Does organizing heirloom tomatoes count? Because the house it totally organized.
2. Run, walk or crawl a Marathon, half marathon, 10k, and 5k race this year.
I have my eye on two different races. One is really hilly but scenic and the other is along the waterfront. I’m still not sure which one to pick but I’m kind of leaning towards the scenic one, even if it is a lot harder.
3. Remodel our Master Bathroom, Master Closet and Monkey Boy’s Bathroom. Done!
4. Finish Every Room in Our House.
I am totally slacking off in this area. There are pictures to be hung, walls to be painted and baseboards to touch up. And I’m still on the hunt for a use round table and chairs. I know everything will get done, I just don’t think it will be this year.
5. Turn Spare Bedroom into a Cozy Home Office Space for myself. Done!
I stole the HH’s office instead and gave the extra bedroom to Lucy. She loves it.
Yesterday I pulled up a row of carrots and planted some more seeds. I’m hoping they’ll be ready in January for winter soups and a loaf of carrot cake bread or two.
7. Build a Path into the Hillside for Easy Access to the Upper Garden. Done! We built a fence instead {and I’m so happy we did!}
8. Limit my personal spending to $100 a month.
Sometimes… I need chocolate. 😉
So far in September I’ve spent $2.73
In August I Spent $27.29
In July I spent $50.82
In June I spent $6.00.
In May I spent $26.50.
In April I Spent $18.46.
In March I Spent $42.44.
In February I Spent $32.52
In January I Spent $84.33
Purge… Weekly. Find 10 things a week to donate to the thrift store or sell. Done.
I went well over the 520 items I was hoping to get rid of this year either by donating them to the thrift store or selling items at our garage sale this year. Mission accomplished. I earned $473 at the sale for my efforts.
10. Read 1 book a week.
I picked up The Stuff That Never Happened by Maddie Dawson for this weekends reading selection and it has great reviews so I’m looking forward to it.
In order to keep my hands busy and to prevent going crazy I’ve decided to make 100 mini hooked rugs. When I’m done I’ll sell them on ebay or etsy. So far I have 32 mini rugs done {I still need to finish the backs of this round}.
Maybe it sounds weird, but keeping my hands busy not only gives me something to do, but I also get to look forward to catching up on some old shows. Right now I’m on season 6 of Everybody Loves Raymond. Oh my word… he is such a whiner.
12. Canning
This past week I canned 8 quarts of delicious tomato sauce and I’m hoping to can a few more this weekend.
Did you set any goals for this year? If so, how are they coming along?
Ashley says
LOVE Everybody Loves Raymond! Gotta say, before I had children, I thought Debra was just so lazy making it sound like it was work taking care of children. Boohoo, if you’re lucky enough to stay home, surely you can take manage your kids and dote over your husband. Then I had kids….and wanted to strangle Ray, lol! I need to back and watch them over with my new perspective.
One of my faves, Marie Barone: “Don’t let a suitcase of stinky cheese be your big fork and spoon”.
Shannon says
I have been watching Cheers . . . it is great. Also, Malcolm in the Middle.
Norma says
I can’t believe you gave away straws. I am a straw freak. As long as I am drinking something cold, I want a straw. I have even asked for them on a Christmas list, birthday list, anytime anyone asks what they can give me, I tell them straws. I have double walled cups that need straws. I won’t reuse the plastic ones that come with them, because I don’t think I can really get them clean, and no, I don’t own a dishwasher, and would still feel the same. Those plastic things end up in my potted plants. I took my first IKEA trip this past Saturday, and they had straws that suit me perfectly. They aren’t too short (losing your straw into the cup is not a happy experience), and they have an opening that is just right for the tops. I also dislike the ones you buy in the grocery stores that are really thin, they also tend to be the short ones.
I use milkshake straws from the grocery store on the weekends when I am at home and using my regular iced tea glasses. They are tall enough for my double walled cups, but too fat.
Pamela says
You should watch “This Week Tonight” when you are rughooking. It’s a very good show. Hilariously funny yet often informative. That’s a rare combo.