Online Things
Things are moving full steam ahead in the online things category. This past week I again worked on dyeing wool, hooking new pattern #1 of 4, drawing patterns, putting together kits and basically working from sun up to sun down {and then some}.
I feel like I am working at a faster pace this year than last, so that is keeping me motivated.
At the rate I’m going now, I should have no problem checking getting everything in stock and ready to ship by the end of March. KNOCK ON WOOD!
- Reach 20,000 sales in Etsy shop MavisButterfield {I’m currently at 18,114}
- In Stock and Ready to Ship by March 31st
- Create 4 new patterns/kits
- Take all new pictures + videos for Etsy shop
- Get as much as humanly possible done online January – March of this year.
- Stop picking up my phone so much {I’m doing great with this!!}
- Spend less than 3 hours a day online {And this too!!}
- Tidy up the back end of the blog
House Things
Let’s talk about that for a minute. I forgot to include a photo of the mechanical area when I originally asked for suggestions… So I’m including one now.
When I shared pictures of the downstairs bathroom you had so many great suggestions for us… But sadly, a lot of them simply will not work. 🙁
Sprucing up the teeny tiny bathroom by hanging wallpaper, moving walls, changing up the plumbing, putting a door or wall where the barn door is now or to hide the mechanical area simply isn’t an option.
We have figured out {and ordered} the easy stuff. Things like a new t.p. holder, towel ring and shelf for the wall. We ordered a mirror but had to return it so we’re still on the hunt for one of those.
We can order a new radiator cover online and we think we’ve found a good solution for the sink. Now we’re back to the mechanical area. What the heck are we supposed to do with it!?
The screen that’s {kinda sorta} blocking the area now has to come out at an angle because if it came straight up, it would be halfway in the doorway {which is already smaller than usual}.
It’s a peculiar space, that’s for sure. Help!
- Paint The Inside Of The House {including closets!}
- Paint The Interior Window Trim
- Remodel Bathroom #1
- Freshen up Bathroom #2
- Put Stuff On The Walls
- Work on “new” Kitchen Game Plan
Garden Things
Other than going through my seed packets, and watering my indoor plants, not a lot has been going on in the garden department around here lately.
I’m trying to stay focused on the wool stuff and not think about gardening too much as it quickly becomes a HUGE distraction for me. Imagine that. I do think the key to growing 365 pounds of vegetables though will be lots of tomatoes. Tomatoes, zucchini and a few pumpkins. What do you think?
- Grow 365 pounds of food in my teeny tiny backyard.
- Install a side yard {flower} garden
- Make a Potting Bench
- Make a Garden Cart to sell flowers/veggies out front
Kitchen Things
I had possibly the BEST fruity scone I’ve had in a long time last week when the HH and I went out for our date day and now I want to try and recreate it. That {and other than making linner} is going to be what I’ll be doing in the kitchen next week.
Thank goodness for quick meals, because all I want to do is get the wool stuff done and out of the way so I can do everything else at a leisurely pace in the spring/summer/fall.
Being organized and laser focused is hard sometimes, but it always seems to pay off in the end {even if there’s no time for playing around in the kitchen these days.
- Try 12 new recipes
- Fill the canning cupboard
Travel Things
I need to renew my passport and I just found out that you can do it online. I don’t know though…. I mean I’m not in a big hurry or anything, so why do it online? Have you renewed your passport lately? Did you do it in person or online?
Also can I just say that I think it’s a huge disappointment we don’t get our passports stamped anymore. I mean really, part of the fun of having a passport was filling it up with the stamps of all the places we went!
- Explore more of the great state of Maine
- Go on a painting holiday
- Québec City
- Travel Overseas
- Send the HH on a vacation
Marriage Things
The weather was crazy cold this past week so we didn’t go out walking or do anything super exciting.
I’m hoping we can get the new outlets installed and the bathroom painted this week. There’s also a new {to us} restaurant we want try too so I guess we’ll just have to wait and see how it all shakes out.
- Keep my husband busy
- Date days
- Walk more
Secret Projects
While I didn’t have an extra moment to spare to work on either of my secret goals this past week, I did manage to order something that will help be with goal #1. It should be here next week. Yee-Haw!
I see that as a teeny tiny step in the right direction. 😉
How about YOU? Have you written down the things you’d like to accomplish this year? Did you make any progress this past week towards achieving them? Even a teeny tiny bit?
P.S. I typed this up on my new computer! I had to upload the pictures from my old computer though because I haven’t figured out the photo thing yet. Baby steps!! 🙂
- Secret Project #1 {Hoping to reveal by April 30th}
- Secret Project #2 {Hoping to reveal towards the end of the year}
Mel says
If adding walls and things like that aren’t an option in the bathroom, I think I’d buy a freestanding room divider (possibly drift wood-looking and amenable to added lobsters) that can be arranged in a c-shape or whatever is needed.
I didn’t get much done in the way of work this week because work has been a chaotic mess, so I’m planning to get back on track this coming week.