Online Things
Yesterday I finally finished dyeing all the wool for my Etsy shop. I am beyond thrilled about this. Now comes the hard part, getting it all bundled.
I think I have about 3 more days/nights of bundling wool before I can check that part off my list.
By mid week I should be able to start drawing out the rest of the patterns {that should take me a week or so} then I’ll finish making the remaining kits.
My original goal was to have all my wool dyed, patterns drawn and kits made by the end of March. It will be tight, but I think I can make it happen.
This idea of putting in major overtime during the winter months so I can relax and play during the spring, summer and fall might be my greatest time saving idea yet.
I finally finished my giant whale rug!!! This rug is HUGE and by far the largest rug I’ve ever completed. And to think I did it start to finish in 5 weeks is crazy to me.
After I serge and stitch the edges I’ll photograph it properly and draw out a few patterns for Etsy. I’m hoping to start giant whale rug #2 this week.
Online Goals for 2025
- Reach 20,000 sales in Etsy shop MavisButterfield {I’m currently at 18,445}
- In Stock and Ready to Ship by March 31st
- Create 4 new patterns/kits
- Take all new pictures + videos for Etsy shop
- Get as much as humanly possible done online January – March of this year.
- Stop picking up my phone so much
- Spend less than 3 hours a day online
- Tidy up the back end of the blog
House Things
I told the HH I needed him to cut 29 buoys for the Easter display. He just rolled his eyes. I should probably be finishing up the downstairs bathroom walls, but you know….
Priorities… It’s all about priorities. 🙂
- Paint The Inside Of The House {including closets!}
- Paint The Interior Window Trim
- Remodel Bathroom #1
- Freshen up Bathroom #2
- Put Stuff On The Walls
- Work on “new” Kitchen Game Plan
Garden Things
The great thaw is happening and I’m really hoping all those peonies and bulbs I planted in containers survived the winter.
I guess we won’t know for another month or two but after all that work… I’m hoping for a boatload of flowers.
I think it will be a few more weeks before we can get out there and start digging up the side garden, but I am looking forward to it, that’s for sure.
To be able to work outside again without a snowsuit will be really, really nice!
- Grow 365 pounds of food in my teeny tiny backyard.
- Install a side yard {flower} garden
- Make a Potting Bench
- Make a Garden Cart to sell flowers/veggies out front
Kitchen Things
Nothing going on in the kitchen these days…Other than making salads. 🙂
- Try 12 new recipes
- Fill the canning cupboard
New Recipes I’ve Shared This Year
- Velveeta Zesty Chili Dip
- Haddock and Corn Chowder
- The Best Way To Freeze Avocados
- Freezing Refried Beans
Travel Things
Things are really starting to come together for our trip overseas. I LOVE traveling, it’s probably my favorite thing, but the planning stage seems like it takes forever sometimes to figure out.
I was having a hard time lining up places to stay but then last night, everything clicked into place and I’ll be booking our accommodations this morning.
The HH has a mini break on the calendar and we have a place booked for Quebec so things are starting to come together in the travel department.
- Explore more of the great state of Maine
- Go on a painting holiday
- Québec City
- Travel Overseas
- Send the HH on a vacation
Marriage Things
It was another busy week for us but we did get out a few times to enjoy the scenery.
I was planning on doing a long beach walk yesterday but it was so stinkin’ windy, we decided just to drive along the coast instead and sit on a bench and watch the waves for a few minutes.
Winter here in Maine is not for the faint at heart, that’s for sure. I guess it just makes you enjoy the warm, sunny days when you’ve got them.
- Keep my husband busy
- Date days
- Walk more
Secret Projects
I feel like so many things are on hold right now as I finish up my giant wool project, but I am super excited {if not a little intimidated} to get started on secret goal #1.
Being able to plot everything out and put it into a timeline is incredibly helpful. It’s the best way to stay on course if you ask me.
There are so many things I want to do this year with the end goal of making our lives easier. We just have to tackle the long list of things we have in front of us to get to the “easy” part.
If only I could clone myself… Or have an extra 4 hours a day, things would go much quicker.
But we’re getting there!! One day at a time. 🙂 And that’s what counts.
How about YOU? Are you making progress with YOUR goals for 2025? What did you get done this past week?
- Secret Project #1 {Hoping to reveal by April 30th}
- Secret Project #2 {Hoping to reveal towards the end of the year}
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