Norlande Guest House ~ Lerwick — Things didn’t go quite as planned yesterday.
Before I left the US, I had pre-scheduled a taxi to pick me up at the ferry dock and take me to the airport for the next leg of my journey. But when I got off the ferry yesterday morning the taxi driver and I were both pretty certain there’d be no little planes in the sky due to the 40 mile an hour wind and rain, and the airport wasn’t open yet so I couldn’t call and find out for sure.
So he suggested dropping me off at a cafe so I could get something to eat and wait. And so that’s what he did.
I paid £4 for 2 slices of toast, a pear and a cup of tea and then sat down and tried to eat as slowly as possible. After I was done and feeling a bit awkward because the place was starting to fill up with workers… I called the airport. And yep, all the flights were grounded.
Before I left home I had jotted down the names and contact information of 2 different possible places to stay if this sort of thing happened and LUCKY FOR ME the first one I called {and the one with the highest rating!} said they had a single room available and that YES I could check in early so come one over.
I was so happy I didn’t even ask any questions about the price or the size of the room.
The place was only about a half mile away so I didn’t need to call another taxi.
A half mile walk {partly uphill} in the wind and the rain with a 30 pound bag. It was interesting. That’s for sure.
But I made it.
The Norlande Guest House in Lerwick.
It was warm and cozy and for £50 a night, I was happy to be there.
I sent pictures to my husband and he was like… What more do you need?
Did I mention the £50 pound a night rate came with a lovely hamper filled with food?
But wait! There’s more.
Cadbury hot chocoalte. My favorite.
A heck of a bargin if you ask me.
The room also comes with its own private bathroom on the ground floor.
And all the toilet paper you could ever want.
The best part about my day though, wasn’t that I was able to get a room on such sort notice or the crazy amount of provisions included, it was something that happened yesterday afternoon.
The gist of it was … I could hear the owner talking to her son in the hallway and it was something along the lines of he wanted a little pocket money.
She told him that he had to do some work to earn it… and well, yada yada yada… When he was done hoovering, I popped my head out the door and asked him if he wanted to earn a little money by walking down to the cafe {.5 miles away in the wind and the rain} and get me a big salad as I was done venturing out for the day.
The Boy: A big salad?
Me: Yes, a BIG salad.
The Boy: Ehhh what’s in that?
Me: You know, lettuce, vegetables, maybe an egg… you know… a salad with LOTS of things in it.
The Boy: Lots of things…
Me: Yes. A big salad.
The Boy: Okay.
So I handed him some money to get a big salad and off he went.
And this is what he brought back.
A big salad. With lots of things.
Actually it was 5 different kinds of salads all in one container. When he handed me the container I almost cried it was so funny.
The element of surprise. It’s one of the best things about traveling.
Hey! Good news. The plane is flying today. Wahoooo!
Patti Vanderbloemen says
I do feel like you have taken us along on your trip!
Dee Patterson says
The Scottish are known for their kindness, I hope you get to experience it .
It’s warm here in Devon as long as you’re in the sun but Scotland has the most amazing wildlife and scenery only matched by the humour of its people.
Have a wonderful holiday !
Mimi says
What a bargain for the room. The ‘big salad’ cracked me up.
Carry on!
Jennifer says
I wanted to make a ” making lemonade out of lemons” joke with tea, but drew a blank. I bet that salad filled you up. Wonder how the boy translated it to the cafe person?!? Lol
Laura says
I have never commented on your blog, but I have to say how much I am enjoying all of the details of your trip. It is one of the delights of my day to read the next installment! I am sure you know that people travel and write like this and don’t have to pay much for their trips. Various places would let you stay there, eat there, fly there, etc. free, if you would write about your experiences. I don’t know if they have to find you, or if you could submit these posts to them and they would make you an offer. Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful time! I am looking forward to reading about the rest of your journey. Thank you for sharing!
Kath says
What an awesome adventure you’re having!
Jennifer says
You have your choice of salads in that container lol
Going with the flow is what I would call it – you are doing a good job with it
Stacie says
What a cozy little guest house! I cannot wait to check in tomorrow to see where you’re headed to next.
Joely says
What a perfect adventure! I feel like I am immersed in a really cool book, movie, virtual experience. Thank you Mavis!!
Katie C says
Haha, that’s awesome about the big salad! Have fun and thanks for sharing!
Heather says
Love reading about your adventures. Thanks for sharing
Ashley Bananas says
What a good kid.
Sue S. says
OMG I can’t believe it. You must stop to see Rachel Challoner at Barkland Croft. She sends monthly e-postcards to The Woolley Thistle in New Hampshire and then we get to see them on Corinnes bi-weekly shopcasts.
Melinda says
The big salad made me laugh out loud. Thank you for taking us along on your trip!
Lisa L says
I so enjoyed reading this post and seeing the photos
What an exciting adventure I have this trip on my life list
Nee- Nee says
Looks like a real adventure you are one brave woman Mavis!!
The room is nice and that salad is awesome!! That was a cool story
Safe travels can’t wait to hear more!!
Angela D. says
Oh-my-gosh, HiLariOus about the salad!!!! Mavis, what would you estimate
to be the age of the boy that went for your salad? Just curious…..
Safe and Happy travels to you!
Diana Peterson says
I think he’s 12 or maybe 13 at most!! He has his own chickens he cares for in the back yard and sells his own amazing freshly laid eggs to save for special items he wants the money for.
Brilliant review
Rebecca says
That teenager really thought he hit the nail on the head! It was big, and it was salad!
Thanks for the giggle and thanks for the running (funny) commentary on your trip!
Christina says
I’m loving this trip! That room must’ve felt like a haven when you found it. And the small packet of two pancakes in the food hamper made me so happy. LOL