The Handsome Husband came home from work early yesterday. He ended up preparing dinner. That in itself {the making dinner part} was huge. I should have broke out the party blowers and confetti. The man has prepared 2 meals this year. And yes, I keep track. It’s kind of hard not to. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he’s begging for a parade in his honor. Two meals? Wowza? At this rate, he’s on pace to set a personal record.
So last night, he prepared dinner. I say he prepared dinner and not made dinner because really, all he did was open a box of pasta, boil it, and add some bottled sauce. Granted, the 3 leaves of basil on top of the heaping bowl of pasta was a nice touch, but really, a trained monkey could have done it.
Now, if you think I’m looking a gift horse in the mouth, you’re wrong. I was thankful he made dinner. Really, I was. But it’s what he said AS WE WERE SITTING DOWN TO DINNER that got my feathers all in a ruffle.
The Handsome Husband walked to the table, placed the heaping bowl of pasta down, and in a rather smug tone announced
“All the best chefs in the world are men.”
Just ask the people on your blog. They’ll agree with me.
All the best chefs are men.”
“Are you saying YOU ARE A BETTER COOK THAN ME?” I questioned.
He smiled, sat down, and said “Yes”.
I said nothing.
I’m not sure if my delayed reaction was because I have been hopped up on drugs {I have the flu} or what… But really. HOW RUDE.
So Dear Handsome Husband,
If you would like to “make dinner” tonight, please make us some lasagna cupcakes. But be careful dear, they do involve a little more effort than boiling water.
Yours Truly,
Recipe: How to Make Lasagna Cupcakes
- 24 Wonton Wrappers
- 1/4 cup Parmesan Cheese
- 1/2 cup Ricotta Cheese
- 3/4 cup Mozzarella Cheese, shredded
- 3/4 Meat Sauce
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Brush a little olive oil in each muffin tin.
Place 1 wonton wrapper per muffin cavity. Then add 1 teaspoon of mozzarella cheese, pasta sauce, ricotta cheese in that order and sprinkle a little Parmesan cheese in the center.
Gently press down and cover with a second wonton wrapper and repeat.
When both layers are complete, sprinkle a little extra mozzarella cheese on top.
Bake 15-18 minutes at 350 degrees until golden brown.
Let cool about 5 minutes and carefully remove from the pan. Serve with a side salad.
Looking for a few good recipes? Check out Italian Home Cooking: 125 Recipes to Comfort Your Soul By Julia Della Croce. Amazon currently has it on sale for $19.70.
*Amazon prices can change at anytime.
Denise S says
I must try these they look and sound yummy!
Carin says
My litmus test as to whether a man can cook is to ask him to make Julia Child’s boeuf bourguignon. 😀
Robin in SoCal says
He is either cruising for a bruising or trying to get an advantage when you are not functioning at your usual 100% Rock Star self. LOL,although a lot of great chefs are men. But there is a big difference between making a dinner every now and then whenever you feel the urge to contribute and being the person responsible to put dinner on the table every night of the week. If I were a betting person I’d say the majority of the Mon-Fri meals are made by women around the world. No applause needed!
Leanna says
My dad was a chef. My mom cooked most of the meals at home. I preferred her cooking. My husband does not cook either. I do not mind because boy can he clean! I can count on one hand how many times I’ve had to scrub a toilet since we got married over 23 years ago.
So…the best chefs are women!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cher says
I am mostly in charge of making my family’s meals, but my husband rocks the bbq…he smokes/bbq’s most of our meat…I rarely cook meat indoors…he cooks up 6-8 chickens, or a pork roast and we freeze the leftovers to make soups and casseroles later…nothing beats a soup made with leftover smoked chicken or turkey! Other than browning ground beef for spaghetti type dishes or frying up some bacon for breakfast he’s the go-to chef for all the meat in our house! That being said, he thinks that if he bbq’d the meat for dinner, that he ‘made’ dinner…even if I supplied the potatoes, salad and veggies 🙂
MaryBeth says
That’s how it is in our house too. If he BBQs he’s made dinner even if I had to do everything else. I would love a meal prepared/made 100% by him 🙂
Ashley says
This is how it works at our house, too! Hubby rubs some spices on meat, watches intesensly as it cooks on the grill, and then pats himself on the back about how awesome he is. Lol. I guess I shouldn’t complain about yummy steak, pork, chicken, etc though 🙂
Erica says
Women all the way
Lori says
Wow, handsome husband must be feeling dangerous today! That is a big assumption to make. My husband can bake. Not cook. The reason he can bake so well is his anal retentiveness. LOL! Sure, I still end up baking 70% of the treats in this house, but I let him have his title of “house baker.” That being said, there are a lot of spectacular male chefs. But I gotta wonder how many of those male chefs are great because of their mothers’ and grandmothers’ teachings?
