My 22 Goals for 2019
Goal #1 — Spend More Time Doing What I Love
Sweet Lucy Puggle! She may not have chickens to chase around the yard, but she sure has plenty of new places to explore.
Goal #2 — Garden, Garden, Garden
Fall foliage / front porch tour is in the works! There are so many beautifully decorated homes around town {some over the top and some elegantly simple like the one above} and I’m excited to share them with you. Especially for all you peeps who live in places where fall just sort of passes you by without a big change in leaves.
After installing the boxwood hedge last week we decided to take a break from gardening and work on indoor projects this week. We installed a new towel racks and t.p. holder, painted out one of the bathrooms, hung a new shower curtain, a new mirror and now all that’s left to do is make the roman shades for the bathrooms. The fabric should be here on Wednesday so I’ve cleared my schedule for Thursday to make 2 shades… so wish me luck.
Goal #3 — Plant an Orchard {Calling it Quits on this one.}
Poor Miss Lemon! Since bringing her inside last week she’s loosing her leaves like crazy. I’ve fertilized her, and kept her roots well watered so I’m hoping it’s just the shock of coming inside after being outdoors for the past 6 months and that she’ll bounce back soon.
Goal #4 — Gussy Up the Potting Shed Done!
Goal #5 — Grow Enough Extra Vegetables, Eggs and Flowers to Earn $1500 at my little roadside vegetable stand.
It was totally my intention to grow a ton of fruits and vegetables to sell at the farm-stand when I made my list of goals for 2019 last winter, but then we moved. So, that whole goal was sort of a bust.
Goal #6 — Finish Every Single Unfinished Rug Hooking Project in My Pattern Bin + 10 Things from back Issues of Magazines/Books I’ve Been Meaning to Make.
I was able to finish 2 sunflowers and 3 pillows along with a pumpkin table runner and upload them to my Etsy shop last night which was good progress considering we are still settling in. Next week I’ll work on a special order pillow, and a few flowers and then I’ll finish up the work on my big top secret holiday project.
- 73 rugs in my pattern bin {now down to 29}
- 183 hooked flowers {finished 135, now down to 49}
- 10 “things” from back issues of magazines {finished 0}
DONE!Goal #7 — Create 12 New Rug Hooking Patterns {with at least half of them being large ones}
So far this year I’ve added 12 new rug hooking patterns and 13 beginner rug hooking kits to my Etsy shop.
New rug hooking patterns I’ve created and added to My Etsy Shop this year:
- Tullia and Thomas Turkey
- Double Nantucket Whale Runner
- Miss Henny and Penny
- Miss Penny
- Simple Kitty
- Primitive Flowers
- 2 Fat Cats
- Annabell’s Big Day
- Old Fashioned Double Tulip
- Fat Brown Hen
- Busy Little Bee
- Queen Bee
Rug Hooking Kits
- Busy Little Bee {in 2 different colors}
- Folk Art Heart
- Small Nantucket Whale
- Primitive Crow
- Miss Robin {in 2 different colors}
- Simple Kitty
- Primitive Flowers
- Sunflowers
- A Basket of Spring Posies
- Fat Brown Hen
- Chicky’s Garden
Goal #8 — Split and Stack 2 Cords of Wood for Next Winter
All that firewood! We sold it. 😉
Goal #9 — Do Something with the 5,002 Photos on My Phone
Current number of photos on phone is 13 million.
Goal #10 –Lose the Muffin Top
Moving bricks from one end of the yard to the other. That was my cardio for this past week.
Goal #11 — Run, Walk or Crawl a 5k, 10k, Half Marathon and Marathon
The planning for the inaugural Bakery and Tea Half Marathon is underway. The Girl and I are VERY excited. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Goal #12 — Read or Listen to 26 New Books {19 down, 7 to go}
I started Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen on audio-book 2 nights ago but fell asleep to it playing in the background both times. I can tell that if I can just stick it out with his monotone storytelling voice though it will be good.
Also, I snagged a few books at the library book sale the other day. Fill a bag for $5! WHAT A DEAL. I had this really clever idea to fill the bookcases in the family room with books that have red, white or blue bindings… so that’s why the collection of books I swooped up is a little eclectic.
