The beauty of being a blogger is that I have a platform to share whatever note-worthy topic that pops into my head. Sometimes, the crazy stories I come across on the interweb or the random thoughts that pop into my mind aren’t really noteworthy at all {on their own}. They usually make me pause, laugh, or just plain roll my eyes and I go on about my day. So, without further ado, here are this week’s finds:

Some people are bored out of their minds at museums. Not this guy. France-based photographer Stefan Draschan keeps himself entertained by spending his time searching for people matching artworks.” He visits different museums {mostly in Paris, Vienna and Berlin} where he waits for visitors to suddenly match with a piece of art in a funny way. The results are crazy and so fun to see. None of them are staged, he just patiently waits and waits and waits for the perfect shot between people and the artworks they’re facing. Normally it’s the patron’s outfits that match the art, but sometimes their hair styles and colors, or even beards fit just right. Take a look through the gallery. It’s pretty dang cool!
The Most Complicated Hack That Ever Was
Life hacks are known for their sheer genius or their awesome time savings abilities. Apparently the Food Network missed the memo! You have to see this peanut butter hack to believe it. I laughed it was so absurd. The “hack” is that you take a sheet of parchment paper and spread peanut butter in an even layer. Then, you cover it with another sheet of parchment paper, roll it out thin with a rolling pin, and freeze it until it’s solid. Then once it’s frozen, you take it out and cut it into squares. Then you take those squares and separate them with MORE parchment paper and freeze them AGAIN. Easy peasy, right? Um, WHAT?! The internet had a field day roasting them {no pun intended}. Day made reading the comments! They’re pure gold.
You’ve Got a Friend In Me
We’ve all had friends in life, but have you ever had a friend of this caliber? A Colombian soccer fan is still able to enjoy going to games despite being both blind and deaf. Jose Richardson brings his best friend to the matches with him, and he uses his hands on a cardboard “field” to describe the plays and crowd reactions. Talk about friend goals. And I might have just bawled like a baby watching this. This is the sweetest thing!

This Is My Dance Space, That’s Your Dance Space
Does it make you crazy when your foods touch each other on your dinner plate? Clearly you’re not alone because someone came up with just the invention for you. These Food Cubby Plate Dividers can be placed on your dinner plate with a suction cup seal to keep runny food from spreading. No more spaghetti sauce sneaking into your salad; no more peach juice in your potatoes. Problem solved. Unless you’re a weirdo and you like to mix all of your foods? Which camp do you fall in? Are you a “do not touch” foodie or a “mix it all together” foodie?
And that concludes this installment of Random Goodness from Around the Web. Please make sure to leave your random responses in the comment section.
Tammy says
Haha…I totally needed those food separators when I was a kid! I still don’t like my food touching/mixing, but I can deal with it better these days. 😉
Julie P says
The two football supporters are amazing. How complicated it must be even though he must have learned the basics before he lost his sight and hearing. I’m quite old, my husband is quite obsessed with football and I’m not sure I still completely understand the offside rule after 36 years together!
The art is pretty cool, makes me think how much time does he spend on this? He must have to wait for that random perfect shot for days, weeks, months!
My children had little food separators when they were little as my son was incredibly fussy but I’ve never had a problem with mixing my foods, I always think it all gets pretty mixed up when inside anyway!
Linda says
I hate when my food touches. I actually use multiple bowls and plates at dinner. Since I wash them, I can use as many as I want.
I feel bad for the peanut butter lady. Here she thought she found a great solution to her problem only to flamed on the internet. I see where she was coming from. Sometimes you are the only one who enjoys your solution.
gina seaton says
Girl got flamed, lol! Poor thing. I hope she recovers from all the haters!
Joely says
I just have to say I love the reference to Dirty Dancing. I can’t help it. Nobody puts baby in a corner…
Peggy Ann in CT says
I love the art piece. What patience!
And I am a firm believer in the mixing of your food.
I love the hodgepodge of it all. My kids…that’s another story.
Sometimes I cannot believe I gave birth to them.
Victoria says
Nope, food can’t touch. at all. And one food must be eaten in entirety before moving to the next. My dad and brother will scoop multiple things on a fork stating ‘it all ends up in the same place!’. Well that place doesn’t have taste buds, not to mention the amount of time I spend making the food taste good only to be mixed all up!