The beauty of being a blogger is that I have a platform to share whatever noteworthy topic that pops into my head. Sometimes, the crazy stories I come across on the inter-web or the random thoughts that pop into my mind aren’t really noteworthy at all {on their own}. They usually make me pause, laugh, or just plain roll my eyes and I go on about my day.
So, without further ado, here’s this weeks edition of Random Goodness from Around the Web:

The Most Charitable Repurposing EVER
I so want to meet these ladies. Sammy Barcroft and Joanne Vines are leaders of a charity group called The Rucksack Project. Like a few others before them, they decided to turn a disused vehicle into a mobile homeless shelter. “They managed to pick up a double-decker Stagecoach bus slated for scrap, and put out an urgent call for help with its renovation into a sanctuary on wheels. Eight months, $8000, and about 70 to 80 workers later, the bus was fitted with 12 bunk beds, a lounge, and a fully-functional kitchenette. Many of the renovators involved donated their time, making the finished job worth more than $33k in total.” You have to click on over and see all of the pictures of the renovated bus. It’s so amazing and will surely keep so many without shelter dry and warm this winter!

They Don’t Make Em Like They Used to Anymore
We live in somewhat of a bigger/better/faster society these days. I think quality has gone away since people are constantly replacing their things for the next bigger/better/faster thing, so there’s no need to make things that last. Luckily, when Ross Shaddick’s mom bought their Christmas lights way back in 1969, it was during a time when quality was what mattered. Seems it worked because almost 50 years later, Ross is still using those same Christmas lights, and get this, he hasn’t had to replace a single bulb. Talk about things that last!
When Game Night Goes Awry
What on the actual planet earth is this and why are these weirdos intentionally and willingly playing? People are so odd. Okay, okay, so I laughed. A little too hard. But what on earth would possess you to volunteer to play this warped game? And I thought my family was odd?!
With all of the hunching we do over computers and phones these days, I get the need for these Lumo Lifts, but I still think they are intense. They are marketed as “The First Wearable Posture Coach,” and essentially what they do is zap you every time you hunch. If your spine isn’t straight, prepare for a jolt! Sounds like some weird practice they did in the “olden days” in the basement of some lab where you’re shocked into submission. I suspect it is effective but it seems a little extreme! Would any of you wear this or do you think it’s too much? Know anyone who’s tried it. I’m so curious as to what the intensity of the shock actually feels like? Perhaps I don’t want to know?
And that concludes this installment of Random Goodness from Around the Web. Please make sure to leave your random responses in the comment section.
Linda says
I bought a Limo Lift when it first came out. It never told me I was slouching even I was. Hopefully the newer ones are better.
Diane says
Oh, Mavis! That might be the best edition of “Random Goodness” you’ve ever put up on the blog. Thank you. A great way to start the day!
Have a good weekend.
Susan says
I bought 3 strands of “flower” lights in 1972. Still have them and they still work! Also never have replaced a bulb.
Our freezer is 43 years old with never a repair and we had our first set of washer and dryer for almost 40 years without any problem.
When it came time for a repair, there was no place that sold the parts- DH even checked appliance repair shops .
We have been in this house for 23 years. We have had to replace the stove, dishwasher, overhead microwave 3 times and a heat pump. JUNK!!!
Jamie says
I just don’t understand why anyone would think having your loved ones get snapped and possibly hurt by traps or broken glass in their feet would be funny. Also who would want to participate? Wasted money, wasted resources, and who wants to clean up broken glass? These people just want attention. Sad to think what they’ll come up with for their next viral video.
Lace Faerie says
I don’t like being zapped but if it gave a vibration like my phone on mute, I might try it. Being a quilter I often find myself hunched over the machine. It could be very helpful!