I’ll be diving into Nowhere Near Normal, Mozart’s Starling and Lobster Rolls and Blueberry Pie first. Wahoo. 5 Bucks!
Currently on the request list:
- The War That Saved My Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley
Books I’ve Read or Listened to So Far This Year:
- Marilla of Green Gables #1 Still my favorite
- The Great Alone #2
- The Aviator’s Wife #3
- Before We Were Yours #4
- Secrets of a Charmed Life #5
- Where’d You Go, Bernadette #6
- Carnegie’s Maid #7
- The Gown #8
- Unbroken #9
- The Alice Network #10
- The Shape of Mercy #11
- Will’s Red Coat #12
- Big Little Lies #13
- Mr. Churchill’s Secretary
- I Feel Bad About My Neck
- Bunny Mellon {Doesn’t count because it was my second time}
- On Writing {Doesn’t count because it was my third time}
- Walden
- Finder’s Keepers
- Delicious!
- Following Atticus
Goal #13 — Try 52 New Recipes.
27 down, 25 recipes to go. Last week I shared a recipe for mini pumpkin cheesecakes and this past week the HH tried out a new beef stew recipe as well as a new meatloaf recipe.
Goal #14 — Clean Up 52 Old Recipes on the Blog
9 down, 44 to go. I’ll get crackin’ once fall {and cooler temps} come around.
Goal #15 — Fill 100 Canning Jars 48 down, 52 to go.
I picked up some ginger gold apples to make something… but I just haven’t figured out what yet. 😉
So far this year I’ve I canned:
- 7 jars Peach Jam
- 7 jars of Strawberry Jam
- 15 jars of Carrot Cake Jam
- 15 jars of Spiced Pear Jam
- 4 jars of Almond Pears.
Goal #16 — Finish Furnishing Our House
The good news is our two chairs and couch for the family room have arrived. The bad news is I’ve still got a boatload of painting to do in the room before we can put the furniture in position. I’ve already painted the walls and the ceiling in there but still have all the trim, the windowsills, the radiators and the bookcase/mantel area to paint.
The goal is to have the room completed by the end of November {Thanksgiving actually}. And that includes making all the art to hang on the walls, AND sewing all the roman shades for the windows.
Breaking down projects room by room is really the best way to go if you ask me. It’s stressful, but so much LESS stressful in other ways. It helps to keep me focused and on task and away from completing the house in a piecemeal fashion.
Goal #17 – 52 Dates with the HH {32 down, 20 to go}
1 date last week. It involved a pastry. 😉
Goal #18 — Take One Adult Education Class Done {I’ve taken 3!}
- I’m keeping the first class I took with my neighbor top secret for now {Mel know’s what it is though} 😉
- Spoon Carving Class with Heather.
- Mini pottery lesson {I loved it! and now I want to sign up for a full class}
Goal #19 — Secret {for now} Holiday Project
The big reveal will be on Friday, November 1st.
Goal #20 — Create 12 Wowie Zowie Party Platters
6 down, 6 to go.
Goal #21 — Visit 12 General Stores
9 down 3 to go.
I was supposed to tell you about a new general store last week but got totally distracted. Oops. Will share this week.
- Chase’s Daily {I think it should count}
- Squam Lake Marketplace
- Harrisville General Store
- Dodge’s Store in New Boston, New Hampshire
- Zeb’s General Store in North Conway, New Hampshire
- Dan and Whit’s in Norwich, Vermont
- Hussey’s General Store in Windsor, Maine
Goal #22 — Compete with Carole….. Get on My Front Door Game On
I ordered a little bling to hang in the tiny front porch alcove area for Halloween and I’ve very excited to hang it up. I’ll share a picture next week once I get it all decorated and Mrs. HB’s wreath on the door.
I LOVE this time of year!
Front Door Bling I’ve Made So Far This Year to Compete with Carole:
- Late January : Valentine Heart
- Late February : Shamrock
- Late March : Giant Carrot
- May: White wave petunia hanging basket
- June/July: Tin Star and Flag Bunting
- August : Sunflower
- September: Indian corn and pumpkins
How about YOU? What are your goals for 2019? If you told us about them HERE, check in! We want to know how you are doing. Because seriously, it’s so much easier to get those goals checked off your list when you have people rooting for you! 🙂
Have a great day everyone,
♥ Mavis
You can read more about my 22 goals for 2019 HERE.