Tell HH the next time he makes a crack like that, he can spend the night in the chicken run!
Lauren says
I like that – I bet lots of awesome male chefs can’t hold a candle to their own grandmas!
Angela says
I think I would probably faint dead away if my hubby cooked dinner for us. His idea of cooking is the drive-thru, lol!!
myna lee johnstone says
i wasn’t going to look at this because i thought it would be layers of cakey things
good idea,will try this
Kate in NY says
Well, maybe the best (or most renowned) “chefs” (as in, classically trained, blah blah blah) are men – that’s probably because while they were studying hard in culinary school, their wives (or mothers) were busy at home doing the actual COOKING! I agree with your poster above – I love to cook, and my husband and kids do the clean-up while I check blogs! Works for me!
Tracy in Colorado says
Best cook I know is my wife Kellie. Cause she works hard to make it good and she cares about what wenthink.
Heather S. says
My husband probably thinks he is a better cook too… That’s because his favorite foods are hot dogs, macaroni and cheese, and fish sticks – and I hate cooking those things 🙂
Page M says
I say, if he’s the so-called better chef, let him do the cooking from now on until he realizes the error of his ways, LOL!
alliegator says
Just because most great chef’s are men (don’t get me started on a culture that discourages women from many professions) doesn’t make Handsome Husband a great chef. Sorry HH. If he’d like to become a great chef, he can take over the cooking every night, and do more than open a jar and boil water.
Samantha says
Pretty ballsy of HH to think that a blog read by mostly women would actually agree with him! :). While I think women do most of the cooking, there are some men who’s Momma’s taught them right! Hopefully you are passing on your cooking skills to both of your kids! 🙂
Crystal says
ummm….NO.HE.DID.NOT! LOL – Mavis you are a better woman than I am for being able to hold in the rant that I am sure you wished you were well enough to give! 🙂
Helen in Meridian says
Can we vote him off the island? Of all the nerve.
Mavis says
I had tears in my eyes! So funny Helen.
Jules says
Rachel Ray. Paula Deen. Luciana whats-her-name. Pam Anderson. Those few popped into my head.
Of course there is Emeril, and … probably some other guy chef out there. So yeah, the ladies take the cake. Since women have traditionally been the ones cooking over the past 2 thousand plus years, I would say the best chefs are women.
Shannon M. says
My fabulous husband whom I love with all of my being even after 15 yrs knows how to make Top Ramen really well. Chicken flavored only. I like it that way and he knows it. This is my domain and I work hard every day to remain Queen.
Although, I wll continue to strive to become more like you, Mavis.
lili says
Maybe HH is a little jealous of you. Mavis, you feed your family with $100 a month, blog, coupon rock star, bake cupcakes for the school and you are growing 2000 lbs of produce and even managed to get free produce from the market………He cannot keep up with you. He is trying to find something he can beat you at.
Lauren says
A lot of great chefs are men, but there are way more poor male cooks than poor female cooks. A lot of great gymnasts are women, that doesn’t make me more graceful than my husband…
If Y chromosomes automatically come with superior culinary ability, I know a lot of defective Y chromosomes. Perhaps your husband should request a replacement – clearly he’s been ripped off.
Ali says
Every time I watch the Top Chef tv show I think they should do a challenge where the chef has to prepare a meal with 3 kids & 2 dogs & a bunch of Hot Wheels in the kitchen, the phone ringing and a HH continuously walking in to ask questions like “Where would I find more toilet paper”? while rooting around in the cabinet that has never, ever, ever contained toilet paper (& then leaving the cabinet door open to so that above mentioned chef can whack their head on it). This may be sexist but I’m pretty sure a man would not win that contest. But hey–kudos to HH for doing 2 dinners this year. That’s 2 more than mines done.
Gina says
We make these but with canned biscuits. Just roll a little bigger than the cups and lay inside greased muffin cups. They work great. I have also seasoned the meat with salsa and used cheddar for mexican style “muffins”.