield says
This is such a great idea Mel and I’m glad you hade the energy to get it done.
Mel says
Thanks! I’m glad as well. It worked out nicely that I needed something where I could sit, and sewing was mostly sitting, so it really was the perfect goal and a good thing I had procrastinated a bit on it.
Mama Cook says
Mel! You’ve inspired me! Did you use a pattern? I think I’ll add this to next year’s goals!
Mel says
I didn’t use a pattern, but you basically just need to sew a rectangular bag (either by attaching two fabric pieces together or by folding one piece over at the bottom at the side). I think it needs to be a rectangle to have room to gather at the top around the gift. Here’s what I did:
1. Put right sides of fabric together. Cut a length of half-inch twill tape or ribbon (make it long enough to wrap around the the top of the bag and then tie a bow) and fold in half. Fit the fold of the ribbon into where the edge of the bag will be, but put it a few inches down from the top edge of the bag to leave room to hem the top edge of the bag.
2. Pin the edges of the bag, leaving the top edge unpinned and making sure the ribbon or twill won’t get caught except in the one spot where you want it to be secured to the bag. If you used two pieces of fabric, you’re pinning three sides here (two sides and a bottom). If you folded fabric, you’re only pinning two sides (one side and a bottom OR two sides depending on the fold).
3. Sew the sides (removing pins as you go) and then zigzag to prevent fraying.
3. Hem the top edge and top stitch.
4. Turn the bag right side out. The twill ribbon now sits on the outside and can be wrapped around as a bow. I bought the wooden tags on Amazon, and we write directly on them and slide them straight on the ribbon before tying. We will reuse them each year, but I think it was about $6 for 50.
Mel says
Good gracious. I warned you guys I was on medication. Okay, so at the beginning that was folding one piece over at the bottom OR at the side. And then you can probably guess what happened with the numbering.
Mama Cook says
Mel!!!!! Thank you!!! I’m sure I’m not the only ine benefiting from your great details!
Emily E. says
What a wonderful idea! Would you want to share the pattern for the bags and wooden tags? I would love to see pictures!
linda says
Would love to see them also! We had one burlap bag in our family, we passed it around year after year
Mel says
I just responded to Mama Cook with instructions for the bags, but it’s taking a second to post. The tags were from Amazon and were 50 for $6.99. I don’t think I can post pictures in the comments, but Pinterest has some tutorials!
Emily E. says
Wonderful thank you!!!
Mavis Butterfield says
Mel if you’d like you can always send a photo to onehundred dollars a month@gmail. com {spaces removed}.
Mel says
Oh, great! I’ll try to take some pictures and send them along. Thanks!
Rebecca in MD says
Such a wonderful idea – – – thank you for sharing this – – – I am inspired to do the same.
Charleen says
Inspired by this post the past couple of years, I set a goal to make 100 handmade cards. I am an avid stamper and paper crafter but never set a goal. I made over 140 cards. I make them into sets and give them to family, friends, and coworkers. Which is a great way to use up the stash of paper I have collected over the years.
Mavis Butterfield says
Mel says
That sounds lovely! And it’s also a truly astounding number of cards.
Emily E. says
Mavis your productivity and creativity are so inspiring! I do have a question about your jars that you send as gifts- do the recipients send the jars back to you? I know they aren’t your run of the mill canning jars. Thank you and happy holidays and Merry Christmas!!!
Mavis Butterfield says
No, I don’t request them back… they are part of the gift. I love giving them away.
Sue says
A lot of my goals fell by the wayside this year because of my husbands illness, hopeful in the new year I can start again and be productive.
One thing I never do is buy cards I use and recycle junk mail, also use card stock i’v collected a long time with the use of beautiful magazine pages. Christmas, birthdays,
Valentines Day is always one of a kind and unique and make the envelopes to match.
Mavis, you are the greatest motivator we get so much from you daily. I must say also Amazon loves me, thank you very much. So easy to shop when you can’t get out. Oh, and I have loved opening the boxes with the ornaments you go over board with the small treats. THANKS!
Rebecca in MD says
So sorry to hear of your husband’s illness – – – wishing you and your husband health and happiness in the New Year.
I donate to many charities, and as a result I will never have to buy address labels or holiday cards again in my lifetime! Sent everyone one of my free holiday cards this year and used my free address labels.
Mavis Butterfield says
I’m sorry to hear about your husband’s illness Sue. Here’s hoping 2019 will be a better year. 🙂
Lynda says
I ordered three of your ornaments and love them! Also, I’ve re-used the packing material and the box they came in. Thanks for recommending BouquetsofBaskets. I ordered two baskets as gifts and they are lovely!
Mavis Butterfield says
Thank you Lynda! I love her baskets!!! 🙂
Torry says
I’m still sewing. I finished an adult bib for a friend’s husband yesterday. And I finished 4 microwaveable bowl cozies today. Tomorrow I will try to finish all of the lounging pants that I’ve got cut out. I’ll use the rest of the uncut fabric next year. My husband decorated the tree today while I took a nap.
Leslie says
Hey! I would be super interested in a post about how you package the things you make in your etsy story. Favorite materials? Strategies? Lessons learned?
Leslie says
Oops- I meant “store” of course.
Thelma says
I love those jars! I’ve never used them , will try it in the new year ! I’m super nervous about shipping any of my canning , but would really like to share some of the ones that I make. How do you pack them, so they don’t break or lose their seal ?
Sarah G says
We love our purple Lucy bone ornament you made for us! It is hanging on our tree and the box it came in (including the shredded stuffing) has become a bed for one of my son’s favourite stuffed animals. 🙂
Mavis Butterfield says
Thank you Sarah! 🙂