Jen says
Pearl is a gem of a restaurant! Have fun with the cookbook!
Kay R Bowles says
Hi Mavis! Ginger Gold apples make the absolute best apple sauce!!! I just finished making 12 batches so far this fall. I am on the lookout for them here in NC every September.
Mavis Butterfield says
We tried them last year and they were AWESOME! Glad you can get them in NC.
Mel says
I’m finally getting back to my original goal of sewing a Christmas tree skirt. I have all the fabric washed, ironed, cut and organized, so next I need to play with it a bit to see what order I like the pieces in to sew them. That’s easier said than done since it takes a lot of time and room to spread them out and there are 6 sections with 12 pieces each, but I think it’s doable for this week to at least get them ordered and pinned. I did buy some back-up fabric to make a much simpler skirt in the event that this one fails or doesn’t get done. We sometimes have multiple trees, so multiple skirts won’t hurt if I finish them both.
I’m also working on some other sewing projects. I’m making curtains, pillows, and bench cushions for an area at work, and I’m also sewing reusable birthday-themed gift wrap to go with my stash of reusable Christmas wrap.
Mavis Butterfield says
You are a rock star Mel!!! 🙂 I wish I could sew as good as you.
Mel says
I’m mostly still at the beginner-make-it-up-as-you-go stage, but that’s gotten me remarkably far! I still make some absolutely hilarious mistakes—it took me a year to discover that my machine has speed settings, so I was sewing at an unnecessarily slow speed there for a while.
E in Upstate NY says
Having lived with Maine radiator heat, you may want to place a board across the top of your radiator. It will provide you with another surface to decorate, and it will give you a flat surface to sit while “cooking” your rear end. Something that I did regularly during the Maine winters.
Was in Maine at the end of September for my son’s wedding. Oh I so miss living there! There’s a place in my heart that I didn’t realize existed for Maine. Soon may join him and new wife permanently!
Marie says
I love, love, love radiators for heat! Your indoor plants will rock. Maybe Miss Lemon too!
HollyG says
Best Fireplace screen ever! We have one just like it, well mostly like it. My husband tripped over the dog and fell, landing on ours and squashing it. I straightened it the best I could and tied it all back together with heavy wire. I just couldn’t bear to throw it out. Enjoy those crackling autumn fires – maybe with a nice cup of London Fog.
Kim says
Do you still have that stunningly beautiful hooked bee hive rug to put on your living room wall? That was one of my favorite rugs you ever made and if I had gobs of money, I would request to purchase one.
I can’t wait to see all the photos of your new home….as well as all the doors of homes you will be showing us. Fun stuff, Mavis!
Mavis Butterfield says
Nope. It sold last week. But I can always make another.
Christie says
I know you’re a big fan of “On Writing”….do you enjoy Stephen King’s novels? I just finished reading his latest “The Institute”, it was really great (it’s not horror)
Carrie says
My Meyer Lemon tree drops her leaves when bringing in for the winter and will somehow survive my dry house, usually with no leaves. I sit a pan of water under the pot and mist her multiple times a week to promote humidity. I still have her outside now (I’m in NC) and noticed tiny flower buds yesterday. I am hoping I can get a lemon off her this year. I have had her 5 years and only gotten two lemons in the first winter.
Mavis Butterfield says
I didn’t think of misting… great idea Carrie!
Kathie S. says
Hi Mavis!
My daughter absolutely loves The War That Saved My Life! It is her favorite book along with The War I Finally Won. Both come highly recommended. She hopes you enjoy them as much as she did.
Torry says
1 and 2: Sew and use up my stash. I have been on a roll and have made petal gift bags (they are drawstring bags with the corners of a square turned down, to make the petals) a wall hanging and a lot of ten minute runners (they lie, even if I only time the sewing and not the pressing, etc., they take close to 30 minutes)
3: I have finished up or recycled the half done projects, so that one is done.
4: Walking each day is on hold until after my knee surgery. So February.
5: New recipes No I haven’t done well on that either.
6: Clean more often. I hate to clean, but I have been keeping up with that one.
7: Husband date night is still on track. Although it is mostly lunch dates.
8: Read more I am doing great on this one. Probably because I love to read.
9: Retire? Yes, and I love it.