1. Get Organized.
This week I worked my way through 2 boxes of old photos. I still have 3 or 4 to go through and let me tell you Bob, it’s taking forever.
2. Run, walk or crawl a Marathon,
half marathon, 10k, and 5k race this year.
I think what I’m going to do is wake up, strap on my pedometer, and walk a marathon around town. Just go with the flow you know. No big plan, just get out there and knock 26.2 miles off. I do think it would be wise to do my personal marathon on one of the HH’s days off though just in case I need to be rescued. 🙂 Note to self: There are 50 days left in 2015.
3. Remodel our Master Bathroom, Master Closet and Monkey Boy’s Bathroom.
Okay, I need your advise. DO you think this floating shelf from the Home Depot would look good above the toilet? It would give me a couple of inches on the sides of the shelf. I have NO IDEA what I would put on the shelf but I know I need something on the wall. Should I spend the $20, or wait for a picture of some other artwork to pop up at a garage sale next summer?
4. Finish Every Room in Our House.
I’m getting there. I really do believe less is more. I’m kind of hoping someone knocks on my door wanting to buy our house and asks if we can close in 10 days or less. I’d be like, sure. I can be out in 2 hours BECAUSE I DON’T HAVE ANYTHING TO PACK. Bahahahaha.
5. Turn Spare Bedroom into a Cozy Home Office Space for myself.
6. Create a Vegetable Garden.
Nothing beats freshly dug potatoes.
7. Build a Path into the Hillside for Easy Access to the Upper Garden.
8. Limit my personal spending to $100 a month.
This week I picked up 3 little vases at the thrift store for $4.32.
I thought they’d be perfect for my primitive hooked rug sunflowers and already listed one set Ebay this week. I LOVE finding random things at the thrift store and then upcycling them.
So far in November I’ve spent $13.78
In October I Spent $128.19
In September I Spent $28.73
In August I Spent $27.29
In July I Spent $50.82
In June I Spent $6.00.
In May I Spent $26.50.
In April I Spent $18.46.
In March I Spent $42.44.
In February I Spent $32.52
In January I Spent $84.33
9. Purge… Weekly. Find 10 things each week to donate to the thrift store.
10. Read 1 book a week.
Have you read the book Living More with Less? Holy cats there are some seriously good money saving tips in there.
Blogger by day, hooker by night.
My mom called to tell me she was out of jam. 😉 Apparently they stopped selling jam at the grocery store and I need to bring her some. At this rate I’m going to run out before next spring. Eeeek!
Did you set any goals for this year? If so, how are they coming along?
Karen says
My two cents on the shelf for the bathroom is go with a piece of art. Shelves in a closed off W/C make it feel more confined.
Jane says
Blogger by day, Hooker by night. . . HAAAAA!!! I truly did a really hideous snort laugh on that one.
Terri says
#3: Picture
I hate shelves above toilets!
MarinaRose says
Hi Mavis, Do you know if there is a Turkey Trot in the Gig Harbor area?
Mavis Butterfield says
Every Thanksgiving! Holmes Chiropractic runs it and it benefits the food bank.
candy c says
Art or a mirror or a small paned window with mirrors where glass would go. Are those still popular?
Teckla says
First, how desperate are you to have “something” in your toilet room?
Second, if I were putting a shelf in there, I would use glass, or something minimalist, rather than chunky.
Third, I would consider very carefully what I plan to put on the shelf.
Fourth, consider color: something bright, medium, pale? That could help you choose type and size of shelf.
Would you really be happy with a shelf vs. a picture or sculptured piece?
When it’s time to sell, would you leave it there, or remove it? Is it worth putting up something if you would just take it down?
I know, I know, questions and more questions, but the answers might help clarify your decision.
Just my two cents worth . . .
Mel says
I really like these shelves from Target: http://www.target.com/p/threshold-set-of-2-fashion-shelves-with-2-led-candles/-/A-13507804 They come in a set of 2 shelves, and you can flip them from the orientation pictured there, so there are lots of options for decor and storage. I use the longer u-shaped part of one shelf to store toilet paper (holds 3 rolls perfectly) and the shorter u-shaped part of the other shelf to hold a box of kleenex (holds 1 box perfectly). I use the rest of the space for seasonal accents, but a candle or something would work if you didn’t want to have to change it. I find them to be a nice compromise between art and shelf storage.
Pam says
I would nix the nondescript shelf and buy small cans of tester paints to color block the toilet wall for a graphic punch of drama when you open the door.
amy says
I would go with a shelf……not nessecarily that one though. Then I would get a cute lidded basket to put on the shelf to hold feminine products etc.
Jenn says
The bathroom need color, so I would go for a piece of art with some bright colors in it.
Tracy L. says
My rule: if I don’t love it, I don’t buy it (hang it, use it). I’d rather have nothing, than something just filling a space. You don’t sound like you love it, so wait. My 2 cents. : )
Terri says
No shelves above a potty – just an accident waiting to happen. Look for a really great wallpaper for impact. Small space shouldn’t take much but would have huge impact. Easy way – just get some small cans of paint and paint a geometric design in colors you love.
linda says
No Shelf above toilet. But why not mount a couple of your fabulous hooked sunflowers there and make one with a really long stick? stem and one with a shorter stem at a slight ,natural looking angle.
Brianna says
I saw this in one of those junk magazines in the mail the other day. It is part shelf, practical, and decor? You could put a magazine rack up there too. Perhaps it is tacky vs. practical. We rent our house and we have towel bars above all of our toilets, even though the bathroom doesn’t have a shower or tub or os just a toilet room, it makes no sense to me and I think it is disgusting to hang towels above a toilet. I think it was an idea of the 90’s because at least it is a hideous as all of the flower wallpaper.
Cathe says
You asked about a shelf above the toilet I thought about something I saw the other day a table. It was long and narrow and looked really good. Maybe you could find one on shopping trips to your second hand stores 🙂