I am going to start a new club. It’s called the twiddle your thumbs because your kids have grown up and nobody needs you and so you entire house is totally organized and some days, you walk around in circles because you have nothing to do club. Want to join?
2. Run, walk or crawl a Marathon, half marathon, 10k, and 5k race this year.
Ya, ya, ya.
Remodel our Master Bathroom, Master Closet and Monkey Boy’s Bathroom.
4. Finish Every Room in Our House.
Last week I found a great round table and 6 chairs on Craigslist. I even emailed the seller asking a few questions and everything. Then I realized {once I finally found the table I was looking for} I actually didn’t want to shell out the money just to buy a table to stage our house and then turn around and sell it when it’s time to move.
True, our current table is too big for the space, but I’m confident things will work out in the end for free. I just need to be patient. Which is something I’m really, really bad at.
On my to-do list for today: paint the sideboard I picked up this summer’s neighborhood garage sale.
5. Turn Spare Bedroom into a Cozy Home Office Space for myself.
Our cherry tomato harvests are dwindling and so I think I am going to pull my {cherry} tomato plants and plant some Brussels sprouts and root vegetables in their place instead. Garden real estate is prime this time of year because there are only so many veggies I’ll be able to grow in the coming months. Out with old and in with the new!
Build a Path into the Hillside for Easy Access to the Upper Garden.
We decided to invest in a fence instead. {Best decision ever!}
8. Limit my personal spending to $100 a month.
I didn’t buy anything other than groceries this past week. So yes, it’s true, I do in fact lead the world’s most boring life.
So far in September I’ve spent $8.12
In August I Spent $27.29
In July I spent $50.82
In June I spent $6.00.
In May I spent $26.50.
In April I Spent $18.46.
In March I Spent $42.44.
In February I Spent $32.52
In January I Spent $84.33
9. Purge… Weekly. Find 10 things each week to donate to the thrift store.
Mission accomplished. Not only was I able to donate a boatload of stuff to the thrift store, but I also made $473 at our yard sale selling my old stuff too.
10. Read 1 book a week. – My goal is to read 52 books this year
I started reading A Fall of Marigolds by Susan Meissner but got side-tracked and have not finished it yet {it’s a great read so far}. I picked up The Handmade Pantry from the library this week and after skimming through it I found 8 recipes that I want to try. 🙂 Libraries are rad.
11. Slow Down.
Confession time. I’m a hooker. Yep. When I’m not blogging or gardening, I spend my time in bed hooking rugs and catching up on movies. Hey, we all have our vices. Right?
Rather than canning this past week I’ve been freezing pasta sauce instead.
Did you set any goals for this year? If so, how are they coming along?
Tamara says
Dear Mavis, re the “twiddling your thumbs” club: NOW is the time to become acquainted with Stroller Mom. Challenge yourself (as you did in June!) and stretch. Visit your nice elderly neighbor. A real visit. By the way, I am continually amazed at all you accomplish in your garden and kitchen. You are younger than I am but quite inspiring. I am training now for a 5K, partly because of you!
Mavis Butterfield says
5k – You can do it!
Elderly neighbor- I go by about once a week and bring them something from the garden.
Stroller Mom – I know, I know, I know. 🙂
Carrie says
I love the handmade pantry book! I also got it from the library and ended up buying my own copy. The granola is my most used recipe (I reduce the maple syrup and cinnamon, use coconut oil and lots of extra nuts/seeds)
Heidi P says
I love my homemade pantry cookbook. We use the granola recipe the most too.
Mavis Butterfield says
Thanks Heidi!!
Mavis Butterfield says
Another granola recipe lover. I am going to have to make a batch.
judy zent says
Please define “personal” spending. Food only you will eat? Hooking? Books? I’m curious. Thanks.
Mavis Butterfield says
My personal spending would be wants vs needs. For example, clothing, shoes, CANDY, decor, garage sales, Starbucks type beverages {I usually only go if I have a gift card though}, stuff like that.
Vickie@Vickies Kitchen and Garden says
Someday in the future you will have grandchildren that you will adore. Bored no more!
I’m canning mustard greens in the morning. We picked two bushels! One of my goals down for the week. Have a great night.
Lisa says
Is the pasta sauce recipe you used to freeze sauce the same recipe you use for canning? Is so, are there any adjustments to the recipe for freezing vs canning?
Mavis Butterfield says
Yes it is the same recipe I use for canning. There are no adjustments. 🙂
Becky says
Kudos for freezing the pasta sauce. Looks awesome as always. As for the sideboard, are you SURE you want to paint that lovely wood? Can you tell I love woodgrain???
Mavis Butterfield says
I picked it up for $30 at the neighborhood garage sale to go in the guest room and I plan on selling it when we move from here. All the other furniture in the room is white. I know, I like the color of the wood too.
Earlene says
I started out as a stay at home mom and now a working full time grandma who’s grandchildren live 3 hours away. I wish I could stay home, but afraid I would get too stiff from arthritis if I didn’t work and move. I have so many projects to do like 15 books to read(paperback) and 45 on my kindle. I look at your Kindle book choices and usually get the free ones that look good. Read “oranges and sunshine”. Very sad and good! Thanks for the recommendations!
Libby says
If you’re bored I would like to invite you to San Diego to join my “moms with 3 under 5 club”. We will be sure to keep you busy and you’ll never say bored again! Haha