The beauty of being a blogger is that I have a platform to share whatever noteworthy topic that pops into my head. Sometimes, the crazy stories I come across on the inter-web or the random thoughts that pop into my mind aren’t really noteworthy at all {on their own}. They usually make me pause, laugh, or just plain roll my eyes and I go on about my day.
So, without further ado, here’s this weeks edition of Random Goodness from Around the Web

Dolly Parton is many things to many people. A singer, an actress, an icon, a staple in American culture. But these days many would call her a true American hero! Why? Well because she has donated 100 million books to children. 100 million. Wowza! Through her non-profit Imagination Library, which sends one book each month to registered child under the age of 5, she is spreading the joy of reading throughout the country and has been for 20 years. Her distinctive looks or voice might be what comes to mind when you think of her, but if you do a little research you’ll probably be surprised to learn how philanthropic she actually is! Go, Dolly, go!
The Story of a Dog and His Alligator
Once there was this little 12-yr-old dog who had become obsessed with a green stuffed alligator shortly after his adoption. It was his security blanket, he played with no other toys, and so his owners willingly bought 2 of the exact same toy per year to keep their little fur baby happy. But panic ensued when PetSmart, the only store that carried said alligator, discontinued it. And that is how this beautiful little story begins…
Ode to Chick-fil-A
A big thanks to reader Tiffany for sending in this hilarious little song! Enjoy all you nugget land waffle fry lovers!
A Side of Bubbles for Dessert?
Remember when bubbles were just blown and chased and popped? Move over childhood memories because there’s a new bubble in town. And it’s a tasty one. Lick-a-Bubble is the latest in cool things kids have now days that we never did. They can now make their favorite flavor or bubble, blow and eat them. Weird? Cool? Delicious? Whataya think?
And that concludes this installment of Random Goodness from Around the Web. Please make sure to leave your random responses in the comment section.
Wendy Clark says
My children all received books from Dolly. They loved it! They loved knowing a book was coming “just for them” in the mail each month. Our family is going to Dollywood in a couple of weeks for a little vacation
Jennifer says
We were lucky enough to live in Sevierville, in Sevier County where all this started. Our dd was 3 when we moved there and I remember thinking what a great program it was. We used to love to see those board books come in the mail. The Little Engine that Could was always the first as it was Dolly’s book. I’m sure things have changed, but so glad to read this is still continuing.
Anna says
Hi Mavis! Bored suburbanite here taking care of a sick kiddo so I’ve been searching for my own
Random Goodness online today. I found this little gem on You Tube about a guy who restored a 1665 pilgrim house in Mass. and thought you might like it. So amazing. Here is the link if you and your readers are interested.
Mavis Butterfield says
I LOVED this Anna. Thank you!
Marcia says
We love Dolly’s books! Sad last year when kiddo hit 5 and got the last one.
samantha surovec says
Tim Hawkins is the comedian that does the chick- fil- a song, as well as a litany of other redone songs. He is clean- humored but not out of touch, a very talented guitar player/song writer often out-doing Weird Al for parodying real life songs, a seemingly devoted father and husband, only performs at very large church venues, and has many, many videos on YouTube. My BIL turned me and the HH on to this guy and I haven’t stopped laughing yet. Look up “when rock stars get old” video for more great song comedy, but be careful-we watched YouTube for an hour once we got started!