What is it about your kids handprints that is so endearing {well, except for when they are all over the walls}? This wreath is a fun way to preserve your kiddos size just as they are and it doesn’t hurt that tracing their hands and cutting them out will keep them busy for hours. You’ll Read More >>
Easy Kids Christmas Crafts — Reindeer Root Beer Bottles
Many years ago, a mom from one of my kids’ classes brought in these cute reindeer root beer bottles for a holiday party. At the time, I thought, oh man, I gotta up my game here. This. Is. Impressive. And, I have basically wanted to copy her idea ever since. So, now that I have Read More >>
Easy Christmas Crafts for Kids: Waterless Snow Globes
Maybe since the kids are growing up and starting to plan for college, I am getting a little nostalgic, but when I pulled out my Christmas decorations this year, it wasn’t the store-bought ones that made me smile, it was the popsicle stick ornaments and pipe cleaner reindeers that seemed, well, precious {I know, cheesy. Read More >>