The beauty of being a blogger is that I have a platform to share whatever noteworthy topic that pops into my head. Sometimes, the crazy stories I come across on the inter-web or the random thoughts that pop into my mind aren’t really noteworthy at all {on their own}. They usually make me pause, laugh, or just plain roll my eyes and I go on about my day. So, without further ado, here’s this weeks edition of Random Goodness from Around the Web:

There is a company called Imperfect Produce that is doing something about food waste {and you know how crazy food waste makes me!}. Basically the took the knowledge that more than 20% of the fruits and vegetables grown in America never make it off the farm because they aren’t perfect enough for grocery store standards, resulting in billions of pounds of wasted produce every year, and decided to do something about it. They created a produce delivery service focused on providing affordable fruits and vegetables to consumers. They do that by sourcing “ugly” fruits and vegetables that usually go to waste on farms. These fruits and veggies taste the exact same on the inside but look a little “wonky” on the outside so you pay less and that item doesn’t go to waste. Everyone wins! Thanks, Julie, for telling me about this super cool company!
Text a Wrong Number, Gain a Grandson
Last year a sweet little grandma texted who she thought was her grandson with details about their upcoming Thanksgiving dinner. It was a wrong number and grandma Wanda was actually texting Jamal. Well after discovering the mixup, Wanda extended the invitation to Jamal and he actually showed up for dinner. This year Wanda texted him again, although it was on purpose this time! She invited him to Thanksgiving dinner again and again he showed up. They are planning on keeping up this new tradition because they’ve actually become great friends. How awesome is that?!
Just the Two of Us
If you think phones distractions are taking over our lives, might I suggest the craziest invention ever: The Experience Tube. I’m fairly certain someone was high when they thought this up but it doesn’t mean I don’t want to try it. I’m not sure you’d have any meaningful conversations while wearing it but I can assure you there would be some laughs!
Raise your hands if you want one! ME! Have you seen these genius little MonPere Travel Pillows? It’s basically like adding two extra soft cushiony hands in place of a pillow to hold your head in place when traveling. It looks so comfortable in normally super uncomfortable travel positions. You might look like a super weirdo using one, but I’ve embraced my weirdo long ago.
And that concludes this installment of Random Goodness from Around the Web. Please make sure to leave your random responses in the comment section.
Shari Harniss says
My husband and I ordered a travel “pillow” from amazon last week called trtl. Here’s hoping it really works.
Have you seen it?
Mavis Butterfield says
Yes, I’ve seen it, let me know how he likes it, I may have to order one for my hubby too.
Shari Harniss says
Will do!
Carolina says
You referred to Wanda as a “sweet little grandma” but when I first looked at the photo, before reading the text, for a moment, I thought it was YOU!!! Her gesture was super awesome, but she sure does look young to be a grandmother!!!
On another note entirely, thank you for so much for reporting on your bakery forays this year. Your review got me to Lil’s in Kittery, Maine, a few weekends ago. It is right in my own area, and I had never even heard of it! I delicious experience. Next up, a trip to Aldi’s, also thanks to your review. Somewhat farther for me to travel, but your comments AND PICTURES, indicate that it will be well worth it. Thank you again!!!
Amber in Bend Oregon says
Love the Imperfect Produce concept. I saw this recipe and thought of you. Next time your grapes are less than stellar, maybe you and the girl could try this out
Laure says
Hungry Harvest is another company that does what sounds like the same thing as Imperfect Produce, but on the other side of the country. It operates mainly along the East Coast, but is expanding a bit inland. Love the idea for companies to do this to avoid waste!
Jennifer Meyer says
Great selection of stories today! Loved them all! I literally laughed out loud at the experience tube “this is not a joke!” Hahaha!
Angela D. says
I LOVED the story about Wanda and Jamal–thanks for sharing! It gave me a great feeling this evening!
Julie P says
What a lovely post, I love the fact that Jamal got to share thanksgiving dinner and a tradition has been imperfect produce piece I thought I would just share that Our Asda owned by your Walmart sells this produce here in the uk. You can buy a box of imperfect veg called wonky veg’ for a much reduced price. This has been going on for nearly two years now the box can feed a family of four for a week for £3.50, they hold 5kg of vegetables. Our MPs have now said supermarkets should sell them as the norm as they have really caught on. Most people don’t mind wonky veg the quality and the price count more.
As for the tubes, made me giggle.
Julie P says
Pressed the wrong button, meant to add they look like someone’s knitting mistake! The travel pillows look a bit odd but if we travelled that way I would give them a whirl!