Summertime comes with inevitable sting. It’s just how it goes. Bees and wasps are out and about doing their thing, and occasionally we tick them off or get in the way. They retaliate. Sure, it would be nice if they would “use their words,” but since it ain’t gonna happen, I say we lower our Read More >>
Declining Bee Population and Pesticides
Most gardeners go out of their way to invite bees into their gardens. We know that they mean more veggies, more flowers, etc. I guess what I mean is that we know that they are pretty dang essential to our food supply. Over the last few years, the bee population has been on the decline–pesticides Read More >>
Honey Bees and Langstroth Hives
My Friend Jane and her husband Jamey picked up 40,000 bees last week for their Langstroth hives {yes those bees are riding shotgun in their van!!!} and I wanted to share her beekeeping experiences with those of you who might be interested. Jane’s first batch of bee’s died this winter after several months of super Read More >>
Friday Night at the Movies – Queen of the Sun
Tonight the Girl and I are going to feed my new bee fascination with the documentary, Queen of the Sun. The movie goes into detail about the collapsing bee colonies due to mono-culture growing practices and chemical pesticides. It also discusses the impact on the whole ecosystem, should the bee population continue to decline. If this doesn’t Read More >>
Bee Keeping: Yes or No?
{photo credit} I’ve been toying with the idea of getting bees, but I’m allergic to them {by allergic I mean swelling and hives, I do not need to carry an EpiPen}. So you’d think that’d stop me from considering bees any further, but nooo, it’s almost like a challenge–a sick one, but a challenge just Read More >>